Chapter 299 Return to Yunxia Fairy Peak and apply to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion!

“I hope you can do what you said.”

The cold voice of Yaochi Sacred Land sounded.

“I am a disciple, and I will never fail.”

Jiang Miaoyi kept concealing his excitement in his heart.

After all, she is still a god, and she has no deep experience. Faced with such a major event, she can’t do the same as Yaochi Sacred Land.

It’s just that she, as the first true disciple, is enough to be able to do so at this age.

Jiang Miaoyi left Yaochi Tiangong.

Go to the first fairy peak.

Soon, a thousand Medicine Pills were refined, and all the handyman disciples took Medicine Pill.

After clearing the hidden poison in the body, he was taken back to Yunxia Fairy Peak by the world of care.

This is the base camp of the handyman disciples.

All the handyman disciples who have not been assigned work for the time being will live here.

After the distribution is completed, they will move away from Yunxia Fairy Peak.

There is no Venerable of Realm, there are only a few female disciples who have reached the peak of Realm.

They are all disciples who are not talented enough to enter the Life Spring Realm in this life.

Let her 810 manage Yunxia Fairy Peak, which is enough to deal with most things.

“You are lucky. Danyang Venerable personally helped. You also took the fifth rank Medicine Pill. All the shadow poisons in your body have been expelled. Even the Medicine Pill has strengthened some of your bodies, giving you some strength. To increase is a blessing in disguise.”

“Perhaps in the near future, you will be able to make a breakthrough!”

When Senior Sister Guan said these words, she glanced at Chu Yang.

After all, among these handyman disciples, Chu Yang was the only one who wanted to make breakthroughs but failed.

With the help of Medicine Pill, perhaps the next time Chu Yang will be able to successfully break through when he hits the Divine Tibetan Realm.

“Because your body has not recovered yet, so I won’t arrange anything for you for the time being. You can rest for a while among the peaks of Yunxia Mountain. When your body recovers, you will naturally arrange things for you. In these days of Yunxia Mountain, all resources will be distributed to you, don’t worry about your copy, go and rest now

Stop it.

After the elder sister in charge said this, she waved her hand and left directly.

The handyman disciples present (cebf) cheered when they heard what the senior sister said.

If they can continue their practice, they still have resources available, and they certainly won’t miss such a good thing.

After bidding farewell to Senior Sister Guan, I went to Yunxia Xianfeng one by one to find a place to live.

But Chu Yang alone stopped him when Senior Sister Guan was about to leave.

“What’s matter?”

Senior Sister Guan was still a little impatient at first, but after seeing Chu Yang calling him, there was a smile on her face.

After all, the current Yunxia Fairy Peak is among these handyman disciples, and I am afraid that no one does not know that Chu Yang is being taken care of by Luo Yue.

So if Chu Yang has any needs, they will naturally provide Chu Yang with more convenience without violating the rules of Yaochi Sacred Land.

“That’s it, Senior Sister Guan, I think I have had enough rest these days, and after taking the fifth rank Medicine Pill to remove the shadow poison from my body, my body has almost recovered, and I want to continue. Go to work.”

Chu Yang said with a smile.

“Keep on working, okay, okay, then you can go back to work.”

The stewardess was a little speechless after hearing Chu Yang’s words, but when she thought of those things about Chu Yang before, she was not surprised.

Anyway, in their cognition, Chu Yang is a person who likes to do chores.

“It’s just a senior sister in charge, I don’t want to continue working on the veins. Now that something like that has happened on the veins, although it has been solved now, I still have some lingering fears. If something like that happens again, with my strength, I am afraid that next time It may not be able to survive, so I want to change to another place.”

Chu Yang pretended to smile bitterly.

Pretending to be a little scared.

And the senior sister in charge looked at Chu Yang like this, and naturally understood in her heart.

After all, Chu Yang’s current strength is just Realm, if something really happens, he doesn’t even have the ability to protect himself.

“Yes, where do you want to change?”

Senior Sister Guan nodded and asked.

“Well, I want to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to sweep the floor. I heard that the place is very quiet, and the location is also at the center of the Eight Immortals Peak in Sacred Land, Yaochi. It can also be very safe.”

Chu Yang is naturally going to complete the sign-in task.

After all, with the Eastern Emperor Sutra, he will be able to break through the round sea realm and reach the Realm of the Gods.

In this way, his strength can also be Ascension.

Moreover, the Eastern Emperor Jing’s indispensable emperor’s scriptures, coupled with his current idol restraining power.

The two scriptures have increased. By that time, perhaps the idol particles in his body do not have to reach two hundred particles, and his strength is already comparable to that of the King of Dao Slayer.

Senior sister in charge, she was a little stunned when she heard Chu Yang’s words.

She didn’t expect Chu Yang to actually want to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is not an ordinary place, the things stored there are very important to the entire Yaochi Sacred Land.

It is indeed very safe there, because not only is there a big formation guarding, but also the Dao Slayer King himself does the formation.

But the people who went to clean in the Tibetan scripture pavilion were all female handyman disciples, not without male handyman disciples.

But they are all people who have been in the Sacred Land of Yaochi for decades.

They are all very loyal to Sacred Land in Yaochi.

And Chu Yang came to Sacred Land in Yaochi only two years ago, and there is no way to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in terms of qualifications.

“You want to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. You can’t enter it casually. Go back and wait a while. I will arrange it for you. I will notify you when it is arranged!

Senior Sister Guan didn’t refuse Chu Yang directly, after all, Chu Yang was taken care of by Luo Yue.

If it is guaranteed by the great power of Luoyue, then Chu Yang can indeed make an exception to enter.

“Okay, then Sister Lao!”

Chu Yang nodded.

Anyway, he still has a lot of time to wait, so he doesn’t need to rush for a while.

“Well, Senior Sister, I will go to Yunxia Xianfeng for the time being to cultivate, while waiting for the good news from Senior Sister.”

Chu Yang said with a smile.

“Go ahead.

Sister Guan Shi didn’t doubt, after all, cultivation was the most important thing for these handyman disciples.

Sister Guan Shi left.

After Chu Yang got the cultivation-style token from him, after talking to the Senior Sister Guan who was in charge of the cultivation room, he went into a cultivation room.

Just like last time, after Chu Yang entered the cultivation room, he condensed an external incarnation to cover the heaven.

And he used that void technique to leave Sacred Land in Jade Lake.

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