Bypassing the main hall of the bronze hall, all the way was a long diagonal corridor passage, and the three quickly rushed in.

Running all the way, the speed of Hot Wheels was extremely fast, but the sound of footsteps behind them was like urging, making them dare not pause at all.

“Teacher, what exactly is he?” Zhou Xiao was held by Mo Yu and took the opportunity to ask.

A pair of white aura wings appeared behind Yueji, extremely fast, and could even keep up with the speed of Hot Wheels.

She said in a low voice: “I don’t know, but because it should be an ancient evil spirit, it took away the elders of Senluo Hall.” Judging from the strength of the fight just now, I am afraid that he can exert all the strength of the Senluo Hall Elder, or even stronger, and must find a way to get rid of him. ”

“There’s a stone gate ahead.” Mo Yu said in a low voice.

Yueji’s eyes lit up, and the three stopped, and the stone door was tightly closed in front of the entire passage, and no one opened it in advance this time.

“Let’s go first.” Yueji immediately made a decision, she stepped forward and pushed open the stone door, and it turned out to be another tomb.

There were footsteps behind again, not in a hurry, as if deliberately teasing the three.

Closing the portal, they scanned the tomb, which was the size of a courtyard, sealed everywhere, and there was also a coffin placed in the center of the tomb.

There are murals on the walls, and the three of them take a quick tour, and the mural depicts a strong man who is angry and suppresses all kinds of evil spirits.

This strong man sometimes wears black robes, sometimes hydration suits, and has a changing blade in his hand, or a long sword, or a thunder halberd.

Stepping on the shoes, the face is thin, but there is endless majesty, it looks middle-aged, but I don’t know the specific age.

Yue Ji glanced at it roughly and said concisely: “It’s the Shenxiao Immortal Devil Descent Map.” ”

Because there was still a ghost in the outside world, she did not look closely, and quickly checked the tomb to see if there were other exits.

The central coffin was pitch black and tightly sealed, and there were chains bound on it, while intricate incantations were written on it.

Mo Yu carefully inspected: “The chain is very complete, and the coffin does not seem to have been opened, this time because it should be safe.” ”

Yueji nodded and saw that there was a small pool on the back wall of the tomb, in which a faint fragrance came, and the two chains on the coffin also rose from the pool, as if to provide strength for suppressing this coffin.

There are words on the pool, the glyphs are quaint, very ancient, at least Mo Yu does not recognize them.

Zhou Xiao raised his head and read word by word: “The Shenxiao immortals suppressed the ancient evil beasts and came here, specially gathered the immortal pool, killed them with the pond water, and destroyed their remains in ten thousand years. ”

“Juxian Pond!” Yueji’s gaze froze, and she looked at the pool, flashing with obvious excitement.

The water of the Juxian Pool is the Fuling Immortal Liquid, which is of great use to her.

I saw that the immortal liquid in the pool was almost dry, but there was still a trace left, about the size of a bowl.

She pondered: “So it is, this coffin is sealed with this evil beast, this evil beast is the most filthy, the dirtiest thing in heaven and earth, and the Fuling Immortal Liquid is the purest water, which is the nemesis.” ”

As she spoke, she took out a jade bottle and put away the remaining immortal liquid.

“Wait.” Mo Yu suddenly spoke up and reached out to stop her.

“What’s wrong?” Yuehime looked at him suspiciously.

Mo Yu said in a deep voice: “Don’t be carried away, look carefully, are these really Fuling Immortal Liquids?” ”

Yueji frowned, looked intently into the pool, and suddenly she exclaimed in a low voice, her face changed sharply.

Her face was slightly gloomy, and the cold flame was condensed by her into a long needle and pierced her fingertips, and a drop of blood dripped into the pool.

In an instant, everything changed, and the few remaining immortal liquid seemed to be polluted by this drop of blood, the fragrance disappeared, and there was a fishy smell.

I saw that the immortal liquid at the bottom of the pool turned into a viscous blood-colored liquid, which was disgusting.

“Teacher, what’s going on?” Zhou Xiao asked.

Yue Ji’s face was equally ugly, and she took a deep breath and said: “Ten thousand years have passed, when the Shenxiao Immortals suppressed the beast of filth with a coffin, this beast was formed by the power of heaven and earth to the defilement, and while being purified by the Fuling Immortal Liquid, it also polluted the Immortal Pool in reverse, and finally became this look. ”

There was a thick unwillingness in her tone, after all kinds of hardships, she finally found the Fuling Immortal Liquid, but it was completely polluted and could not be used at all.

Her spiritual body was extremely badly injured, and she had already touched the origin, and there were only a few heavenly materials and earth treasures that could help her recover.

All of them are extremely precious things, and the easiest to obtain is the Fuling Immortal Liquid.

Taking a deep breath, she cultivated her qi extremely deeply, forcibly dispelled the anger, and after thinking about it, she still used a jade bottle to fill this fishy liquid with a cold face.

Mo Yu was puzzled: “It’s all polluted like this, what are you still collecting for?” ”

Yueji replied: “Even if it is contaminated, it is still a Fuling Immortal Liquid, put it away first, maybe you can find a way to purify it later, and it is finally a back road.” ”

She immediately bit her silver teeth lightly: “Even if you really can’t find a way, these contaminated immortal liquids can be made into highly toxic and cannot be wasted.” ”

The corners of Mo Yu’s mouth moved slightly, and he could clearly feel the anger in Yue Ji’s tone.

I’m afraid I’m going to be blown up.

But if it’s yourself, it’s a similar mood when you encounter this kind of thing.

If it was usual, he might still be in the mood to ridicule, but now the evil ghost chasing behind his back is coming, and the situation is critical.

He asked, “Now what?” ”

Yueji put away the jade bottle and turned to look at the stone gate, after the investigation just now, this was a separate tomb, and there was no other exit.

She pondered, pondering countermeasures.

Outside the door, the footsteps became clearer and clearer, not in a hurry.

The other party seems to know this tomb, and knows better that there is no exit in the tomb, and the mind of the cat catches the rat.

But because of this, it makes people more anxious and desperate.

Mo Yu stood aside, without obvious indication, he already had 230,000 points, could open a new transformation, and had enough confidence.

It’s just that he didn’t say that he wanted to see if Yuehime still had any hole cards in this case.

After all, so far, the two sides can only be regarded as friendly partners, and they cannot even be called friends in the true sense.

“Teacher, do you want to open this coffin.”

Zhou Xiao suggested: “Didn’t you say that there is an ancient ferocious beast sealed in it, if it is still alive, we will release it, and then open the stone door, maybe it can cause him to fight with that evil ghost, and we may have a glimmer of life.” ”

Mo Yu glanced at Zhou Xiao in surprise, this proposal was bold enough, and it meant to die and live.

Yueji shook her head and said: “No, ten thousand years is too long, that fierce beast is very likely to be completely purified, even if it is really alive, the filthy beast is transformed by filthy qi, its own existence is a disaster, let it out, its own filthy qi will instantly pollute us and turn us into dirty monsters.” ”

Zhou Xiao’s face showed disappointment, but he was not discouraged, and after thinking about it, he wanted to speak again, but Yueji raised his hand to interrupt her.

I saw Yueji breathe a sigh of relief, as if she had made up some kind of determination, and solemnly turned her head to look at Mo Yu and said, “Nezha, according to our previous agreement, you can leave on your own when you encounter danger, and I will go out later to drag that evil ghost, you find an opportunity to escape.” ”

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