Chapter 224 Purple flame burns the sky! Jiang Miaoyi is hit hard!

Although he slightly sensed the aura of this Shadow Demon Sect’s most precious treasure.

But there was only a trace, the eyes of the Yaochi Guardian Dao Formation were not completely broken.

The strong blood evil power of the blood shadow formation is still very “hard” rendering immersed in the eyes, wanting to really break the eyes!

But it received resistance from the power of the eye.

After all, it is one of the eyes of the Yaochi Guardian Dao Formation, it is not so easy to break open.

At this time, the blood shadow formation only used the huge blood evil force to temporarily cover the eye of the Yaochi Guardian Dao Formation, allowing it to temporarily disconnect from the whole of the Yaochi Guarding Dao Formation.

But actually.

After all, the struck eye is a struck eye, how can it be so easy to be disconnected.

This requires a lot of power.

So this is also the reason why Shadow Demon Sect established this blood shadow formation.

It is to use the huge blood evil force to break open the battle.

Only through the “blood sacrifice” can this effect be achieved.


The power condensed by this blood shadow formation is extremely terrifying. “Seven Six Zero”

With the help of so many formation forces to gather, they began to “blood sacrifice” the power of so many Yaochi disciples in the Fate Spring Realm, Divine Hidden Realm, and even Lunhai Realm.

The power of formation in the ghostly formation.

The power gathered has actually exceeded the Void Return Realm and reached the level of the Dao Slash Realm!

And it was still at the front of the formation, inside the Yaochi Guarding Dao formation.

Otherwise, if it were outside, this blood shadow formation would not be able to shake the Jade Lake Guardian Dao formation too much.

To know.

The entire power of the Yaochi Guardian Dao Formation was integrated.

But even Sage can match it!

Even if it is the front eye, it needs the power of the Dao Slash Realm to be able to shake it.

It is precisely because of this.

Chu Yang hasn’t acted rashly, but watched coldly from the side, waiting for the moment when the blood shadow array opened its eyes.

He just wants to use the power of the blood shadow big array laid by the Shadow Demon Sect.

at this time.

The Shadow Demon Sect disciples, which had deployed the Seventy-two Earth Demon Formation, gradually couldn’t support it.

Although they are Fate Spring Realm.

But the power is always limited.

The qi and blood in the body had already been emptied by the seventy-two earthly evil formations.

Now it has begun to use the power of Mingquan!

That is the power of origin.

However, these Shadow Demon Sect disciples had long known the mission of Own, so they did not hesitate to sacrifice the power of Own’s origin, directly through the Seventy-Two Earthshadow Array, and injected it into the Blood Shadow Array.

I can’t help but they don’t want to

Once the Seventy-two Earth Demon Formation is laid down, it is impossible to stop.

Until Death.

It can be said.

From the very beginning, the result was doomed.


A purple enchanting flame rose from these Shadow Demon Sect disciples.

Burn their bodies, burn their origins.

In the end, they burned all of their bodies including Divine Sense, leaving only a piece of ash, which drifted away in the wind.

Seventy-two Shadow Demon Sect disciples (Anzi) in Fatequan Realm were burned to ashes, and then died.

But their power.

It also turned into a purple flame power, poured into the blood shadow array.

Then began to burn the aquamarine aperture, that is, the eye of the Yaochi mineral vein.



They are using their last life force to destroy the eye of the Yaochi mine vein and rescue the Shadow Demon Sect treasure inside.

The real blood sacrifice.

From them, officially began.

Chu Yang concentrated his mind, staring at the blood-colored big altar, and the half-damaged eyes.

There is half!

But these eyes were still very stubbornly resisting the erosion of the power of blood evil.

It has never been broken!


Chu Yang perceives it.

A familiar breath flew back from outside.

“Shadow Sky!”

Previously, after activating the blood shadow formation, Yingtian used the shadow demon sect secret method to establish a connection with the blood shadow formation and gained the power of the blood shadow formation.

Then he went out.

Because the distance he had left was too far, Chu Yang’s sense perception couldn’t perceive him all the time.

In addition, the eyes of the bloody altar and the Yaochi mineral vein have been here again, so Chu Yang can’t take care of Yingtian anymore, and let him leave.

Anyway, as long as the treasure of Shadow Demon Sect is still below.

Yingtian will come back here sooner or later.

Sure enough, Yingtian returned at this time.


Chu Yang sensed that Yingtian didn’t seem to have come back alone.

He seems to have brought another person?


A cloud of blood mist swept into the mine like a whirlwind and fell beside the blood-colored altar.

Yingtian’s figure appeared.

Beside him, there is another person

“Jiang Miaoyi?!”

Chu Yang immediately recognized Jiang Miaoyi, the first true disciple of Yaochi Sacred Land.

Unexpectedly, Yingtian would go out and arrest Jiang Miaoyi back.

Jiang Miaoyi’s face was pale at this time and seemed to have been hit hard.

On her.

The strong blood evil power turned into a rope like a snake, trapping Jiang Miaoyi and sealing her Cultivation Base, making it difficult for her to move.

Upon seeing this.

Chu Yang judged it.

Jiang Miaoyi was hit hard by Yingtian.

Chu Yang is not surprised by this

When Ying Tian activated the blood shadow formation, he established a connection with the blood shadow formation through the shadow demon sect secret method, so that he could use some of the power of the blood shadow formation.

After the blood shadow formation is successfully condensed, it has the power of the Dao Slash King Realm!

Even part of the power is enough to give Yingtian temporarily the power to return to the Void Realm!

In addition, the entire Yaochi mine vein was covered by the blood mist of the blood shadow formation.

Shadow Heaven possessing part of the power of the blood shadow formation, in the envelope of the blood shadow formation, the power that can burst out is also enhanced.

And Jiang Miaoyi was partially suppressed in this blood shadow formation.

One goes down and the other goes up.

It is normal that Jiang Miaoyi is not Yingtian’s opponent.

What makes Chu Yang a little puzzled is why Jiang Miaoyi suddenly ran into this Yaochi mineral vein.

It stands to reason.

Since the Jade Lake Holy Lord has a plan, he will definitely arrange other Jade Lake Sacred Land’s Void Returning Powers, or the King of Dao Slayers to come out to deal with this blood shadow formation.

But let Jiang Miaoyi come over

“Could it? This Jiang Miaoyi has something related to the Shadow Demon Sect? She also understands some secrets of the Shadow Demon Sect?”

Such a guess appeared in Chu Yang’s heart.

Yingtian threw Jiang Miaoyi aside, with a cold expression on his face.

He glanced at Jiang Miaoyi coldly, then looked at the center of the bloody altar in the center of the blood shadow formation, and laughed wildly.

“Jiang Miaoyi, originally I wanted to kill you directly, but after defeating you, I suddenly changed my mind.”

“I want to give your blood sacrifice to the blood shadow formation, with your hand, break open the eyes of the Jade Lake Guardian Dao formation, and release the 1.5 treasures of our Shadow Demon Sect!

Yingtian’s expression was faintly crazy, full of hideous expressions.

Although part of the power of the Blood Shadow Great Array was used, De Yingtian temporarily possessed the power that rivaled the Void Returning Power.


This also made his Divine Sense tainted with the blood evil force.

The emotions of the whole person will naturally become different from the past.

The power of Blood Fiend is all over Divine Sense.

It made him become crazy and stubborn, and his heart began to be a little twisted.

Jiang Miaoyi was beside, although his face was pale.

But his eyes were looking at the bloody altar in the middle of the blood shadow formation.

And the eyes that glowed with green light.

There is no despair on her face.


Another thought even came up in his mind.

Although he was defeated by Yingtian this time, he was about to be sacrificed in blood.

But this might not have been her chance!

“The Treasure of Shadow Demon Sect”

“Inheritance of Shadow Demon Sect”

In Jiang Miaoyi’s mind, there were many thoughts. .

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