Chapter 421 Sage wakes up, is in trouble?

Three guardians, if such power is lost, it will be a great loss to victory. After all, the king of Taoism is not so easy to reach.

It requires absolute talent and a certain amount of luck.

Such characters are often unique.

“this ”

The two people from the Primordial Mountain didn’t know whether they should say it or not.

“Say, otherwise you two will definitely not end up any better.

Chu Yang smiled and looked at them.

This reminded the two of them of what happened to their previous companion.

It was just a move to kill a king who was at the pinnacle of the road.

This kind of power, even if the two of them add up, can’t compare.

“We said that, in fact, the sleeping person in the ancient mountain, Sage, and the Holy Lord received the news that Sage had a sign of awakening. After our detection, we found that Sage will definitely wake up completely after a year. In this way, our Taikoo Mountain is protected by Sage.”

“In the age when Sage was not available in Eastern Wasteland, our Taikoo Sacred Mountain was the only Sacred Land that could be protected by Sage, so the Holy Lord would send us to Qingyuanzong to collect a portion of the interest. Destroy the Qingyuanzong, and then explore your traces. After Sage appears, you will be brought back to the Primordial Sacred Mountain with Sage.”

“Then I get Kunpeng’s inheritance from you, and I will kill you!”

“And before killing you, this Qing Yuanzong must be destroyed first!”

The two Dao Slashing Kings looked at Chu Yang, and finally due to the strong power, they told the truth.

“Sage is back!”

Chu Yang heard the words of these two people, took a closer look at them, and found that the two of them were not lying.

Sage is recovering, this is not good news for Chu Yang, the strength he possesses now is only capable of defeating the quasi-sage, and it is not enough to deal with Sage.

And more importantly, the idol particles in his body now, but there are only three hundred and twenty particles, which is still more than one hundred before the five hundred cases that have reached Sage Realm.

So even if it’s just an ordinary Sage now, he can’t beat it.

Of course, if Sage wanted to keep him, he couldn’t do it.

Xingzi Mi plus the angel wings in the jail force of the god image, plus Tianpeng speed.

The three are merged, and the ten places of Chu Yang Nine Heavens at this time, even the Xiantian formation, are able to break through.

“Sage, w!”

When Long Gan, Bai Xiaopang and Han Li heard these two words, their expressions also changed drastically.

As cultivators, they all understand what these two words mean.

The emperor did not come out, and Sage became king.

And now in the Eastern Land, even if it is the battle of Zhandao Realm, basically it has been rarely seen.

They all hit the Saint Yuan Realm at Closed Door Training.

Even the Holy Lords of Sacred Land, they are nothing more than the power of returning to the void.

If it weren’t because Chu Yang’s strength was too strong, it had attracted the attention of so many Taoist Kings.

I’m afraid they won’t even see so many Dao Slayer Kings at all.

“What are you afraid of? Even if it is the emperor, the boss has a way to deal with it.”

After experiencing a brief panic, Bai Xiaopang quickly calmed down.

In his eyes, Chu Yang is omnipotent, even what about Sage?

It’s not that Sage will be completely defeated.

“Yes, the master’s physique and bloodline are all unique, and they have been inherited from the ancient idols. Even if they are in the ancient era, they are the most shining stars. What is Sage?”

Long Gan also immediately restored his confidence in Chu Yang after a brief panic.


Han Li also nodded.

Although he didn’t think Chu Yang was invincible as these two people thought, but in the same Han Li’s heart he didn’t think that Sage of the Primordial Mountain would be able to drive them away after appearing.

After all, a few months ago, Chu Yang’s strength was only able to match, and it was nothing more than a vengeance.

But just a few months later, he had the power to fight the quasi-sage and even defeat the quasi-sage.

With such powerful strength and progress, I believe that as long as Chu Yang is given a period of time, even Sage will not be his opponent.

“Yes, Sage, there will be a Sage in the Primordial Mountain that is about to recover, and Sage can deal with it without Sage. Although you have defeated the quasi-sage now, only when you see the real Sage, you will know your previous How ridiculous to defeat.”

“That is a real difference, but you don’t have to worry about it. Your strength and talent are extremely outstanding. If you are willing to join the Sacred Mountain, your strength and status will definitely not be below us, and even more. High, and then we will no longer be enemies, but a family, and there is nothing in the family that can’t be said!”

The two Dao Slashing Kings of the ancient sacred mountain also wanted to draw Chu Yang into the ancient sacred mountain.

He even made a promise for this.

But their promise is not attractive to Chu Yang at all.

It even made Chu Yang feel a little ridiculous.

*~ The two of you are hard to protect yourself, and you want to draw me to the Taikoo Mountain, even if Sage really pays, it will take a year, and do you think it takes so long for me to kill the two of you? ?,

Chu Yang laughed playfully.

“you ”

The two people originally thought that Chu Yang would treat them better after hearing the words Sage Recovery.

After all, Sage is out, it’s not the king of the slasher, so easy to deal with.

But I didn’t expect Chu Yang’s attitude to remain as usual.

This also shows that Chu Yang is not afraid of their Sage at all.

Moreover, what the mysterious person in front of him said was true. Even if the Sage in the ancient sacred mountain was about to recover, if the mysterious person really wanted to kill them, it wouldn’t take even a minute (of promise).

The two of them were dating, just like their previous partner, and they turned directly into child fans.

Soul and soul are broken.

“The third question is, what is the defense power of the Taikoo Mountain today? As Sage is recovering, will anyone else appear to guard it?”

What Chu Yang wants to ask is naturally the defense situation of the ancient mountain.

Now that he and the people of Taikoo Sacred Mountain have torn apart, there is bound to be a big battle between the two in the future.

It was not him that Chu Yang destroyed the ancient sacred mountain or created him in the ancient sacred mountain.

But Chu Yang wouldn’t give Taigu Shenshan such an opportunity, he planned to do it now.

The Sacred Mountain of Taikoo was completely erased from Sacred Land.

“Yes, during the period of Sage’s recovery, the Holy Lord has woken up many swordsmen, protecting the ancient mountain, and some of the closed door training cuts. The kings have already left the pass. Now I am afraid the ancient mountain There are no fewer than thirty defenders in the group!”.

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