Chapter 133 Summon the king of the slasher! Only success, no failure!

At this time, Elder, the Supreme Master of Shadow Demon Sect, raised questions.

“But, in these ten months, can Yingtian really cultivate a hundred shadow puppets of the Divine Hidden Realm in the Yaochi mineral vein, and set up a large formation? This time is too tight.

Others have the same concerns.

Although they also know that there are many Shadow Demon Sect Anzi in Yaochi Sacred Land, all of them were selected by Ying Wuya personally over the years, personally cultivated, and then sent to Yaochi Sacred Land.

But these Shadow Demon Sect’s dark children, the highest strength, are only the Fate Spring Realm. In the Sacred Land of Yaochi, the female disciple of the Fate Spring Realm is only the core disciple.

Although it has greater power than ordinary disciples.

But only to transform the gods and become the true disciple of Yaochi Sacred Land, or become the “Elder” of the great fairy peaks of Yaochi Sacred Land, otherwise the core disciple will always be a disciple, and there will always be great restrictions on behavior.

To this.

Ying Wuya smiled meaningfully, and said: “You are too pleased, Elder, don’t worry, I have made arrangements for this. In the Shadow Demon Sect, I am more than just the dark children.

Hear the words.

These are too good. Elder’s heart moved, and he immediately understood the meaning of Ying Wuya.

He is in Sacred Land in Jade Lake, besides Anzi, there are other people!

And this, at least it is also the existence of God Transformation Realm, and even Void Return Realm!

after all.

With the current secret method of the Shadow Demon Sect, it is impossible to control the “shadow puppets” above the Transcendent God Realm.

Therefore, the cultivator above the Transcendent God Realm can only be regarded as “manpower”.

“Is this reliable?”

A lady, Elder, was a little worried.

After all, the object of cooperation is the Venerable in Sacred Land in Yaochi, and even the power of returning to the void.

As we all know, the disciples and Elders in Sacred Land in Yaochi are the most united!

They are unanimously outside, and they are more cohesive than any of Sacred Land’s disciples Elder!

Ying Wuya wants to cooperate with them, and in turn deal with Yaochi Sacred Land.

Can this work?

Ying Wuya is very confident: “Please don’t worry about this Elder, I have been a life-saving grace to them, and I have already reached a deal with them.

They only know that we are going to get back the treasure of Shadow Demon Sect, but they don’t know our final plan, so they proposed that as long as I pay a certain price, they can help us in the layout.

But it’s just that. In the end, they won’t make a shot at the disciples of Sacred Land in Yaochi,”.”


The other party knew about Ying Wuya’s layout, but felt that Ying Wuya’s plan for Yaochi Sacred Land did not have much impact on Yaochi Sacred Land, and would not cause much harm.

Therefore, they are happy to take advantage of Ying Wuya and then help.

As long as they don’t take action against the disciples of Yaochi Sacred Land, then they are not “betraying” Yaochi Sacred Land.

And they are also considered Ying Wuya’s “life-saving grace”.

I heard Ying Wuya say so.

These Shadow Demon Sects went to Elder too, looked at each other, nodded, and said nothing.

They naturally also trust Ying Wuya very much.


Ying Wuya didn’t dare to mess around with such a big event in the Shadow Demon Sect.

These Shadow Demon Sect Supreme Supreme Elder spoke one after another:

“If this is the case, then we have to prepare well.”

“Since it has been determined in advance, then we must inform that the ancestors in Closed Door Training, as well as the ancestors who travel around the world, will also call them back through various means.”

“Furthermore, the allies in Zhongzhou must be notified. This seat will go out in person and go to Zhongzhou. Please bring an ancient sage soldier from the blood-clothed king of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty! Only if he suppresses the formation can we prevent any accidents!’

“Well, then I will go and contact the ancestors of the other magic doors, and I will definitely persuade them to go out and help us!”

Among the magic gates, those who are above the realm of Slashing the King are generally called “ancestors”.

After all, Shouyuan has a long life, and it has been obtained for too long. They are all old devils. It is no problem to say that they are the ancestors of Devil Dao.

Other forces are generally honored as “King of XX”, or directly called XX senior on behalf of Realm.

In a few words.

These elders have determined what they need to do and what to prepare in advance.

At this time.

Ying Wuya pondered for a long time before he said: “Everyone, there is one more thing, I haven’t decided yet.”

Taishang The Elders all looked at Ying Wuya and asked in confusion: “What’s the matter?”

Ying Wuya said solemnly: “About those two supernatural powers.

He also said earlier that he had promised the Holy Lord of Yaochi to take the two supreme gods through to change people. When the time comes, he will definitely take it, and first give it to the Holy Lord of Yaochi.

Otherwise, the Holy Lord of Yaochi will be furious, and their plans will have a great impact.

These are too good. The Elders looked at each other.

Then one of the seniors, Tai Shang Elder, waved his hand and said:

“It’s okay, since it’s for our Shadow Demon Sect Supreme Treasure, as well as the Shadow Demon Sect’s sacred decree! It’s actually not a big deal to take out two imprints of supreme magical powers!

“If you pay the mark of supreme magical powers, you can get back both the Shadow Demon Sect treasure and the Shadow Demon Sect sacred decree. Then this seat is willing to give the six supreme magical powers of our Shadow Demon Sect Sect to Yaochi Sacred Land. , It’s okay!”

Elder nodded and agreed with this statement.

To this.

Ying Wuya was relieved.

He had always been very worried before that these Supreme Elders would strongly oppose it. Supernatural powers.

The choice seems to be that he has been worrying too much.


Ying Wuya also understood.

In fact, it was not because of the attraction brought by the Supreme Treasure of the Shadow Demon Sect and the Sacred Order of the Shadow Demon Sect that made these too elders so easy to agree, not caring about the imprint of the two supreme magical powers.

But because of.

The Holy Lord of Yaochi is about to break through the realm of the king of the Dao, and the pressure it will bring to them.

after all.

From the beginning of the plan of their Shadow Demon Sect, until now, there is no retreat.

Instead of this.

They might as well give it a go.

If it succeeds, everyone is happy.

They took back the treasure of the Shadow Demon Sect and a sacred decree of the Shadow Demon Sect.

Then they are fully qualified in the Eastern Wasteland to fight for the position of Sacred Land!

And don’t worry about the “~retaliation” from Sacred Land in Yaochi.

At that time, there will be Sect, the treasure of Shadow Demon Sect, (Wang Qian Zhao) Even if it is the strongest of Sacred Land in Yaochi, there is nothing to do with them.

If it fails

“No! Failure is not allowed!”

Ying Wuya’s eyes became very firm.


Several Shadow Demon Sect masters, Elder Divine Sense, disappeared, and started busying them according to their plan.

And Ying Wuya was not idle either.

He serves as the Sect Leader of the Shadow Demon Sect.

The “ancestors” of the Closed Door Training in the Sect Forbidden Area, as well as the ancestors who were close to their birthdays and sealed themselves as “understanding”, also need him to wake up.

It is also necessary to recall the “ancestors” who wandered out.

Only he has this qualification.

And after doing all this, he still has to “contact” those in Yaochi Sacred Land, the “traitors” of Yaochi Sacred Land who are willing to cooperate with him.

This is a very secret cooperation, and there must not be any “accident” intestines.

For the current Shadow Demon Sect.



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