“Fengyun City”, although it does not dare to say that it is the largest city in the “Zhongwu Domain”, is definitely the most mysterious city, because it is not open to the public at all!

After stepping into the “Wind and Cloud City”, Ye Mo walked around and watched the flowers, all the way to the road, and his mouth couldn’t help but marvel!

Because at this moment, he finally understood what is called “the nine suns go everywhere, and the son of heaven is like a dog”!

Along the way, just because he saw the Nine Yang Realm’s peak strongmen, there were hundreds of statues, and almost every one of them was wearing the standard robe of the “Shu Jie Divine Sect”, which was obviously a kind of existence of the Sect Gate offering elders!

In addition, there are also many young faces in the crowd, these people, without exception, are all “Supreme Heavenly Sons” who come to compete!

Of course, there are also many low-level martial practitioners in the Star Meteor Realm and the Moon Hua Realm in the “Wind and Cloud City”, but most of these people are street vendors and pawns, servants under the people, the general status is low, and it is reasonable that the cultivation is inferior!

After a little more than half an hour, finally, the two “Supreme Heavenly Sons” in front of them stopped and turned around and stepped into a magnificent building!

Ye Mo looked up, only to see that this magnificent building had a total of nine floors, the top of which was straight into the clouds, dozens of meters high, and each floor above was narrower than the next layer, and the whole was tower-shaped!

And the first layer of this pagoda alone almost encompasses tens of miles in all directions, and the momentum is extremely magnificent!

Looking further down, I saw that on the plaque on the first floor of this pagoda, three dragons flying and phoenix dancing were engraved in large characters – Qing Tianlou!

“Sigh, such a tall restaurant, almost comparable to those five-star hotels in my previous life!” Ye Mo was amazed in his mouth!

“What 5 star hotel?” Fu Hongyi stayed next to him with a small face, and asked confusedly!

“Cough, nothing!”

Ye Mo snorted and changed the subject: “Let’s go in and have a look!” ”

“Hmmm!” Fu Hongyi nodded.

After the words fell, the two of them took a step forward and stepped into the “Heavenly Tower” together.

The first floor of the “Asking Sky Tower” is very open, and there are hundreds of wine tables sitting neatly in the hall!

At this time, it was dusk, Ye Mo looked up, only to see that most of the wine tables were sitting on people, these drinkers were generally very young, obviously from all over the Zhongwu Domain to participate in the “Supreme Heavenly Son”!

Despite the large number of people, the whole hall was exceptionally quiet, and the voices of the people were very small, as if they were afraid of disturbing others, and seemed to be concentrating on tasting.

Ye Mo took Fu Hongyi and found an empty wine table to sit down, only to see that this wine table was extremely thick, and the surface seemed to be made of some kind of jade, smooth and shining!

“Cough, cough!”

With a dry cough, Ye Mo grinned and slapped the table and shouted, “Little Two, get drunk!” ”

When this voice went down, the whole hall was suddenly quiet, and the needle could be heard!

A moment later, the crowd suddenly erupted

“Haha, where did this bun come from?”

“When I came to ‘Ask the Heavenly Tower’ to drink, I was actually called Xiao Er, and I was really laughing to death!”

“I think he thought that in his green building, there was an old bustard who would come and serve him!”

The crowd was all pointing at Ye Mo and snickering!


Ye Mo didn’t expect that he just casually shouted a voice, which actually attracted the collective ridicule of the entire restaurant, and was about to have a seizure!

At this moment, the afterglow of his eyes suddenly saw an extremely strange scene!

Only to see a “Supreme Heavenly Son” at the neighboring table take out a piece of sparkling “Nine Yang Crystals” and put his hand on the wine table in front of him!

And the jade paved wine table seemed to sense something, and suddenly concave a piece, engulfing the entire “Nine Yang Crystal”!

The next moment, two grooves appear again in the center of the table, one of which grunts and automatically raises a pot of wine, while the other groove raises a wine glass!

The “Supreme Heavenly Son” seemed to have long been accustomed to it, and directly took the wine jug and poured it into the wine glass to drink himself!

“Huh? What a wonderful mechanism! ”

Seeing this, Ye Mo’s eyes lit up, and he finally understood why he had been ridiculed so much before, and he couldn’t help but blush with his old face!

“Fuck, you don’t have Xiao Er to say hello in advance, isn’t this sincerely making Ben a son ugly?”

Ye Mo scolded in annoyance and anger, causing Fu Hongyi on the side to laugh incessantly!

Taking out a Nine Yang Crystal from the Sumire bag in his arms, Ye Mo looked like a model and threw it on the table with a shaking hand!

Sure enough, the jade table quickly took away the “Nine Yang Crystals” that Ye Mo had put down, and a pot and a lamp also rose up.

“Oh, it does!”

Ye Mo smiled slightly, took out a piece of the Nine Yang Crystal again, and bought a pot for Fu Hongyi.

The two of them poured wine one after another, Ye Mo was a little curious, he also wanted to see what it was like to exchange this piece of “Nine Yang Crystals” for a small bottle of sky-high wine.

Raising the wine glass and placing it in front of his mouth, Ye Mo first sniffed it with his nose, and he didn’t smell anything very special except for a faint smell of wine!

However, this wine aroma is completely different from the rich aroma emitted by the “Dan Wine” he had brewed before!

“Huh? Is this thing fake? ”

Ye Mo frowned, and then simply poured the wine in the wine glass directly into his mouth and drank it all!


As soon as the wine came down, Ye Mo took a breath of cool air, only to feel that his internal organs began to boil!

At the same time, a stream of violent “Three Talents” spread out, washing back and forth inside Ye Mo’s body!

Unfortunately, he was now the peak cultivator of the Nine Yang Realm, and the “Three Talents Force” was of no use to him at all, and he could only turn around in his body in vain, and then disperse as much as he could!

However, the liquefaction climate of the wine, the turmoil generated in his body, still made him sweat and hair through, and he couldn’t help but praise!

“Good wine!”

“It is indeed a good wine, but it is useless to us!”

Fu Hongyi also drank a cup, she was also the peak cultivator of the Nine Yang Realm, so she did not feel any other benefits except for her body feeling slightly comfortable.

“Two, you should be here for the first time to ‘Ask the Heavenly Building’!”

Suddenly, Ye Mo was next to the table, and the “Supreme Heavenly Son” who had just inadvertently demonstrated how to take wine for him suddenly asked.

“Good value for money” Ye Mo nodded to the other party, but he did not hide it, and Fu Hongyi also looked at him curiously! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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