The fists intersected, and a crisp sound of broken bones resounded throughout the audience!


Xie Yong screamed bitterly, only to feel an unmatched burst of strength coming from Ye Mo’s hand, directly shattering his entire arm!

But Ye Mo obviously did not intend to let him go so easily, and three more hand knives fell one after another, shaking his only remaining arm and two legs into powder!

“As far as you are concerned, I would like to ask, where did you get the courage to threaten this prince?” Looking at Xie Yong, who was rolling on the ground in pain, Ye Mo had a disdainful look on his face and his body was full of anger!


Yang Qian, who was beside him, was trembling with fright, his face was pale, how could he not have imagined that Ye Mo would be so strong, Xie Yong, who possessed the Fifth Heaven Cultivation of the Nine Yang Realm, could not even make a move in his hands!

“You… Who the hell are you? Xie Yong roared madly!

At this moment, he had already been discarded by Ye Mo and his limbs were gone, and the whole person was squirming back and forth on the ground like a maggot, the hot blood was spilled on the ground like money, and the severe pain of tearing his soul had already tormented his entire body like falling into hell, and it was better to live than to die!

“Who am I, and I’m not qualified to know with your hot chicken?”

Ye Mo smiled disdainfully and proudly said, “But I can tell you that just by virtue of what you just said, Ben Gongzi has already decided how you plan to deal with me, and how I will concoct you now, which is called treating others in the way of others!” ”

“No! Son! The little one just has eyes that don’t know Taishan, offended the Gongzi, please raise your noble hand and spare my life, I don’t dare to oppose you anymore! ”

Xie Yong heard the words, frightened his liver and gallbladder, this time, he was really afraid, fell to the ground and rolled back and forth, pleading bitterly, described as miserable! ”

“Want to ask for forgiveness now?” Late! ”

Ye Mo sneered at the corners of his mouth, “Remember, when you want to abolish others, you must also be aware of being abolished by others!” ”

“Wait! My cousin is Xie Aokun, the ‘Prince of Absolute Love’, and if you destroy me, he will definitely not let you go! Xie Yong was cornered, and he almost shouted without a word!

“Even if you dare to be tough on the verge of death, you fool really doesn’t see the coffin and doesn’t shed tears!”

Ye Mo was dumbfounded, not to mention that this bullshit “Absolute Lover” was not here at all!

Even if he could come, facing the strong people of the same generation, Ye Mo would be afraid?

As the words fell, Ye Mo’s palm reached out again, trying to scrap Xie Yong’s Dantian and let his previous lofty ambitions come true to him!

But he ignored one that was extremely serious!

At this time, Xie Yong was already seriously injured, even a little Yang Yuan’s strength up, a body strength can be described as ten does not exist, he slapped down, did not destroy Xie Yong’s Dan, but instead blasted his entire body into a ball of broken flesh!

The next moment, just listening to a series of soft sounds of “crackling”, a cultivation cave at the end of the good end was splashed everywhere by Xie Yong’s broken flesh, and the rich fishy smell came to the nose, making people feel sick!

“You… Can’t you just tap it? ”

Looking at the chaos around him, Fu Hongyi almost smiled, saying that they had a hard time finding a cultivation cave house, which was good, but it was ruined by Ye Mo, how could this still live people?

“I’ll go, why is this cargo so unbeaten?”

Ye Mo was also confused, the sky could see pity, he really just wanted to abolish Xie Yong’s Dantian…


Only Yang Qian was frightened when he saw this, and cried out in horror: “You, how dare you really commit such a poisonous hand?” ”

Ye Mo took one look at her, then opened his mouth and said in a cold voice, “Dare to make noise again, even you waste together, roll!” ”

Yang Qian’s body trembled when he heard this, and he didn’t dare to say more anymore, and almost left the cultivation cave house with a rolling belt, panicking like a dog that had lost his family!

After Yang Qian left, Ye Mo looked at Fu Hongyi with an innocent face and asked, “Hongyi, what do we do now?” ”

“What else can we do, this cave house can’t be lived, let’s find another one!” Fu Hongyi almost gritted his silver teeth and said!

Heaven can see pity, at this moment, she really wants to say to Ye Mo, can’t you stop the meeting?

Don’t you poke a honeycomb one day, and if you don’t see a little blood for a day, you won’t be able to get by this day when you’re old?

“Uh… All right! Ye Mo smiled bitterly and nodded.

After the words fell, the two of them cleaned up a little, and then got up and left the cave house, and began their divine journey, so they shuttled back and forth on the steep cliffs of Fengyun Mountain, painstakingly looking for a new place to live.

Unfortunately, at this time, it was already dark, and almost all the cultivation cave houses had been occupied by the “Supreme Heavenly Sons” who had come from all sides, and Ye Mo and Fu Hongyi had searched for a long time, but they still found nothing.

“I blame you, a cultivation cave house at the end of the good end, who was ruined like that by you!”

On the way to find the cave house, Fu Hongyi couldn’t help but complain again.

“Red, I really didn’t mean it, who would have thought that guy was so unbeaten?” Ye Mo smiled bitterly and wanted to continue explaining.

Just at this moment, Fu Hongyi suddenly stretched out his slim jade finger and pointed to a cliff not far away!

“Huh? There seems to be a vacant cave house there! ”

Ye Mo raised an eyebrow and stared at it, only to see that on that cliff, three cultivation cave houses carved into the hard mountain stone were arranged in the shape of “pin”, except for the top one cave house that seemed to have a breath floating out, the other two cave houses were all dead and silent, obviously no one was included!

“Haha, it’s a godsend, I thought we were really going to sleep in the wilderness today!”

Ye Mo laughed when he saw it, almost didn’t even think about it, and was about to rush towards the three cave houses!


Suddenly, Fu Hongyi reached out and stopped him!

“What’s wrong?” Ye Mo turned around and asked incomprehensibly.

“Something doesn’t seem right!” Fu Hongyi’s willow eyebrows fluttered slightly, and he did not come forward easily!

“Wrong? What’s wrong? Ye Mo looked confused.

“Don’t you think it’s strange?” We have just searched almost the entire back mountain of the ‘Wind and Cloud Mountain’, and we have not found a single vacant cultivation cave house, but there are obviously two here, but no one has gone to cultivate…”

Speaking of this, Fu Hongyi’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he carefully looked at the three cultivation cave houses!

The next moment, she saw a scene that would be unforgettable for the rest of her life! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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