Chapter 447 Deadlocked, injured

The Golden-winged Great Peng bird sneered.

Then his body entangled Chu Yang again.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Attack after attack.

The bodies of the Golden Giant and the Golden-winged Great Peng Bird kept colliding.

The surrounding ground also collapsed again.

The guardian formation of the Taikoo Mountain in the distance has long been dilapidated.

Some Spirit Stones are even more exhausted, unable to replenish the power of the big formation.

More importantly, the disciples on the square were also spitting blood from the aftermath.

Was seriously injured.

Obviously, I want to rely on those disciples to convey power to the big array, and this idea is no longer available.

The power of the aftermath alone is enough to make the people in it exhausted.

“Holy Lord, leave quickly, the big formation will soon be broken, stay here again, even the Holy Lord will be life-threatening.”

The disciples in the “September 17” of Taikoo Mountain were exhausted, and some Elders did not get much better.

After all, in the face of such a powerful force, whether it is Venerable or Venerable.

There is no way to catch a move.

And even the king of swordsman, under the impact of such power, will be seriously injured.

Even die.

“You take the other disciples first and go to a safe place. I will stay here until the final result appears.”

The Holy Lord of the Ancient God Mountain looked at the subordinates beside him.

“But, Holy Lord””

“Okay, don’t say it again. If those disciplines are gone, I will not thrive on the ancient sacred mountain. What’s more, now that this catastrophe is a great disaster for my ancient sacred mountain, if even me, the Holy Lord I’m all gone, I’m afraid that the Face of the Primordial Mountain in the Eastern Wasteland will be lost, not to mention that I still have Saint Soldiers to protect myself, you don’t need to

Worried about my safety.

After saying this, the Holy Lord of Sacred Mountain took out a golden feather and guarded it next to own.

This golden feather is left by the first generation of Holy Lord of the Primordial Mountain, and is only given to those with the purest blood.

And now the Holy Lord of the Primordial Mountain is the powerhouse of this generation who has the bloodline closest to Phoenix.


When the subordinates heard this, they stopped hesitating and turned to protect the safety of those disciples.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

A moment of effort.

Only hearing the sound of clicking, the guardian formation of the Primordial Mountain was completely shattered.

At the moment when the interactive array was broken, the Holy Lord of the Primordial Mountain spit out a mouthful of blood.


She yelled.

Then he waved his sleeves, wrapped the disciples that had not had time to escape, and walked to a safe place.

In the void.

The battle between Chu Yang and Taikoo Golden-winged Great Peng Bird continues.

Both of them were already scarred at the moment.

Blood flowed across.

On the wings of the Golden-winged Great Peng bird, blood is constantly dripping.

The original bushy wings are now falling off.

In some places, the bones are even more exposed.

It looked really miserable.

And Chu Yang’s robe was also broken, and there were bloodstains on his body.

There were bruises on his face and blood on his body.

Obviously, both of them had already been ruthless this time.

far away.

Bifang Crane stood in the dark barrier.

His eyes looked at the battlefield in the distance.

Until I saw the tragic situation of Chu Yang and the ancient Golden-winged Great Peng bird.

Bifang Crane fired his saliva.

Such power is unimaginable in his life.

It can be said that if he is still at the center of the battle now, it probably doesn’t take a moment for him to die.

Is this the power of the master?

Bifang Crane muttered to himself.

He has always treated Chu Yang as a very strong person.

But now that Bifang Crane Huo knew that Chu Yang had always been underestimated.

Able to achieve such an achievement at such an age.

I am afraid that in the future, he will definitely become the invincible emperor of Nine Heavens.


The golden giant and the Golden-winged Great Peng bird both rolled to the ground.

However, their struggle still did not stop.

“The Gate of The Underworld!

Chu Yang’s hoarse voice came out, and in the void, the infinite karma fire of pitch black instantly turned into a huge gate of The Underworld.

Countless array patterns are outlined.

The door of The Underworld opens.

Once at The Underworld, the devil walked out.

This Demon God of The Underworld joined the battlefield with the same strong prestige.


However, the Demon God of The Underworld only persisted for a moment, and was torn to pieces by the tricks of the Golden-winged Great Peng Bird.


The battle between the two is still going on

The armor is broken, the mountains and rivers are ruined.

The peaks of Taikoo Mountain were beaten and almost collapsed.

If it weren’t for the support of the holy soldiers below.

I am afraid that all the mountain peaks in the surrounding land of thousands of miles have already turned into flat rivers.

The endless battle continues.

The blood on the Chu Yang and Golden-winged Great Peng birds can almost turn into a stream.

The golden blood was dripping continuously.

At this moment, Chu Yang Xiantian’s physique of the Holy Physique can no longer hide it.

Among the major Sacred Lands.

When they noticed Chu Yang’s physique, all their faces were solemn.

“First is the quasi holy breath, and then the Xiantian Holy Body Dao embryo. With such strength and such physique, is it really to replicate the invincible road of the Emperor Wu Shi?,

At this moment, everyone is thinking of such a question.

And in Yaochi Sacred Land.

When the Holy Lord of Yaochi noticed the quasi-sage’s breath, a layer of ice instantly condensed on her face.

Others don’t know, she knows these Xiantian corpses.

The physique of Xiantian Holy Body Dao Fei can not be seen casually, so at the moment, the quasi-sage who is fighting against the Golden-winged Great Peng bird of the Taikoo Mountain.

It must be the one who competed with her for the quasi-imperial weapon of the Shadow Demon Sect in the Sacred Land of Yaochi.

I just didn’t expect it.

The person who could still be crushed and beaten by her.

But in about half a year, his strength has not reached the Ascension.

Such talent and growth rate of 1.5.

I am afraid that in less than ten years, if he is not dead, he will definitely become the king of Sage.

As for the emperor.

Even if this person’s physique is really Xiantian’s body, can he become a new emperor after Wu Shi.

It is still unknown.

Chu Yang continues to fight the Golden-winged Great Peng bird.

But he was already a little impatient.

Now his strength is comparable to that of the Golden-winged Great Peng Bird.

Continue to fight can only hurt both sides.

Even Chu Yang may be severely injured, although it only takes a few days for him to recover.

But right now I believe that all Sacred Lands in the Eastern Wasteland are watching the battle here.

Once he was seriously injured, his breath could not be hidden.

Perhaps these holy realms will follow the vines and find his trace.

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