Chapter 276

“Even if the overlord, such a giant, commands a superpower like Overlord City, it is inevitable after all. After hearing the news of Life Water, he still decided to see Yun Qianqian…” Zhao Cuo thought secretly.

Several Yun Qianqian were sent to Overlord City, but only Yun Qianqian was allowed to meet the Overlord. As for the others, they were all left outside and taken care of.

Yun Qianqian was led into a Great Hall. The Great Hall was empty and without any shadows. While Yun Qianqian was still looking for the overlord, at this moment, he heard a heavy voice faintly: “Listen. Say you want to see me?”

The voice was a bit old, Yun Qianqian was slightly surprised and said: “Are you the overlord?”

Yun Qianqian still admires such a generation of giants who command a huge force that can challenge the emperor.

“Tell me, what can I do for you…” Overlord’s voice continued: “Don’t worry, your friends have been invited elsewhere by me. They are safe now…”

“Unexpectedly, the dignified generation of Overlords…but I was a little disappointed.” Yun Qianqian said in a cold tone. Yun Qianqian really didn’t expect that the first sentence of the King’s meeting with her turned out to be a threat. She thought that a generation of giants, at least as a current hero like Tiemu Xingkong, speaks like spring breeze, or between words, naturally there is a kind of self-confidence to control everything. This is the image of the overlord in her heart.

“Oh?” The overlord seemed to be taken aback for a while, and then he actually smiled and said: “The legend says that Yun Qianqian has a stubborn temper and unyielding temper. It is still the case. Even if you dare to speak in front of me, you are the first one.”

“Huh.” Yun Qianqian snorted slightly, “Perhaps this should be your image, or else it would be impossible to kill me. When he heard the news of life water, he changed his mind again. ”

Perhaps the mysterious veil has been torn off, and the Overlord is also a little careless at this time: “In front of the big limit, who can be truly indifferent? Even Luoshen’s skill, not the same as Yun Fei for the water of life. Heaven?”

“If you can’t do it, it doesn’t mean that someone can’t do it.” Yun Qianqian said coldly.

“Huh?” After being ridiculed continuously, the Overlord’s voice fell uncontrollably: “Then you are going to tell me, who can do this in your heart, is it so?”

“I dare not assert other people, but Tiemu Xingkong, I believe he can do it.” Yun Qianqian said coldly.

“Starry sky?” The Overlord was a bit disdainful at first, but when he heard Tiemu Starry Sky, his tone was stagnant.

“I originally thought that today’s Overlord is also a strange man like Tiemu Starry Sky, otherwise it would not be possible to rule the huge Zong Domination City.” Yun Qianqian said: “But now it seems that the Overlord is compared to Tiemu Starry Sky. It pales in comparison.””Does it pale in comparison?” The Overlord said in a faint tone: “Then tell me, what is the starry sky in your heart?”

“Tiemu Starry Sky, what kind of a person is he…?” Yun Qianqian said in a long voice: “Not only does he treat treasures as nothing, but the big soul pill that everyone is fighting for is thrown aside casually. . And this Yunmeng Sword…”

Yun Qianqian raised the silver sword in Yang’s hand: “The treasures of the top spirit weapon level that everyone cherishes and value, he will give away at hand. The Xuanhu liquid that everyone is fighting for, as well as the life water, he has ever seen it. Even the overlord position of this overlord city, did he have the slightest covetousness?”

“It is the various Taoisms and even magical powers that he values ​​most. Everyone is secretive and concealed. But he, as long as you ask him, did he ever have hidden personalities? As long as he knows, he must I will teach each other!”

“He should be a strange man who has a big heart and is not full of other things. I am afraid that in his heart, only entering the real world of immortals is what he really values!” Yun Qianqian said.

After Yun Qianqian finished speaking, not only did Yun Qianqian look far away, but also the Overlord. It took a long time to hear the Overlord snorted coldly: “It’s just a prodigal son, how can you say so much!”

If it is said that among these sons, the son who is the most satisfied with the overlord is naturally the non-Timu Xingkong. But the son who caused him the most headache was also Temu Xingkong. Other sons, who would dare to disobey his orders? But Tiemu Xingkong, the command of the overlord, and the things the overlord values, has he ever paid attention to and cared a little bit?

“Let’s talk about it, what is the matter with the life water?” The overlord’s tone at this time was finally eased a lot.

“The matter of the northwestern border land should already be known if I want to come to Overlord. This time not only my father got a drop of life water, but Luo Shenji also got a drop of life water.” Yun Qianqian said.

“Well, I already know this.” The Overlord nodded and asked, “I don’t know how Yun Fei Cangtian has taken the life water now, and how much his lifespan has been extended?”

“I don’t know exactly how much lifespan has been extended. But I only know that before taking the life water, my father had gray hair, and he couldn’t even motivate the Qin Tianjian. But I took the life water. After that, not only the white hair had turned into gray-black, but even the three-eyed demon ape was driven away by the emperor himself!”

“Very well—” Overlord heard Yun Qianqian’s words and couldn’t help but say two good things. But in his tone, there was no comfort, and he didn’t know what it meant.

“What else?” After a while, the Overlord’s voice came out again.

Yun Qianqian seemed to know, and finally reached the point. She thought a little bit before saying: “The purpose of my coming today is to stay in Overlord City as a hostage. If you want to come to Overlord, you should know that my father attaches great importance to me… and then Overlord can exchange me with Father Father. If you want to exchange me for a drop of life water, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“If you want to come to the king, you should have already taken that last step. If there is no life water to support, I am afraid not only time is running out, but it should be very difficult to go further…”

“You know a lot!” The Overlord sneered involuntarily, but after a while he still said: “So, Yun Fei Cangtian should still have life water in his hands?”

“It shouldn’t!” Yun Qianqian said lightly.

“There is no life water, even if you take you as a hostage, how can you exchange it?” The Overlord said slightly annoyed.

“Although he doesn’t have it now, he will definitely have it in the near future!” Yun Qianqian said.

“Humph.” The Overlord snorted slightly, but he didn’t question it. After thinking about it, the overlord said again: “What about your conditions?”

“Help me find a Great Returning Soul Profound Pill to heal Ye Xing!” Yun Qianqian said directly.

“Are you kind to Ye Xing?” The Overlord’s tone became a little joking.

“He is my friend!” Yun Qianqian said, but did not give too much explanation.

“Come here, take her down!” After a while, the Overlord did not say whether to agree or disagree, so he ordered the people to take Yun Qianqian directly.

At this time, Yun Qianqian had done everything he could and should do. So she didn’t say any more, but went straight with that person.

Yun Qianqian was taken to a room, which was obviously formed with strong guards all around. But with Yun Qianqian’s current Taoism, these things naturally couldn’t hold her back.

“Ye Xing, how about Bai Hao and others?” Yun Qianqian asked the guard who led him here.

“They were taken to find the Great Return Soul Profound Pill.” The guard replied, then turned around and left in a hurry.

Upon hearing this news, Yun Qianqian was also slightly relieved. She came to Zongba City’s plan, finally moving in the established direction. Fear or fear, she was directly beheaded by the people of Zongba City before she entered the city gate.

However, as time passed day by day, Yun Qianqian was not allowed to go out here, unless he rushed in. So here, she didn’t have the slightest news about Ye Xing. Even after she inquired a few times, she was shoved by the guards: “They went to a place far away, and the Great Returning Soul Profound Pill is not in Zongba City… if Yun Qianqian will be honest and obedient, and there will always be a day when she will meet Ye Xing.”

Yun Qianqian’s intuition is what went wrong, if the Great Returning Soul Profound Pill is really far away, wouldn’t it be brought to Ye Xing to take it? Why should Ye Xing himself go far away? But now, if she really dared to rush, she might not only be unable to save Ye Xing, it is very likely that everything she had done before would be abandoned. So now, she can only think about the good side as much as possible.

Gradually, Yun Qianqian has been in Zongba City for two months, but she has not received any news. Asked about the news about Ye Xing, still received the same sentence, even when she asked to see the Overlord, she was rejected by the guards. Said Bawang is now in Closed Door Training, it is not convenient to meet customers…

“Did I finally have a deviation in my expectations of the Overlord?” Yun Qianqian couldn’t help but doubt. In fact, Yun Qianqian is not a reckless person. Although she likes to take risks, she does things very meticulously. Before setting off, she had thought about the ins and outs, and even considered the character of the overlord and many environmental factors of Zongba City. That’s why I decided to take an adventure in Zongba City.But now the overlord’s actions made Yun Qianqian a little confused for a while. What does this mean, Bawang?

Speaking of Zongba City, now Zongba City is also a major event.

Just a few days after Bawang and Yun Qianqian’reached an agreement’, Bawang finally made a decision. He decided to kill Yun Qianqian, Ye Xing, Bai Hao and Liu Yueming.

Just kidding, how can he be swayed by a little girl? Yun Qianqian still looked down on his overlord too much. Even if he wants life water, he will personally fight for it. He is not a Luoshen skill, is it because of life water, would he bow his head to Yunfei Cangtian?

In the hands of Yun Qianqian, Ye Xing and others, there are so many souls of his Overlord City. Especially at this time, the final battle between Emperor Jing and Overlord City is not far away, how can he let Yun Qianqian survive?

The last time Yun Qianqian came to Zong Domination, he had already given Yun Qianqian a chance. Even the last time someone knew about Yun Qianqian’s trace, they all proposed to kill Yun Qianqian. But last time, after all, it was still on the face of the Temu Starry Sky, and in addition to the fact that the two countries did not fight to fight, his overlord always had a certain demeanor.

But this time, after beheading so many good players, he dared to swagger to Overlord City. It can be said to be extremely bold, underestimating the lack of him in Overlord City.

So not long after talking with Yun Qianqian, the overlord decided to kill the four Yun Qianqian to look and listen.

However, not long after this decision was made, many people were very in favor of this decision, but one person opposed it. And this person is exactly the Tiemu starry sky in Overlord City today.

Although Tiemu Xingkong is very low-key, the last time he and Yue Zhongxuan fought, they still circulated among the top leaders of Overlord City. And as the Overlord stepped into the final step, he entered the Earth Immortals realm…

In the past years, stepping into the Earth Immortals realm meant becoming the peak combat power. But at the same time it also means that death is not far away, and it is time to abdicate and let the virtuous.

There are many sons of the overlord, and there are also many people who covet the position of the overlord. But Tiemu Xingkong was the only one who really convinced many veteran-level figures. If the Overlord hadn’t stepped into the Earth Immortals realm, the entire Overlord City would have been what he said, and at that time, the Temu Starry sky had lived outside the Overlord City most of the time. Even for all things in Overlord City, almost never intervene.

But this time, Tiemu Xingkong returned, with the aftermath of Yue Zhongxuan’s retreat. Coupled with the issue of the ownership of the’Overlord’s throne’, Tiemu Xingkong rarely uttered a sound at this time, so many masters in Dezong Overlord City couldn’t help but be shaken.

So at this time, many people could not help but stand up. Supporting Temu Xingkong, even the many high-level leaders who agreed with the Overlord to kill the four Yun Qianqian, couldn’t help overturning the previous decision. Started to support Temu Starry Sky.

What even shocked the Overlord was that even Xue Ye, whom he trusted the most, stood on the side of the Tiemu Starry sky and felt that Yun Qianqian and the others should not be killed. It should be known that when he fought in the plains of Liaojiang, Yun Qianqian took the palm of his hand, but almost killed Xueye. Although Xue Ye has never mentioned the events of the past over the years, how could it be said that Xue Ye has no hatred for Yun Qianqian Ye Xing and the two?

But at this time, with the sound of Tiemu Starry Sky, Xueye was completely on the side of Tiemu Starry Sky.

Of course, there were also some who strongly agreed to kill the four Yun Qianqian, such as Tie Muhun and others. Tiemuhun is the prince of Zongba City and the eldest son of the King of Zongba City. If there is no Temu Starry sky, he should be the place to come to Overlord. But now, with the Tiemu starry sky, if he wants to fight, who can fight with him?

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