Chapter 216 Backlash

“Squeaky, squeaky——” The white hornet yelled twice, and left with many hornets.

They didn’t leave completely either, but climbed into the black cylinder. Obviously, the white wasp took the black cylinder.

This made Ye Xing breathe a sigh of relief. With his current state, he was really afraid that the white wasp would suddenly attack him.

The Cultivation Base of the white wasp does not seem to be high in Ye Xing’s perception. Only the Cultivation Base of Nascent Soul’s sixth or seventh rank. But it can command many hornets, especially the few hornets in the Transcendent Realm, which is really incredible.

Many hornets did not enter the black cylinder, but some hornets stayed outside to guard. It is probably to prevent someone from covering the lid of the cylinder directly. Ye Xing didn’t pay attention to this either, but started to check his own situation. After all, if he didn’t have the strength, don’t say to subdue these wasps, maybe they would directly backlash.

The first thing is to solve the problem of the solidification of their Spirit Power. These damn hornets can’t think that the toxicity is so tricky that even the Spirit Power can corrode.

Ye Xing rummaged in his storage bag. Fortunately, he had a trip to the battlefield, which was quite rewarding. Otherwise, there is really no way to solve this problem.

Ye Xing searched for Medicine Pill and found a few Medicine Pills that were commonly used for detoxification. After taking them, although the effect was not very obvious, there were some effects, which made Ye Xing secretly relieved.

Anyway, there are a lot of Medicine Pills like him, as long as they have an effect, it’s a big deal to take more.

In this way, Ye Xing began to take Medicine Pill a lot, and slowly began to cultivate, gradually opening up his own veins. During this period, without knowing the reason, the white wasp flew out several times, and took a group of Yaowu Yaowei’s men to observe Ye Xing for a while.

This made Ye Xing feel a little guilty. Does this little guy feel that he has no threat to it now, and he can’t effectively control it, and wants to launch an attack on himself? Ye Xing thought this way, and by chance, he could see wisps of fierce light flickering in this guy’s eyes, which further confirmed Ye Xing’s guess…

“What should I do?” Ye Xing couldn’t help but think of a countermeasure. He is like this. If this little guy orders his subordinates to attack him, he might not know how to die. The reason why it has not launched an attack on itself is probably because it is not clear about its current situation.

Obviously, as time goes by, this little guy will become more and more unscrupulous.

However, through observations these days, Ye Xing also got a piece of news that was very beneficial to him. This little guy does not seem to have a high IQ…Otherwise, with its current injury, it absolutely has reason to order its Ma Tsai to attack itself. Because now, I don’t have much resistance at all.

Not to mention this, even when he fell into a coma that day, this white wasp also had a lot of opportunities to kill own. Although I gave it an order to stop the attack just before he fell asleep, does this kind of soul control really have such a big effect on it? He has fallen asleep, which is equivalent to handing the knife to it completely, but it has not attacked itself.

Ye Xing also speculated in the past few days, which means that the White Hornet may not know that he was really in a coma that day. Moreover, coupled with the own Divine Sense attack at the time, it may have been shocked, so it was afraid to make a mistake. In the end, maybe I control its soul, and may really have some unpredictable influence on it.

However, it can also be seen from this that this guy’s IQ is really not very high. Maybe this is Ye Xing’s chance to survive. Except for this white hornet, whose IQ is not very high, these many hornets, including those in the gods, do not seem to have very high IQs.

Although these hornets are very powerful one by one, they are just that.

“Come here!” Thinking of this, Ye Xing gave an instruction to one of the wasps without hesitation.

This wasp was one of the many wasps chasing Ye Xing that day, and one of the few wasps controlled by Ye Xing’s soul. Seeing the white hornet, Ye Xing brought a group of men to Yaowu and Yaowei not far away, and couldn’t help but command the hornet that was controlled by him.

The wasp, at the moment Ye Xing gave instructions, his eyes were a little confused. Without even struggling, he flew over obediently and landed in Ye Xing’s palm.

“This is the real soul control.” Ye Xing looked at the little guy in his palm with a very mysterious feeling. Among this group of hornet, there are a few hornet and Ye Xing who have a subtle spiritual connection, and this one in front of them is one of them. It even includes the white queen wasp.

But obviously, this hornet is much easier to control than the white hornet. Because in this look, there is only obedience to Ye Xing. Ye Xing even had a feeling that even if he ordered it to die, it would not hesitate.

But the white wasp, that is, the queen wasp, Ye Xing didn’t have the slightest certainty. Don’t say let him die, that is, whether he can listen to his orders now is two different things.

The white wasp obviously didn’t know what Ye Xing was going to do, it even squeaked twice at the wasp in Ye Xing’s palm. Ye Xing obviously didn’t know what it was talking about, but the hornet in Ye Xing’s palm did not pay attention to the white hornet’s squeak. This made Ye Xing very pleased, but made the White Hornet seem a little angry.

“I’m sorry.” Ye Xing sighed softly in his heart. Then I saw him, two fingers gently clamped the transparent wings of the wasp and tore it abruptly, and then the transparent wings of the wasp were torn off by Ye Xing, and even blood stains were brought out.

“Squeaky squeaky squeaky…” Ye Xing’s sudden action seemed to anger many wasps. Although they have low IQs, they seem to be furious when they see someone in front of them and deal with their kind in this way.

But without the white hornet’s order, the other hornet just watched and didn’t take any action. At this moment, Ye Xing was also sweating in his palms.

His purpose in doing this is to shock. Otherwise, in a few days, when the White Hornet loses awe of him, it may be time for him to die.

“Squeaking -” Sure enough, shortly after Ye Xing made this violent action, the White Hornet violently communicated with the Hornet in Ye Xing’s palm.

“Squeaky -” The hornet in Ye Xing’s palm, this time also responded to the white hornet. But in its eyes, some were at a loss, and obedient to Ye Xing.

On the contrary, the anger in the eyes of the White Hornet was even more obvious. Even staring at Ye Xing’s eyes, in addition to anger, there is the kind of merciless coldness like a snake.

“Beasts are beasts.” Ye Xing couldn’t help thinking in his heart, that he had soul-controlled it, and it even showed such a strong hostility to himself. This is the first time the white wasp has been so hostile these days.

Although Ye Xing’s current Spirit Power has almost recovered. But his current Divine Sense is still traumatized. Don’t say that he is using magical powers now, that is, using Flying Sword technique and other Martial Skills, which have a heavy burden on the soul, are all incapable.

So now, let alone, think of a way to control the soul of the white wasp.

“Thorn—” There was another sound, and another wing of the wasp was brutally torn off.

But the wasp in the palm of Ye Xing’s palm, even though it screamed ‘squeak’, but the gaze looking at Ye Xing was full of innocence.

Ye Xing was staring at this kind of eyes, and he couldn’t bear it for a while. He is not a cruel killer, and he has no intention of cruelty to small animals. Besides, this wasp has been cultivated to this level, even though it is not high in IQ. But it is definitely much smarter than ordinary animals on earth.

But what can he do? Between life and abuse of the wasp, he can only choose the latter. Because his current control over the White Hornet is really too weak.

“Go commit suicide and apologize!” Ye Xing didn’t know if he could understand such complicated words. But still issued such an instruction. Because he really couldn’t do anything, especially with the innocent eyes.

“Squeak–” There was another violent squeak. There were white hornet and other hornet, but the hornet in Ye Xing’s hand didn’t say anything. Instead, he flew out of Ye Xing’s palm swayingly, and then with a bang, his body split in an instant, and then fell to the ground, slowly blown into the distance by the wind.

“This is the end of trying to betray me!” Ye Xing stood up, and the scared White Hornet slipped into the black cylinder, which made Ye Xing breathe a sigh of relief. Obviously, the other party understood what he said. Obviously, the subtle spiritual connection between the White Hornet and Ye Xing was not only noticed by Ye Xing, but also by the White Hornet.

Otherwise, more than ten days have passed, and Ye Xing has been slowly recovering during these ten days. This group of wasps, not only did not harass Ye Xing, but also did not leave. Obviously, with this layer of fetters, the White Hornet will never leave alone without completely unraveling.

Looking at the black cylinder surrounded by many hornets, Ye Xing thought secretly.

For the time being, this level is over, but his current state. Only the body has fully recovered, and even the wasp venom has been completely eliminated. But what should I do with this Divine Sense injury?He always felt that Divine Sense could not be injured. But this time, White Hornet gave him a memory. Nothing is impossible, it’s just that he hasn’t encountered it yet.

To fully recover from Divine Sense’s injury, I am afraid that we must look for Medicine Pill in this area. But this injury had never been heard before, let alone restore the Medicine Pill used by Divine Sense, Ye Xing couldn’t help but start to worry.

This matter was done, originally intended to subdue this group of hornets, but now it’s better, the hornets and hornets did not subdue, and now they are extremely hostile to themselves. But because he subdued the Hornet, he was almost scrapped.

“I don’t know if the Great Returning Soul Profound Pill is useful for own injuries?” Ye Xing couldn’t help thinking of this Medicine Pill. After all, ten years ago, he was almost beaten up. This Medicine Pill pulled himself back from the edge of Death. Now, own state should always be better than ten years ago, right?

However, Yun Qianqian didn’t know where to get the Great Returning Soul Profound Pill back then. If I wanted to get back the idea of ​​the soul profound pill now, I’m afraid I could only ask Yun Qianqian.

Do you want to go back to find Yunqianqian again? Ye Xing always has a guilty conscience with Yun Qianqian. And he consciously owes Yun Qianqian a lot. Now that Divine Sense has been injured, it feels even more inappropriate to go back to Yun Qianqian.

But apart from her, where can I look for the shadow of the Great Return Soul Profound Pill?

Just as Ye Xing was thinking about how to recover from his injuries, at this time, the matter of him beheading iron fees and severely wounding iron steel had begun to spread all over the world.

Ye Xing, who disappeared ten years ago, unexpectedly appeared. Does this mean that Yun Qianqian, known as the famous ice beauty, will also appear. It should be noted that in the ten-year battle between Emperor Jing and Overlord City, Yun Qianqian, as the princess of Emperor Jing, has never appeared. Many people thought she was dead, even the crown prince of Emperor Jing thought so, but now Ye Xing unexpectedly appeared.

It should be noted that there were a lot of people in the Imperial City at the beginning, not to mention the Imperial City, but in the Overlord City, who thought he had two brushes, who had never had some young thoughts about Yun Qianqian?

So at this time, many people began to inquire about Ye Xing’s news, with various purposes. Especially among the imperial capitals, those with similar fame back then have gradually risen during the Ten Years’ War, and they think they have some capital for dialogue with Yun Qianqian. There are even some people who didn’t even have the courage to talk to Yun Qianqian back then.

Emperor Jing, in the palace.

The prince is now on the high throne. He listened to the report of the spy below, and his face was gloomy for a while.

In ten years, other young people came to the front desk from behind the scenes. And ten years ago, many of the big men who controlled the empire slowly retreated from the front desk to the back of the scene.

The prince is undoubtedly the representative figure who is going to the front desk. In the past ten years, he personally participated in several large-scale battles, and even among the thirty-two generals in Zongba City, several of them were very famous and died personally under his hands. Therefore, the prince at this time is much deeper and more prestigious than ten years ago.

Although there are only a few armies of the huge empire in the hands of the royal family, they are all elite. Although the other princes controlled the vast majority of the army, and even accounted for more than 90% of the imperial capital’s army, there were even more vassal and imperial clans.

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