Chapter 163 Finished.

Chu Yang and Han Li walked out towards the outside of the valley.

Came out of the valley.

Han Li sacrificed from the sea of ​​rounds~a flying spirit treasure!

As Chu Yang had thought before, Han Li had a few spirit treasures hidden in the round sea in addition to the two attacking spirit treasures.

Have a few spirit treasures!

It can be said that Han Li is indeed the richest group among all the cultivators of the God Realm.

Chu Yang didn’t use the technique of time and space to leave, but went to the flying spirit treasure with Han Li.

It’s not that Chu Yang doesn’t want to use the technique of time and space to leave here quickly.

The main reason is that the speed mystery “the art of time and space” currently mastered by Chu Yang can only allow him to quickly shuttle through time and space alone.

There can be only one person, but no one.

So he couldn’t leave this valley with Han Li.

Therefore, Chu Yang can only take the flying spirit treasure with Han Li.

Need Han Li to lead the way.

It didn’t take long for Chu Yang and Han Li to leave this valley.

in all directions.

Dozens of rainbow lights flew along the horizon, menacingly, all powerful!


Hongguang stopped.

They came to this valley and showed their shape.

Those with the lowest strength are all the Eighth Stage!

Others are Ninth Stage, even the peak of God Transformation Realm

These gods are Venerable.

They are all strong people in the nearby Sect forces within a radius of 100,000 miles from this valley as the center.

After a majestic old man with a white beard fell down the valley, he glanced and frowned slightly.

“There is no half of Spiritual Qi fluctuations here, it’s a dead place!’

Other people felt this situation too, frowning and a little puzzled.

“This shouldn’t be, how could it be a dead place here!”

“Previously, Sect elders clearly told us that the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth here is different. It is very likely that there is a spiritual creature here that is about to mature! We are here to explore and wait for the spiritual creature of Heaven and Earth to fully mature.”

“That’s right, our Sect elders said the same! It is said that at least the fifth rank heaven and earth spiritual things were born, but how come here, there is nothing, even the heaven and earth Spiritual Qi is also drained.

These Venerables, one by one, were puzzled and confused.

Their Sect elders are naturally capable of returning to the void!

It’s not difficult to return to the Void to span tens of thousands of miles, and to perceive the abnormal Spiritual Qi of the heaven and earth in this valley.

Moreover, it is impossible to make mistakes.

The birth of this kind of heaven and earth spiritual creatures can be encountered by any Sect forces in the Eastern Wasteland.

As the time for the maturity and birth of the heaven and earth spirits gets closer and closer, more and more people can perceive abnormalities. In the last few days, even the Venerable can perceive the difference from afar.


Generally speaking, when the heaven and earth are mature and born, Spiritual Qi fluctuations will be released only when one month is approaching.


Those Venerable Powers who sensed the fluctuations of the Spiritual Qi of the heaven and the earth here just let the Venerable in their Sect come to explore in advance and stand in their place.

At the same time, through the secret method to explore the level of the heaven and earth spiritual things inside.

If it is an ordinary fifth rank heaven and earth spiritual thing, it is up to these Venerables to compete for it.

If it is the precious sixth rank heaven and earth spirit, even the more precious seventh rank heaven and earth spirit

Then these rebirth powers will wait until the last day, when the heaven and earth spirits are about to mature and come back.


With a distance of one hundred thousand miles, the Void Returning Power will be able to come over in no time.

This is also the normal state of the world of spiritual things being born in the world of cultivation, and everyone has become accustomed to it.


Obviously something unexpected this time.

These gods Venerable came over, and did not find any heaven and earth spiritual things.

Presented in front of them, there was only Spiritual Qi without any heaven and earth, a silent valley without a name.


Someone found an abnormality.

“Look at the center of the lake! There are traces of fighting left there!”

When everyone heard the sound, they all looked towards the center of the lake.


They saw that there were indeed many traces of fighting left in the lake.

Although Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi disappeared.

But the traces of fighting have not been erased.

Everyone can see that there are traces of battles around the lake.

Some were scorched on the ground, as if struck by lightning.

Venerable, who has practiced thunder technique and mastered the magical powers of thunder and lightning, stepped forward to take a look.

Recognized immediately.

“This is the trace left by the Xiantian god thunder talisman seal, and it will not last long!”

This statement came out.

Everyone was surprised.

With their Realm and insights, they naturally understand.

It’s not that the Void Returning Powers felt wrong.

But before they came, someone must have been here!


There is also a battle here!

As a result, Spiritual Qi in the entire valley was emptied.


They found out again.

Some traces in the center of the lake.

There are some weeds remaining there, and a piece is missing in the middle.

Although Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi no longer exists, the extremely vigorous weeds growing around prove that there was once an elixir with powerful vitality!

Although I don’t know which product it is, at least there have been elixir in existence!


There must have been heaven and earth spiritual things here originally.

Combine these traces left in this valley.

The Venerables who were present quickly inferred what had happened in this valley before!

They can imagine.

A Venerable, who is proficient in formation, entered this valley and discovered the heaven and earth spiritual creatures that were about to mature in this valley.

………For flowers………

Then he started picking and fought with Demonic Beasts who guarded this heaven and earth spirituality!

This battle directly caused Spiritual Qi in the entire valley to be emptied.


The heaven and earth spirits in the valley were either destroyed or picked away in advance!

Otherwise, it won’t be so clean here!

For a time.

These Venerables were full of anger and couldn’t help but scold them.

“Who is this? It’s such a treasure of heaven and earth!”

“At least the heaven and earth spirit creatures above the fifth rank were destroyed by him!”

“Treasures, those who are predestined to know, but destroying the treasures are simply detrimental to others.”

“If you let the deity know who came to this valley, you must let him know the fate of destroying the heavens and the earth!”

“I am so angry! You are so angry!”


Each of these Venerables was furious and very angry.

If they come early, they don’t care.

However, destroying and picking this heaven and earth spirit in advance is a violation of their taboo.

No, it should be said that it is a taboo of the entire spiritual world!

after all.

Everybody knows.

Before the heaven and earth spirits were matured, and after they were fully matured, there was a huge difference!

The heaven and earth spiritual creatures of the sixth rank are the efficacy of the third rank spiritual medicine before they mature!

Even if it is a day away from maturity!

But once it matures, it will be the true sixth rank heaven and earth spiritual creature, the effect is hundreds of times stronger!


No matter who first discovered the heaven and earth spiritual things.

Unless there are Spiritual Qi fluctuations that can conceal the entire valley, the heaven and earth are about to mature and emerge.

Otherwise, you basically have to face the battle for Venerable and even the power of returning to the Venerable sent by many Sect forces!

Only the Sect forces that have won the competition can be qualified to obtain the heaven and earth spirits!


Han Lina can give birth to “Life Essence Liquid”, a mysterious little green bottle that ripens heaven and earth spiritual things.

It seems very “heaven-defying”.

No one knows that there is such a method!

After all, no one has ever seen it.


These Venerables, in the valley, a piece of Chu Yang and Han Li’s “curse” have gone far.

Hate them for “destroying” the heaven and earth in this valley.

a waste of resource!


It was just cursing for a moment.

They don’t know who it is.

I can only vent my depressed mood here.

Wait until the cursing is over.

They each offered flying spirit treasures and headed back in the direction they had come.

In this case.

Chu Yang and Han Li didn’t know.

They have already gone far. people.

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