Chapter 266 The loneliness of the Holy Lord in Yaochi, Dao heart almost fell!

The position of the Holy Lord in the Sacred Land of the Jade Lake is completely different from the position of the Sect Leader in the Shadow Demon Sect.

The Miaoyin Palace Lord didn’t mean to blame the Holy Lord of Yaochi in the slightest. All she wanted to do was to figure out the specific ins and outs of this incident.

After all, they have all left the customs, plus the Shadow Demon Sect’s treasure is taken away, this is a major event involving the entire Jade Lake Sacred Land.

Therefore, the Miaoyin Palace Master naturally also needs to understand carefully, and the Jade Lake Guardians next to him also think the same way.

The Holy Lord of Jade Lake didn’t conceal the slightest, he carefully explained the story of all the events, as well as the events that happened before, how the Shadow Demon Sect’s treasure was taken away.

After listening.

The Miaoyin Palace Master and all the Jade Lake Guardians were silent.

Although I have never witnessed the battle at the time.

But after hearing what the Holy Lord of Yaochi said, they could also understand the powerlessness and surprise of the Holy Lord of Yaochi at that time.

Who can think of it.

A cultivator in the Fate Spring Realm actually possesses the blood of the ancient Great Sage of the Shadow Demon Sect. Realm, climbed to the slashing realm.


After that, another “mysterious person” appeared even more unbelievable.

Possessing the “Xingzi Secret” and another wing secret method, even under the imprisonment of the Jade Lake Guardian Dao Formation, it can explode with terrible haste, reaching the ultimate speed of Realm.


It was actually able to refine the corpse of the ancient great saint and obtain the breath of the corpse!

So as to achieve the goal of being able to drive the Shadow Demon Sect to the treasure!

According to the description of the Holy Lord of Yaochi, although the person is extremely extraordinary, and a magical secret technique is terrifying, he has only reached the ultimate Realm of Returning Void Realm, not the Slashing Realm.


Yaochi Holy Lord determined.

The two of them have always been in the territory of Sacred Land in Yaochi.

Because since the Shadow Demon Sect Sect Leader Yingtian was “caught” and entered the Sacred Land of the Jade Lake, the Holy Lord of the Jade Lake has been allowing Shenyue Power to monitor the entire Jade Lake Sacred Land.

At the same time, she also used the Yaochi guardian formation to detect everyone who entered and exited the Yaochi Sacred Land.

for sure.

During this period of time, absolutely no other people have entered Sacred Land in Yaochi!

The only place where many people came in was the time when the Shadow Demon Sect Master Sect Leader was captured by Jiang Miaoyi.

The strongest group of people who came in from the Shadow Demon Sect was the Young Sect Leader of the Shadow Demon Sect. However, the Young Sect Leader of the Shadow Demon Sect had sacrificed themselves. There is no such thing as a God Realm.

Let alone return to the Void Realm!


The two of them have been in the Sacred Land of Yaochi, and they don’t know how long they have been hiding!

It was just waiting for the birth of the Shadow Demon Sect’s Supreme Treasure, before it suddenly broke out!

Because they are both men, in Yaochi Sacred Land, the two of them can only be “handyman disciples”, not other identities.

“I always thought that all the hidden sons of the Shadow Demon Sect in the Sacred Land of the Jade Lake were all known to me, and every move was in my eyes. Have never found out, and they are still Fate Spring Realm and Return to Void Realm.

The pale face of the Holy Lord of Yaochi showed a wry smile, “I didn’t expect that I, Yaochi, had worked for many years and thought that I was incomparable in wisdom, but was defeated by these two people and by the Shadow Demon Sect.

So far, the Holy Lord of Yaochi couldn’t figure out how the Shadow Demon Sect inserted the two people in.


There is even such a terrible secret method to hide aura and strength.

Can conceal the exploration of the Yaochi Protector Dao Formation.

To know.

The Jade Lake Guardian Array, as the Jade’s Sacred Land has always existed since ancient times. In addition to guarding the Jade Lake Sacred Land, it can also sense the general Cultivation Base and strength of the people in the Jade Lake.

Fate Spring is okay, it’s nothing

But if among a group of handyman disciples, a cultivator above the Transcendent God Realm suddenly appears, or even a Return to Void Realm, the Holy Lord of Yaochi must be the first to sense it.

But she hasn’t felt the slightest

The Yaochi Guardian Dao Formation did not react at all.

This made Yaochi Holy Lord (cebf) some doubts about himself, and his pride for many years was almost broken.

It can be seen that this defeat was indeed a bit of a blow to her.

This is simply unimaginable.

If it spreads out, I am afraid that the entire Eastern Wasteland will be shocked.

After all, in the eyes of the many cultivators in Eastern Wasteland, the Holy Lord of Yaochi is so graceful and unparalleled, spanning ancient and modern times, it is comparable to that amazing and brilliant female emperor.

In the absence of consciousness, there was a trace of silence on the beautiful face of Yaochi Sacred Land.

The environment around Yaochi Tiangong was immediately affected, giving a feeling of sadness and loneliness.

The Miaoyin Palace Master and other Yaochi guardians who stood next to her were also affected. For a while, their minds were faintly “lonely”.

Although the Holy Lord of Yaochi was seriously injured, her special physique has not disappeared.

Once she was lonely, even in the Slash Dao Realm, she would be affected at close range.


The Master of the Miaoyin Palace is powerful, and Dao Heart is very firm.

It was only affected for a while, and it quickly returned to normal.

“Okay, cheer up, you are the outstanding Jade Lake Holy Lord, since you became famous, you have never failed! It’s just a miss today, it’s nothing!”

The Miaoyin Palace Lord spoke softly.

When the sound came out, it was like a clear piano sound.

The loneliness on the face of the Holy Lord in Yaochi slowly dissipated, and his complexion returned to normal. The whole person’s mind was also restored to peace, and he felt peaceful.

The guardians of the Jade Lake next to them were also refreshed, waking up from the influence of the Holy Lord of the Jade Lake.

Yaochi Holy Lord then realized that he almost lost his Dao heart because of his instability.

The loss of Dao heart is a catastrophe for the Dao Slashing Realm.

“Thank you Palace Master!”

Yaochi Holy Lord thanked him, and then gently waved his hand, a light veil appeared, covering her face, covering her peerless face again.

Suddenly the terrible attraction that could sink people into her disappeared.

She has returned to the former Holy Lord of the jade pond with outstanding elegance and grace.

The Miaoyin Palace Lord looked at the Holy Lord in Yaochi, and said lightly: “Yaochi, you are a little clearer, you are just because you lost the first time, so you can’t figure it out, but if you think about it, it should not be difficult to find out, maybe it’s suddenly The two who appeared weren’t the arrangement of the Shadow Demon Sect?”


The Holy Lord of Yaochi was taken aback.

The Miaoyin Palace Master continued: “Have you ever thought, if those two are the backs of the Shadow Demon Sect, an Anzi who has been hidden for many years, why would the Shadow Demon Sect suddenly evacuate? Is it just because you shot them and frightened them? You know, if they get the Shadow Demon Sect Supreme Treasure, you are not an opponent. Under attack from inside and outside, it is not difficult to break our Sacred Land in the Jade Lake.”

Heard this.

In the mind of the Holy Lord of Yaochi, a divine light flashed across her, which made her wake up and thought of the key!

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