Chapter 186 The only god of the dragon and elephant clan! Stop pretending, it’s a showdown!

Chu Yang grabbed this dragon horn and came out, it was used as a “test item”.

Naturally, it is impossible for the dragon horn elephant to “test” when it is injured, so it is natural to treat the injury.

Not to mention all recovery, at least 80 to 90% of the strength must be recovered.


Although the number of these panacea is quite large.

However, as the Great Demon of the Void Returning Realm, the Dragon Horn Elephant is not efficient in absorbing and refining these panacea.

If it directly absorbs those Medicine Pills, it may waste a lot of Medicine Pill’s power, and the effect of restoring strength will be greatly reduced.


Chu Yang directly used The Underworld furnace to first refining all the panacea through The Underworld furnace into a very pure Spirit Power source and life source.

Then inject these Spirit Power origins and life origins into the body of the dragon horn elephant.


The injury of the dragon horn elephant began to slowly recover.

The flesh and blood in the wound is still recovering, and the aura from Jiang Mo’s weakening, and it starts to gradually strengthen.

Not long.

Chu Yang felt the power of Divine Sense that the dragon horn elephant had fallen into a coma, and began to recover.

The huge dragon horn elephant’s body also began to move a little.

The dragon horned elephant opened the huge elephant eyes, and suddenly saw Chu Yang standing in front of him.

Seeing strangers.

The dragon horn elephant was very alert and wanted to take precautions, but found that he was very weak and his body was recovering.

Chu Yang said lightly: “Don’t move, you are recovering from your injury. If you move, it is not conducive to recovery.


The dragon horned elephant cried for a long time, then looked at Chu Yang vigilantly, making a dull voice: “Who are you?”

The Great Demon of Returning to Void Realm.

Although it is still the body of Demonic Beasts, it can basically speak without Divine Sense sound transmission.

In fact, if there is a corresponding method, the Void Returning Realm Great Demon can condense a human-like body and transform it into a human form.

“The one who knocked you out.

Chu Yang said lightly.

Hear the words.

The elephant eyes shrank for a while.

It remembered!

It suddenly appeared in my mind that I was directly beaten into a coma in the Youyun Mountain Range before.

as well as

The breath of that ancient idol!

“It’s not you who stunned me!”

The dragon’s horns were buzzing, like thunder.

It stared at Chu Yang with a pair of huge elephant eyes, and said: “It stuns the original elephant, it is obviously an ancient idol! Where is it? Where did it go?”

The tone of the dragon horn elephant was a little eager, but also a little expectant. It seemed that he wanted to see the “primordial idol”.

“Prime idols?”

Chu Yang was taken aback, and then reacted, this dragon horn elephant regarded him as an ancient idol.

After all, he used the idol to suppress the prison before, and he showed the phantom of the ancient idol, so it is normal for the dragon horn elephant to misunderstand it.

I took a look at the dragon horned elephant that was slowly recovering from its injury, and for a while, the dragon horned elephant could not fully recover.


Chu Yang thought for a while, and said: “Why do you want to see the ancient idols so much?”

The dragon horn elephant muffled: “The Primordial Idol is the god of my elephant clan, it is the belief of my elephant clan! I can meet one another, and I will have no regrets in this life!”

“God? Faith?”

Chu Yang was a little surprised.

I glanced at the dragon horn elephant and thought it was the blood of the ancient dragon elephant. It seemed that it was right to say so.

Among all elephant tribe Demonic Beasts.

The highest achievement seems to be the Primordial Idol.

Then came the ancient Yuanxiang, and then the ancient dragon elephant.

But whether it is the ancient Yuanxiang or the ancient dragon elephant, it is not as good as the ancient idol.

Therefore, the Primordial Idols are regarded by these elephant tribe Demonic Beasts as the gods of their tribe, and there is no problem.

After thinking about it, Chu Yang asked again: “The ancient idol beats you like this, don’t you resent him?”

The dragon horn elephant replied: “Why do you resent? As the gods of my clan, since the idols have to act on me, then naturally there is its truth. What bad thoughts can the gods have.


Chu Yang looked at the dragon horn elephant with a look of regret.

This dragon horned elephant has something wrong with his brain!

To be precise, there are pits.

Hear the answer from Dragon Horn Elephant.

Chu Yang finally solved a doubt in his heart.

He knew it.

Why did the dragon’s horn elephant obviously use the defensive supernatural powers before, when he sensed the aura of the ancient idols on his body, he would give up all the defenses and let him bombard him!

It’s almost like taking the initiative to die

Chu Yang had been thinking about it before.

Now words.

I understand.

This dragon-horned elephant turned out to be a “mad believer”.


It believes in the totem deity one of their elephant clan-“primordial idols”.

This is not to say that this dragon horned elephant has low intelligence.

From Chu Yang’s perception of this dragon horned elephant, he is very clear that this dragon horned elephant is not stupid. If it is stupid, it is impossible to survive safely to the present.

……For flowers………

It is simply full of awe and belief in the immemorial idols!

Maybe this is the natural cognition from the bloodline.

The blood of the monster race.

There are pros and cons.

The power of the powerful bloodline can make these monster races have extraordinary strength and possess all kinds of terrifying talents and supernatural powers.

But this kind of bloodline power will be full of levels of suppression when it encounters a bloodline power that is more powerful than them.

at this point.

Only from the awe of this dragon-horned elephant when it talked about the ancient idol.

At this time.

The dragon horn elephant became a little impatient, widened a pair of elephant eyes, looked at Chu Yang, and said dullly: “Don’t talk nonsense, and quickly tell the elephant where is the idol? The elephant wants to see the idol!”


The dragon-horned elephant did not put Chu Yang in front of him to put in one’s eyes.

In the eyes of the dragon horn elephant.

It was the Primordial Idol that stunned it, the gods of their elephant clan!

And Chu Yang in front of him.

It’s just a trivial human cultivator.

It seems that the strength is the most Void Return Realm, not even the Dao Slash King Realm.

A human cultivator of this kind of strength, if you don’t have a Dao Soldier or a Saint Soldier, you can’t even break its passive defense!

Therefore, the dragon-horned elephant does not seem to put Chu Yang To put in one’s eyes.

It only thought that Chu Yang was also caught by the Primordial Idol, who was sent by the Primordial Idol to “serve” it.

at this point.

It was judged by the dragon horn elephant based on the two powers of “Spirit Power Origin” and “Life Origin” in its body.

It felt that it was a great “primordial idol” and healed it.

Seeing dragon horns look like this.

Chu Yang pondered for a moment.

Decided not to pretend, it’s a showdown.


Idol’s jail power is running.

The idol particles in the body trembled gently.

The power of the Primordial Idol is on the move!

A phantom of an ancient idol suddenly appeared behind Chu Yang!

“boom ”

I sensed this god-like breath.

The dragon horn elephant couldn’t help but fell to the ground, shivering.

At the same time, a pair of elephant eyes looked at Chu Yang’s very small body in disbelief.

It can’t believe it all the time.

The breath of the Primordial Idol was released by the human cultivator in front of him. people,

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