Chapter 403 Jiang Miaoyi returns, returns to the virtual world

Therefore, Chu Yang chose the second method without hesitation.

And he does what he says.

Directly release the spirits in the body, without any other power, and slowly arouse the rhyme between heaven and earth.

At this moment, influenced by Xiantian’s sexual body, the surrounding heaven, earth, and Taoist rhyme are constantly condensed in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

There are more and more Spiritual Qi in the surrounding world.

It is almost about to become substantive.

But these gatherings of Spiritual Qi did not attract anyone’s attention.

Instead, they were all controlled by Chu Yang little by little, and penetrated into Qin Yao’s body very gently.

And Qin Yao’s body, after getting Chu Yang’s power.

You can feel a shortcoming in your body after stopping the drug, which seems to be slowly being filled.

She could feel the influx of an extremely gentle force.

This force was very gentle, and under the constant impact, Qin Yao herself seemed to be wrapped in a warmth, which made people feel particularly comfortable.

Time flies by.

In a blink of an eye, it was a month later.

During this month, Chu Yang helped Qin Yao repair her body every day.

Gradually, the shortcomings of Qin Yao’s Xiantian Dao tires are slowly being repaired.

Today is the last day of a month. As long as the defect of Qin Yao’s Xiantian Dao fetus is passed today, it will be repaired by 883.

Her physique will be able to show it all at once.

When the last gleam of golden light poured into Qin Yao’s body, the Sea of ​​Bitterness, which was originally split by a huge gully, began to exude extremely majestic power.

The rhyme of heaven and earth poured into Qin Yao’s body almost in an instant.

Under the envelope of Tiandi Daoyun, Qin Yao’s body turned out to be a little illusory.

As if to melt into the void in the next moment.

And Qin Yao’s originally stagnant strength is constantly getting stronger after her physique is perfect.

Going at this speed, Qin Yao will break through to the Realm of Lunhai within today.

After she was able to dissolve the Sea of ​​Bitterness, the strangeness of Xiantian’s Taoist fetus would be noticed by everyone in Yaochi Sacred Land.

After that, Qin Yao will instantly leave the identity of the handyman disciple.

Valued by the Holy Lord of Yaochi.

And Qin Yao herself felt that her own body seemed to be restored to integrity at that moment.

Some things that had been lost a long time ago returned again, and her temperament had also undergone some changes.

The temperament is completely changed, a kind of indifferent breath appears. (cebf)

Xiantian Dao Ti, Affinity Avenue.

Strange physique.

Qin Yao is still rushing to control her own physique, all the feelings after perfection.

She has never felt so relaxed.

The obstacles on cultivation seemed to be completely cleared at that moment.

What appeared in front of her was an extremely wide avenue.

The original branches on the road have long since disappeared, and the fog in the Sea of ​​Bitterness is gradually dissipating.

The silver brilliance appeared, illuminating the way forward.

Yaochi outside Sacred Land.

The protector of Sacred Land in Yaochi brought Jiang Miaoyi into the Sacred Land in Yaochi with Jiang Miaoyi.

In the past six months, Miaoyi has been vying for opportunities there in another secret realm.

Fortunately, the secret realm competition was fierce, but in the end, the biggest opportunity was still obtained by Jiang Miaoyi.

She has been there for Closed Door Training for half a year, and her own strength has also gained significant Ascension.

In the secret realm, I feel the rhyme of heaven and earth, and let myself become the power of the realm in one fell swoop.

Although she has just stepped into the Void Realm now, but the strength of the Holy Lord of the major Sacred Lands is only Void Realm.

He entered this Realm, which means that she has enough qualifications to take over as the Holy Lord of Sacred Land in Yaochi.

“Let’s go, your strength has improved so fast, if you let the Holy Lord see the Holy Lord, you will definitely be happy.

The Taoist protector looked at Jiang Miaoyi’s eyes also with relief.

Although the previous secret realm dispute was not as intense as the Kunpeng Lair in Beihai.

But there are also many Sacred Land sons and Holy Maiden who participated in it.

And Jiang Miaoyi was able to stand out from the secret realm, win the first place, and get the strongest chance.

It is enough to prove that her talent and strength are indeed the most outstanding.

With such a person, they will be able to rest assured that they will become the next Holy Lord of Yaochi.

“Fortunately, we live up to the expectations of the Holy Lord. Let’s go back to the Holy Lord.

Jiang Miaoyi only smiled slightly when he heard the words of the protector.

Her strength has entered Realm, and her temperament has also changed.

If it was half a year ago, Jiang Miaoyi would have heard the praise from the protector, even if it did not show it on the face, but he must have been happy in his heart.

But now, there is no wave in her heart.

After being praised, it was just a faint smile, not complacent because of others’ praise.

“Let’s go.”

The protector nodded.

After the two of them finished speaking, they were willing to fly to Yaochi Temple together.

“The disciple Jiang Miaoyi, returning from the secret realm, come back like the Holy Lord!”

Jiang Miaoyi saluted outside the Yaochi Temple.

“come in.

In the Great Hall of the Heavenly Palace, female disciples came out to greet Jiang Miaoyi.

Follow the female disciple into the Great Hall.

In the Great Hall, the Holy Lord of Yaochi is still standing in the first place, with a veil on his face, his back to everyone, still so graceful and charming.

I haven’t seen the strength of the Holy Lord in Yaochi for half a year, and Jiang Miaoyi can also perceive the horror of the Holy Lord in Yaochi faintly.

I’m afraid that the strength of the Jade Lake Holy Lord in front of him has reached the peak of Dao Slash.

Only one step away is able to enter Realm.

Worthy of being a stunning person.

Comparable to the empress of the year.

“Holy Lord, the disciple has successfully entered the Realm of Returning to the Void, and has not failed the cultivation of the Holy Lord.”

Jiang Miaoyi respectfully saluted the Holy Lord of Yaochi.

“Get up, you did a good job. You have just made a breakthrough, and your strength is unstable. You still need to cultivate well. I will let Danyang Venerable refine a Seven-Rank Medicine Pill for you to consolidate your own strength.”

Yaochi Holy Lord said calmly to Jiang Miaoyi.

Although the words of the Holy Lord of Yaochi are still the same as that of Wu Bo of Gujing, everyone can hear that the Holy Lord of Yaochi is still very satisfied with Jiang Miaoyi.

“Thank you Holy Lord.”

Jiang Miaoyi nodded, and a Seven-Rank Medicine Pill was a rare reward even for Jiang Miaoyi.

In the end, Jiang Miaoyi’s position in Sacred Land in Yaochi is only the first true disciple, not Holy Maiden.

Therefore, the Seven-Rank Medicine Pill is also difficult to obtain, but apart from Medicine Pill, her other cultivation resources are enough to be comparable to Holy Maiden.

And after her strength became the power of returning to the void.

I believe that soon, the Holy Lord of Yaochi will pass the position of the Holy Lord to Jiang Miaoyi.

At that time, the resources of the entire Yaochi Sacred Land will be used by Jiang Miaoyi first. .

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