Chapter 232 Nine Drops of Lake Water, Iron Ring Appears

With the previous experience, this time Ye Xing’s theft can be said to be more mature.

“This time, I can’t steal it drop by drop.” Ye Xing thought in his heart. After all, even if many hornets have low IQs, if he really steals like this again and again, it will inevitably arouse the suspicion of many hornets.

The so-called three things, this time Ye Xing directly stole nine drops of lake water at once. The reason why it was stealing bit by bit in the past was that Ye Xing was afraid of being discovered by many hornets and revealing some flaws. Secondly, it was the water of the lake, and he didn’t have any good ways to carry it. After all, he didn’t have any containers to carry beforehand…

But this time, he didn’t care about so much. Even if he takes some risks, he still has to bring a few more drops out. Even in order to contain this special lake water, Ye Xing took great pains to use his own Spirit Power to make a temporary container, sealing the nine drops of lake water in the center of the Spirit Power container…

“This method is really feasible!” Ye Xing couldn’t help but sigh. If you use a container for storing Medicine Pill, the special smell of lake water will inevitably leak slowly, and then it will evaporate. But with own Spirit Power for sealing, the water of the lake is difficult to penetrate out. Apart from being troublesome and preventing myself from using Spirit Power ten percent, it seems that there are really no shortcomings…

Don’t look at only nine drops of lake water. In order to seal these nine drops of lake water well, Ye Xing used almost 20 to 30% of the Spirit Power. This is the special feature of the lake water. If it is ordinary water droplets, even if it is sealed with Spirit Power, it will not use Ye Xing’s so many Spirit Power…

In addition, Ye Xing originally thought that the lake in the black cylinder had such a large area. It shouldn’t be a big problem if I only take a few drops. But Ye Xing didn’t expect that even though he only took nine drops of the lake’s water, it seemed that the water surface of the lake was faintly lowered.

This almost shocked Ye Xing. It seemed that the water of the lake was not inexhaustible. It’s not as big as it looks. So this is also the reason why Ye Xing only took nine drops.

Just this, Ye Xing also prayed secretly, don’t let the white hornet see any clues. After all, in the entire hornet race, it seems that only the white hornet is smarter. If you can really see the clues, I am afraid it is only this somewhat shrewd white hornet.

Ye Xing’s stealing action can be said to be done in one go, but it still made a lot of movement. This movement not only caused the old hornet on the shore of the lake to “squeak” twice, and even made it hide on the tree beehive. Some left-behind hornets could not help but fly out. , Is making observations everywhere…

Anyway, Ye Xing only came in Divine Sense. With the limited IQ of these wasps, naturally, he didn’t understand what happened. After all, even the old hornet in the Transcends Tribulation realm did not say much. Other hornets are far away and have low IQs, so it is even more impossible to say anything.

So they just wandered around a few times in doubt, and then flew back into their own hive. Ye Xing was even thinking about pranks, they should be busy taking care of their own cubs, how could they take care of themselves.

After Ye Xing stole nine drops of lake water, he naturally took one drop without hesitation. He naturally wouldn’t let his own state continue to weaken. Anyway, if you take one drop, you still have eight drops of lake water, and you can get more of your own Spirit Power, isn’t it…With the experience of taking lake water twice, Ye Xing is naturally familiar with it. This time he didn’t even enjoy this comfortable process. After taking the lake water, he started teleporting almost immediately, and then quietly handed the black cylinder to a few wasps not far from him. .

He also confessed in a pretentious sentence, “Why don’t your nests be guarded by hornets, it’s too careless…” Then he floated away from the black cylinder, leaving only the hornets, holding them in his hands. The black cylinder, his face was blank.

After the crime was completed, it was natural to produce evidence that was not present. So Ye Xing would naturally not stay at the crime scene…

“He actually dared to use the thorn god cone!” Besides, the four masters of the Yang family’s Transcends Tribulation middle stage, not only them, but everyone present, hardly expected Ye Xing to be so crazy.

After all, a slightly knowledgeable person will understand that using the Stinging Cone twice in a row is undoubtedly disgusting that own life is too long.

“Ye Xing is dead!” Even Yang Zhou coldly snorted disdainfully, daring to use the thorn god cone, this result was naturally predictable by him. It’s just a pity that I have several subordinates.

Because with his old-fashioned vision, it is naturally possible to see that the reason why Ye Xing used the thorn god awl was to die with several master subordinates of own. Otherwise, Ye Xing, how could he take such pains? Even let’s own subordinates are at the forefront of the attack of the thorn god cone…

After all, before, the four subordinates of own were all in front of and behind Ye Xing. But at the moment Ye Xing used the thorn god cone, the four subordinates of own were all in front of Ye Xing.

“In order to pull a few backs, I really tried desperately… I just don’t know, how many of the four subordinates of own can survive?” Yang Zhou’s gaze seemed to penetrate the space in front of him and penetrate the stabbed god. The area covered by cone energy.

After all, with Ye Xing’s state at the time, if his subordinates were sufficiently vigilant, there should still be someone who could escape. Yang Zhou couldn’t help but think so.

The release of Thorn God Cone seemed to affect the hearts of the entire battlefield. All people’s eyes were focused on the chaotic place with violent energy, and no one even noticed that Ye Xing had already done a series of operations with this sudden huge movement.

Even Yang Zhou, who had been paying attention to him, and even the many hornets, did not notice his small movements.

With the energy impact of the thorn god cone, the dust and smoke in the sky slowly came down. The four major Transcends Tribulation middle stage masters just now, and the place where Ye Xing stood, finally revealed its true colors.

In that area, no matter if it is from many hornet or the area farther away from everyone, there is not a single figure.

This is probably the place Ye Xing chose deliberately, and many people can’t help but think of it like this. Otherwise, hornet will inevitably be affected by this sudden release of violent energy.

Just like before, when Ye Xing attacked Yang Zhou, it was not only Yang Zhou, although Yang Zhou stubbornly underwent a huge attack. But the many masters of the Yang family around Yang Zhou, as well as many hornets, have all been affected.

Those who are strong and powerful can survive this aftermath. However, as long as the strength is slightly weaker, it will be instantly shredded into dregs by this violent energy…

“Are they all dead?” Everyone couldn’t help but ask such questions. Even many hornets and many Yang family cultivators couldn’t help but get weak points. Because if Ye Xing is really dead, what is the meaning of their continued fighting? It seems that the meaning of this battle is not so great.

“Good junior, you died like this. It’s really cheap for you…” Yang Zhou seemed to be about to make a summary of this battle. Although all his subordinates were killed in battle, he was very unhappy in his heart. But the four masters of the Transcends Tribulation middle stage, for the Yang family, will not put the Yang family in a desperate situation. As long as his Yang Zhou is still alive, then his Yang family is as solid as gold…

Although I also know that Yang Chong’s death, many wasps are also to blame. But many wasps, after all, are just mindless Demonic Beasts. If it is a soft persimmon, then he will naturally be killed, but many hornets are obviously also difficult bones to chew. So at this time, he couldn’t help but have the idea of ​​strike.

Besides, it’s a deadlock with Demonic Beasts without brain…If the strength is obviously strong, it will naturally be confronted with upright soldiers. But now that they are evenly matched, fighting a war of attrition with No Brain Demonic Beasts is not worthwhile no matter how you look at it.

“Unexpectedly, Ye Xing died like this.” With Yang Zhou’s concluding remarks, other people couldn’t help but start talking.

Regarding Yang Zhou’s vision, everyone, even arrogant, was very convinced. He gave all his judgments, so what could be wrong?

“It’s a pity that a good opponent!” Zhang Kuang couldn’t help sighing, and even gave birth to the illusion of being a master of loneliness.

“Ye Xing, I didn’t expect you to die like this. The general will be too late!” At this time, among the crowd, all the stars walked out like a moon. Dare to claim to be a “general general”, needless to say that his subordinates also have more than ten million cultivators.

It should be noted that there are now a hundred thousand commanders, a million commanders, tens of millions commanders, and hundreds of millions commanders. Being able to claim to be a general, his identity and status are absolutely extraordinary.

It can be seen from Yuchi Lianyan and Ye Ming that even Tiefei and Tiegang each have a huge reputation. In the battlefield, the slain Zongba City was retreating steadily, and they all played their names one by one. But they are only leaders at the command level, and even arrogant, they are also leaders at the command level. But now, there are people claiming to be general…

It is important to know that in the entire Imperial Capital, there are rare figures at the general level.

So this person who claimed to be the ‘general commander’ caught everyone’s attention at once, even Yang Zhou, a master like this, couldn’t help but look at the incoming person.

“This general is still thinking that he personally ended Ye Xing’s this dog and dared to kill the leader of my Tie Family. It is really bold. Whoever thinks, this commander is a step too late… This dog is so fast, just Destined to go to Yellow Springs.” With the support of many masters, the man walked towards the center of the battlefield step by step.Regardless of the others, but from his aura and the aura of the many masters who guard him, it is not comparable to other characters. Among those present, I am afraid that only a giant like Yang Zhou can suppress him. But at this moment, Yang Zhou was already useless. Not only was his head husky, his condition was very bad, and even his clothes were in tatters, and even there were blood stains on it.

“I have seen the generals of the iron ring!” The one who saluted first was arrogant. He hurriedly walked out of the crowd and saluted the hoop cupped hands.

“You are… it turned out to be the leader of Zhang Kuang. I didn’t expect you to be here, so let’s go with this general!” The man waved to Zhang Kuang. It’s more arrogant, but he looks very respectful to this person. Because the person here is not someone else, it is the most upright and prestigious master at the moment, and the strongest figure in the imperial capital in recent years.

“Yes!” Zhang Kuang obediently followed behind the hoop and became a member of Zhongxing Pengyue.

Originally, he didn’t want to be arrogant, and he also had his arrogance. But with the ability of the iron ring, those people who came to the battlefield in the Imperial Capital tonight, with the ability of the iron ring, it is very likely that it was found out. So after thinking about it, Zhang Kuang thinks it is safest to run out to be a little brother. He doesn’t want to offend this hoop…

“It turned out to be the general of Iron Ring!” Even at this time, even Yang Zhou couldn’t help but cupped hands to Iron Ring slightly.

There is no reason for him, because at this time, the strongest person present is the group of people brought by the iron ring. Moreover, Houhuan not only represents himself, but also represents His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

In today’s world, who doesn’t know that the prince of the Dayun Dynasty, the Zongba City defeated by himself, is constantly shrinking. With one’s own strength, the entire Hongmeng Continent that was stirred was fluctuating and turned upside down. As the confidant of the crown prince, and their Yang family as a vassal force of the emperor, the iron ring naturally deserves his courtesy.

“It turned out to be Yang Zhou senior, you are polite.” Hoi Huan also said with cupped hands. Appears to be equal to Yang Zhou.

It stands to reason that, regardless of its reputation or Cultivation Base, Iron Ring cannot be compared with Yang Zhou. But he acted in this way, obviously putting himself and Yang Zhou on the same level, and everyone, including Yang Zhou, didn’t think it was wrong.

This is the power of the head of the twelve iron men, this is the power of the Ten Thousand Generals.

“I had promised the prince, I, Iron Ring, personally came to kill Ye Xing this Li, but I didn’t expect that Yang Zhou senior was one step ahead and completed the task for me ahead of time.” Iron Ring smiled.

“Where is it, it’s that the old man has broken the iron ring a little bit.” Yang Zhou reluctantly stayed patiently and was polite with the iron ring, and his posture was a little low. If he really followed his strength, Yang Zhou didn’t need to give Hoop a good face, let alone lower his posture.

But Yang Zhou also knew that with the collapse of Zongba City, once the prince took the Zongba City, the next step would be their neutral forces, even if they are now vassals of the Emperor…

Therefore, it is obviously necessary to make good friends with Iron Ring, who have a very important role in the Imperial Capital.

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