“Mud legs! If you dare to use trickery to deceive me, do you really not know who I am? Chu Xifeng’s face was cold and fierce, and he drank fiercely!

“Who are you, me?”

Ye Mo smiled and said dismissively, “All I know is that you are a braindead who spent three thousand pieces of Nine Yang Crystals to invite me to drink, but I really want to thank you, although there are only three thousand pieces of Nine Yang Crystals, this prince is not in his eyes, but he can save the province, and with your kind of two forced people willing to pay for me, of course I welcome it with both hands!” ”


Ye Mo didn’t say this well, as soon as he said it, he undoubtedly stabbed at Chu Xifeng’s sore spot, making him unable to bear it anymore and completely run away!

“You’re looking for death!”


A furious battle spirit soared into the sky, as if it wanted to break through the blue sky and suppress the eons!

“Huh? Is this also a kind of ‘power of the Tao’? Good pure war will, it seems that you are not useless! ”

Ye Mo smiled lightly, stood in place without even moving, and was trying to show his momentum and directly crush Chu Xifeng’s momentum!

Just then, he suddenly had a clever move!

“Hongmeng Purple Qi, give me out!”


The Sea of Consciousness shook, and a deep purple stream of divine essence roared out, circling back and forth around Ye Mo’s body, enveloping his entire body in a clump!

The next moment, a powerful battle intent also rose from Ye Mo’s body, colliding violently with Chu Xifeng’s momentum in mid-air, and the two momentum were exactly the same!

“What?’ The Way of War’! This is impossible, how can you comprehend the same ‘power of the Tao’ as I am? Chu Xifeng’s face changed drastically, and he almost didn’t drop his jaw!

“Sure it works!”

Ye Mo’s pupils shrank when he saw it, and he almost cried out in excitement!

You must know that Chu Xifeng, the Prince of War Heaven, is the fourth absolute Heavenly Pride in the Supreme Heavenly Son’s list, and the “power of the Dao” he has understood is exactly the “Way of War” who is extremely good at fighting!

And Ye Mo did not comprehend the power of this Dao, but he had an even more powerful divine power, the Way of Hongmeng!

The so-called “Three Thousand Paths of Hongmeng”, as the foundation of creation, has a terrifying power that spreads ten thousand paths!

That is to say, Ye Mo was able to take the “Way of Hongmeng” as the foundation and derive all the three thousand avenues in the world!

None of them are incomprehensible, all of them are refined!

Because all the “power of the Tao” between heaven and earth is born!

And the “Way of Hongmeng” is the cornerstone of everything!

At the same time, the sword was shocked to see that Chu Xifeng alone could not restrain Ye Mo with his momentum!

However, he didn’t hesitate for long, and then he also radiated his own momentum, and the whole person was spawned into an indestructible sword, trying to stir Ye Mo into thousands of pieces!

“Haha, good to be here!”

Ye Mo laughed when he saw it, Hongmeng Purple Qi flowed up and down, and another momentum exactly like the sword swept away, it was the “Way of the Sword”!


This time, it was the turn of the sword to be surprised, he didn’t expect that Ye Mo had comprehended the “Sword Way” exactly like himself while comprehending the way of battle!

How is this possible?

You must know that in the Xuanyun Continent, most martial practitioners, even if they are amazingly gifted Ninth Order “Supreme Heavenly Sons”, after they enter the Nine Yang Realm, they will choose the most suitable “Dao Force” for them to contemplate and comprehend it, and they will not touch other “Dao Forces” in their lifetime!

Because manpower is sometimes poor, a casual kind of “Dao power” is the foundation of the formation of heaven and earth, and even if ordinary martial practitioners study asceticism for a lifetime, they may not be able to understand the mysteries of it, let alone cultivate both?

Ye Mo’s performance undoubtedly greatly surprised the two of them!

At the same time, Ye Mo was also seriously pondering the various wonderful uses of the “Hongmeng Dao”!

In fact, with his talent, he only needed a little bit of strength, whether it was Chu Xifeng or the sword, he would lose on the spot in this momentum competition!

But Ye Mo didn’t do this, first, he had just comprehended the “Way of Hongmeng”, and he had not yet fully understood the path of this “Dao Power”!

And for the first time, he fought head-on with the “Supreme Heavenly Son” of his generation!

Although there was no confrontation, even the momentum of the game made him feel an unprecedented sense of novelty!

Because whether it was Chu Xifeng or the sword, their attack methods were different from the enemies Ye Mo had fought before!

In the past, when Ye Mo dueled with the enemy in the “Land of Riots”, most of them relied on their own powerful talents, coupled with exquisite moves, to directly crush them!

But now, when facing Chu Xifeng and the sword, he actually felt a completely different way of fighting!

These “Supreme Heavenly Sons” who are famous in the “Zhongwu Domain” all have extremely powerful “Dao Power”!

For example, Chu Xifeng’s “Way of War” was actually able to derive his own war will into a Dao, and with his momentum alone, he was already stronger than the four supreme powers of the “Land of Riots” that Ye Mo had fought before!

This is still he did not shoot!

Ye Mo could even foresee that once he really made a move and perfectly integrated his “Dao Power” with his own martial arts, the power he could explode, even Fu Hongyi was not his opponent!

There is also the sword, his momentum is like an indestructible sword, with an unparalleled sharpness, if it can be integrated into the sword method, even if it is a foundation, even ordinary sword moves, it can have the power to destroy the world and the earth!

The momentum of the three lasted for half an hour!

Half a quarter of an hour later, finally, Ye Mo felt a little impatient, and immediately stretched out his hand, the “Hongmeng Dao” roared and flowed, and the momentum on his body suddenly changed!

The next moment, the “Way of the Sword” turned into the “Way of the Mountain”, and the sword only felt that his momentum had crashed into a towering mountain, and the whole person was shocked and retreated more than a dozen steps in the same place, almost falling to the ground without a butt!

And the “Way of War” turned into the “Way of Death”, and the breath of death forced Chu Xifeng to almost vomit blood on the spot, and it was also the wolf who followed in the footsteps of the sword!

This is exactly the Three Thousand Avenues of Life and Death, Ye Mo controls Hongmeng, can deduce the “Dao Force” at will, no matter what kind of “Dao Power” the other party exerts, with his talent, he can find the Phase Restraint Method in an instant, almost invincible!

“You… Who the hell are you! I will never let you go!! ”

Finally, Chu Xifeng couldn’t help but throb in his heart and watch Ye Mo’s back roar wildly! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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