Chapter 157 The seal of the demon god, control life and death! [Subscription required]

Chu Yang muttered the obscure and incomprehensible ancient divine writings, and the sound of ancient mysterious mantras appeared around the valley.


Black and gold snowflakes descended on the surroundings, covering Han Li’s body, and then blending into Han Li’s major orifices, reaching the limbs, hundreds of skeletons, and even the Lunhai God’s Treasure.

“The Demon Seal!

The Idols’ Prison Guarding suddenly turned into a terrifying seal, directly sealing all the forces in Han Li’s body.

Including all blood and bone strength in Han Li’s body.

At this moment.

Han Li changed from a Venerable who was seriously wounded and dying to an ordinary mortal who was seriously wounded and dying.

There is no strength left in the body, and even the strength of the body disappears.


Han Li’s breath became precarious, his breathing was uncomfortable, and he coughed up blood.

Han Li’s eyes turned black, and for the first time he felt that Death was so close.

Because of vomiting more blood and hypoxia in the brain, my thoughts began to overflow, and I felt that my soul was drifting away.

In a trance.

Han Li heard a voice: “Do you want to survive?”

” think”

Han Li was like a person falling into the water, grabbing a straw, and spit out the word with difficulty.

“Then tell me what is going on with this bottle.”

The voice continued.

this moment.

In the past, Han Li’s willpower, which he believed to be the most tenacious, was directly dismantled.

He followed the most true choice in his heart, and said weakly: “This bottle is the one I picked up. I don’t know what 703 it is. I only know that it can absorb the power of moonlight and condense the mysterious green liquid. , I call it the life elixir, which can ripen any level of elixir.”

Use your last strength to finish this paragraph.

Han Li felt that he was a little hard to breathe, he felt that he really seemed to be dying…

this moment.

Han Li couldn’t help thinking of his own experience over the past hundreds of years.

From a young man in a mountain village, he joined a mundane gang to learn martial arts, and then accidentally obtained this small green bottle and embarked on the road of spiritual practice

After hundreds of years of wind and rain, various calculations, there have been betrayals, and betrayed others.

Treasures robbed by others, but also robbed of other people’s treasures.

The situation between life and death has happened dozens of times, but never once, it is as real as it is now, so real that I am about to die.

“Heh, finally, are you going to die?”

Han Li slowly closed his eyes, as if he had accepted his fate.

at this time.

Chu Yang’s faint voice sounded in his ear again: “I haven’t let you die yet.”

Han Li’s heart is one.


He felt the power that had just disappeared in his body, and he immediately recovered some.

Although he didn’t fully recover, it was able to restore his physique as a cultivator!

Although it is still seriously injured and dying.

But the physique of a cultivator is completely different from that of a cebf.

He can at least linger

It’s not that the brain is hypoxic because of two more words, and then you can’t even breathe.

Han Li slowly opened his eyes and saw Chu Yang in front of him, looking at the mysterious little green bottle in his hand.

Chu Yang supervised Du Han Li and said lightly: “I didn’t let you die, you can’t die if you want.”

Immediately Chu Yang ignored Han Li and let him lie aside.

After being planted by Chu Yang the seal of the devil, all the power in Han Li’s body is all within Chu Yang’s thoughts.

Chu Yang didn’t let Han Li die, Han Li really couldn’t die.

The Demon Seal planted by Chu Yang can peel off all the power of Han Li in an instant, including the power of Divine Sense.

Since then.

Han Li can be said to be completely controlled by Chu Yang and cannot escape Chu Yang’s control.

This kind of control.

It is different from the control of Shadow Demon Sect through Shadow Poison Pill and Shadow Soul Pill.

Chu Yang can only seal the power in Han Li’s body at any time through the Demon God Seal, and is not able to control Han Li’s every move, nor can he control his thinking and actions.

But for Chu Yang, this is enough.

Keeping Han Li’s life, Chu Yang had his own plan.

A Venerable who is proficient in formation, and also holds a mysterious small green bottle, is proficient in the cultivation of spiritual medicine, and refines the Venerable of Medicine Pill.

No matter which force it is placed in, it will be valued.

However, Chu Yang didn’t plan to pay attention to him now, but let him lie beside him.

Anyway, Chu Yang’s Demon God is sealed in Han Li’s body. As long as all the seals are not unlocked, Han Li is just a Venerable with an empty body and can’t go anywhere.

Chu Yang did not continue to look at the mysterious little green bottle in his hand.

Anyway, he has just learned about the “effects” of this mysterious little green bottle from Han Liluo, so when the moonlight falls tonight, slowly see if the mysterious little green bottle is really so magical. .


Chu Yang turned around and looked at the middle of the lake, severely wounding the blood swallowing python that fell into the depths of the lake.

The blood swallowing python at this time was dying, not much worse than Han Li.

It looked at Chu Yang with a pair of snake eyes, and there was expectation in its eyes.

If Chu Yang hadn’t shot it just now, it would have fallen directly into Han Li’s hands.


Suddenly, Chu Yang, who severely injured Han Li, became a “savior” in the eyes of the blood swallowing python!


The blood swallowing python has not yet transformed.

But it doesn’t mean that its intelligence is not high.

on the contrary.

The blood-swallowing python is very intelligent.

Demonic Beasts with strengths above the Fate Spring Realm are basically agile, and they are not inferior to human cultivators.

It’s just that Demonic Beasts want to transform, and it’s more about race and Cultivation Technique.

With the wisdom of the blood-swallowing python, it feels.

The reason why Chu Yang took the initiative to suppress Han Li, although there are reasons for wanting to win the treasure, but more reasons, it is estimated that it is to save it!

after all.

No matter how you say it, it is also a Demonic Beasts that transforms into the pinnacle of the gods.

Give it some more time, and it will be able to break through to the state of returning to the virtual world.

Human cultivators like to grab Demonic Beasts, as “mounts”, or demon pets.


The blood-swallowing python thinks that Chu Yang should want to catch it and make it a “mount”, or a demon pet

If it was before.

Heaven-swallowing blood python would rather die than surrender, and would never be willing to be anyone’s mount or demon pet.

That is an insult to it!

But now

Chu Yang suddenly took action when it was most dangerous, “the hero saves the snake”.

This made the Sky-Swallowing Blood Python suddenly have some good feelings for Chu Yang.

Coupled with the strength shown by Chu Yang, it is also “Void Returning Level”, when his mount does not lose!

So it doesn’t resist it anymore, and it has basically acquiesced in it.


When Chu Yang turned around and looked at it.

Using the power of his dying Divine Sense, the blood-swallowing python said to Chu Yang Divine Sense: “I am willing to be yours, mount.”

Just when the blood swallowing python thought that Chu Yang would take out Medicine Pill to treat it after listening to its voice transmission.

Chu Yang frowned: “Mountain? Who said he wants to take you as a mount.”

Blood Swallowing Python: “? ??”


It just saw.

A terrifying, majestic, and Sacred breath that made it tremble came in from Chu Yang’s body!

This is a kind of coercion from the ancient idols!

Feel this horrible breath.

The blood swallowing python couldn’t directly control its own mind, crawling on the ground, shivering!


A more terrifying aura gushes out from Chu Yang’s body.

It’s like the door of The Underworld opens!

In Chu Yang’s body, The Underworld test furnace has been condensed!

Countless flames bloom, and then a terrible devouring power erupts!


The surrounding valleys, countless heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, including the rhyme of heaven and earth, were all absorbed and plundered by the terrible suction power of The Underworld furnace.

The blood-swallowing python couldn’t control his severely injured huge body and flew directly towards Chu Yang.

Chu Yang actually wanted to use The Underworld furnace to directly swallow the blood python and refine it!.

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