Chapter 429 The Wrath of Taikoo Mountain

“I will send three Dao Slayer Kings here. This time, I must catch the person who killed Nether Mountain. If he can’t catch him alive, I will let him die in the most cruel way.”

Elder gave the order directly.

“Yes, we understand.”

And everyone nodded and answered.

Vulcan Mountain.

Soon, Elder’s order was passed to the Vulcan Mountain.

The Bifang Crane bird that lives in the Vulcan Mountain is also a bird of the Phoenix family.

With Phoenix blood in his body, he was more pure than the Tianpeng clan.

It’s just that the Bifang Crane clan is not born with many, and those strong people in the clan are even more dead and wounded in the ancient times.

The remaining Bifang Crane birds are just the ones who lingered back then.

So even if their blood is stronger than Tianpeng, they can only depend on the Tianpeng clan and be protected by them.

“The order of the Primordial Mountain, ordering us to stop the human who dared to guard the Nether Mountain, and at the same time waiting for the King of Dao Slayer from the Primordial Mountain to appear, and attack with him to eradicate the human.”

The patriarch of the Vulcan Mountain Bifang Crane clan looked at the crowd with a calm expression on his face and said the 24 orders of Elder of the Taikoo Mountain.

And this sentence also made another person in the Vulcan Mountain angry.

“Bah, our Bifang Crane clan is indeed to be protected by the Tianpeng clan, and it is indeed affiliated with the ancient sacred mountain, but we have already said that we only obey the order of the holy lord of the ancient sacred mountain. Come to order us, it’s just a stray bird, we can have blood, we are pure.”

Bifang Crane sternly gritted his teeth.

If it weren’t for their Bifang Crane clan who had died too many powerful men in the Primordial Era, they wouldn’t have to look at the expressions of the Primordial Mountain Clan here.

What’s more, once a clan’s reputation is given, it is not a fierce beast at all, but a divine beast.

It is a race that should be respected and respected by mankind.

Instead of being called by humans, the beast shouts and screams to kill.

“Okay, third brother, you don’t know what the state of our Bifang Crane clan is now. Even so, but the Holy Lord of the Primordial Sacred Mountain doesn’t care much at all, and everything is left to the three subordinates. Elder will take care of it.”

“Although we have spoken beforehand and only obeyed the orders of the Holy Lord, but when people have spoken, don’t you want to carry it out? When a big hat is buckled for you, our Bifang Crane clan can’t afford it, let alone. The juniors in the clan, even if they think about it, they should bear it down.”

The other man also said helplessly.

“Yes, third brother, just bear it for a while.”

The young man who spoke last said also helplessly.

If they could, they didn’t want to let the Bifang Crane clan get out of the control of the Sacred Mountain.

But once they leave, I am afraid that they will go to the Eastern Wasteland.

The Weak are Prey to the Strong, this is the law.

You were killed, and after all, it was just that you were not strong enough.

“Anyway, this time I’m going to stop that human being. If you go, I won’t go. I won’t be angry.”

The third Elder of the Bifang Crane clan turned around and left.

“Hey, the third brother has this temper. This time I will stop the human race and leave it to the second and fourth brothers. I will also control the big formation in the clan to help you, but this time you do your best, wait until The Dao Slayer King of the Primordial Mountain came over and handed over the man to them to deal with.

“Otherwise, if you are in danger, the Death of any one of you will be an unaffordable loss for our Bifang Crane clan.

Chief Bifang Crane looked at everyone.

“Yes, Dage, don’t worry, this time we will only delay and we won’t go up easily.”

The two nodded and answered together.

Since Chu Yang came out of the Netherworld Mountain, he has come all the way to the Primordial Mountain.

His Void Art is so fast that it surpasses Xingzizhi.

So instead of a quarter of an hour, I came to Huoshen Mountain.

Chu Yang didn’t care, so he crossed the Huoshen Mountain and headed to the Primordial Mountain.

But before he left Huoshen Mountain, he was stopped by two people in front of him.

The strength of these two people has reached the half-step slashing path, which is even more powerful than the usual peak of Returning Void Realm.

But it is still not his opponent.

Chu Yang did not detect the blood mark left after killing the human race from the two of them, so his attitude towards these two was also somewhat relaxed.

“If you don’t want to die, get out of the way!”

Chu Yang looked at the two, this was the greatest tolerance he could give them.

“You are the one who completely destroyed Nether Mountain. Your strength is indeed very strong. You are the strongest person we have ever seen, but you really shouldn’t come to the Primordial Mountain. You may be very strong and able to kill. Got the king of beheading.

“But Taikoo Shenshan has Sage, you can’t compete with Sage anyway, and you should be a very talented person among human beings, die in the hands of Taikoo Shenshan, don’t you waste your talent? ”

“I don’t want to do it to you, so I still advise you to go back as soon as possible, so as not to regret it!’

The second Elder of the Bifang Crane clan looked at Chu Yang and said.

In fact, if it wasn’t because the two camps were different, Elder would really appreciate Chu Yang here.

After all, what Nether Mountain did, even 907 couldn’t stand it anymore.

If it weren’t for the fact that their clan was too weak, they could only protect themselves.

Perhaps it had already taken action against Nether Mountain.

Now although the Taikoo Sacred Mountain allows them to hold Chu Yang.

But they didn’t mind letting Chu Yang leave, anyway, when the people from the ancient mountain came over, the two of them said that they didn’t meet Chu Yang.

Those who believe in Taikoo Mountain will not attack them just because of this matter.

“Have you finished? If you are finished, it’s better to act quickly, otherwise my patience is limited. If my patience runs out, you may end up like Nether Mountain.”

Chu Yang looked at these people, feeling a little bored in his heart.

Perhaps these people just responded to that sentence.

You look so ordinary, but you are very confident.

Chu Yang really did not understand, what exactly these people think, since he can talk to him who has killed a lot of Dao Slayer Kings like this.

Who gave them the courage?

There seems to be no Liang Jingru in this world.

The difference in strength between Realm and Realm can’t be filled by hundreds of billions.

The span of this gap is so large that Chu Yang really does not understand.

“you ”

The second Elder of the Bifang Crane clan looked a little ugly when he heard this. .

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