Chapter 450 Completely destroy the Jinpeng line

Want to kill him.

Even in the end, when Chu Yang didn’t want to do anything against them, he was anxious that all the clansmen would take suicide attacks.

One by one, these things have completely angered Chu Yang.

This led to the current situation.

Jinpeng family. It is also a race that has been changed and passed down from the ancient times.

Now that the inheritance is broken, Bifang Crane Fire only feels a little sad.

But he did not regret them.

Because now if it weren’t for Chu Yang to win.

Perhaps their Bifang Crane clan will also come to such an end.

After all, the big Elder’s ambitions were too swollen, and he wanted to get the inheritance of Beihai Kunpeng to be such a killer.

But in the end, his ambition can only harm others and himself. Such an ending is really embarrassing.

“Master, are we leaving next?”

Bifang Crane Huo walked in front of Chu Yang and asked respectfully.

“No, I still have things to do next!”

Chu Yang coughed.

He was indeed injured when he killed the Jinpeng line.

After all, forcibly using the Heavenly Fist, it itself caused a certain load and pressure on his body.

And those people in this Jinpeng line are not all Ant 920, and wanting to kill them will cause Chu Yang’s body to suffer some losses.

However, under the super resilience of Xiantian Eucharist, these are nothing.


After hearing Chu Yang’s words, Bifang Crane fired on his side.

At this moment, in the sacred mountain of Taikoo.

Only the remaining Elders gathered together.

With horrified eyes, they looked at Chu Yang and walked to the side of the Holy Lord one after another.

“Holy Lord, now that mysterious person seems to be the end of the crossbow, it is better for us to shoot now, maybe we can kill him!”

Second Elder couldn’t help but suggested.

After all, they all know that if Chu Yang does not die, then Chu Yang will turn into a lifelong nightmare for the people of the Primordial Mountain.

Forever linger in their hearts.

“No, have you forgotten the lesson of Elder? As soon as they sold, the body is now on the ground, and the blood is flowing like a river, and the spirits are scattered. If you want to follow their footsteps, then I won’t stop you, just go.”

The Holy Lord of Sacred Mountain of Taikoo directly rejected the words of Elder.

Regardless of whether Chu Yang is the end of the battle, whether there is (cebf) the power of the first battle.

She can’t even bet on this opportunity.

Because if the gambling loses, then the Taikoo Mountain will never turn over.

Offending a future strength, at least in the mysterious person of King Sage, this is something that only idiots would do.

“However, if we don’t do it now, then there will never be such a good opportunity again. After letting him leave, wouldn’t it mean that I will never have the opportunity to take revenge in the future.”

Second, Elder was a little unconvinced.

After all, it seemed to him that he had shot the Golden-winged Great Peng bird before, and then forcibly wiped out the great Elder.

Chu Yang at the moment, although it seems to be able to stand still, it is just a strong support.

As long as they take action, they can best kill the person in front of them.

“If there is no chance, there is no chance. Everything must be based on the Primordial Sacred Mountain. What’s more, you have listened to the words of Elder before. He disobeys my orders, is good at hand, and is also a wolf’s ambition. He wants to usurp the position of the Holy Lord, Jinpeng. One line, even if the mysterious person doesn’t kill them, I will personally get rid of them.”

“Don’t think about this kind of thinking anymore, otherwise I will expel you from the Sacred Mountain of Taigu!

The Holy Lord directly refused.

Chu Yang is pressing on them like a big mountain.

And this mountain is so majestic that it cannot be shaken!

If they act strongly, the final fate is likely to be broken to death.


Two Elder and Three Elder stopped talking after hearing the words of the Holy Lord of the Primordial Mountain.

After that, no one dared to mention anything about Chu Yang.

After Chu Yang had solved everyone, he took out an eighth-grade Medicine Pill from the space and swallowed it directly.

The power of the eighth-grade Medicine Pill was refined by the furnace of heaven and earth, and turned into a steady stream of pure power to recover his injuries.

And the golden aura in Chu Yang’s body is constantly surging, absorbing the power of the world around him, and restoring the damage in his body.

After swallowing the Eighth Medicine Pill.

Chu Yang walked to the front of the Holy Lord of the Primordial Mountain.

This time there was no guardian formation, the Holy Lord of Sacred Mountain of Taigu directly felt the power of Chu Yang.

This power exuded, so that the Holy Lord of the ancient mountain could not help but want to bow down.

After all, the ancient idols were also the culmination of all fierce beasts in the ancient times.

The fierce beast that can suppress all blood is not as good as his.

Therefore, even if there is no blood of the god in the Holy Lord of the Primordial Mountain, he will bow his head in front of this coercion.

“you ”

The Holy Lord of Taikoo Mountain just wanted to answer.

But when she saw Chu Yang’s gaze, she didn’t speak.

“The previous conditions have been doubled. If you don’t agree, then I will bloodbath the Primordial Mountain today!

Chu Yang’s words stunned the Holy Lord of the ancient mountain.

She wanted to say something.

But in the end there was no opening.

Taikoo Mountain can no longer lose more powerhouses.

So even if Chu Yang is now the lion opening his mouth, they can only accept it.


The Holy Lord of Taikoo Mountain nodded.

Then he gave him all the things Chu Yang wanted.

Handing over these things is also a great injury to Taikoo Shenshan.

But at least it would be better to destroy the entire Taikoo Mountain.

After getting these things, Chu Yang took the Bifang Crane fire and left directly using the void technique.

The people of Sacred Mountain silently watched others Chu Yang and they left without blocking.

“Holy Lord, are we just letting him take away our things like this?”

The second Elder of the Primordial Mountain said unwillingly.

Those things that Chu Yang took were also accumulated for thousands of years to their ancient gods.

Now that they are handed out like this, then their savings over the past hundred years of the ancient mountain, don’t they make wedding dresses for others?

“Yes, Holy Lord!”

Three Elder was also unwilling.

After all, after the destruction of the Jinpeng line, the forces left by the big Elder will naturally be divided up by the other Elders.

But now the Holy Lord handed over these treasures and supernatural powers.

Then they naturally won’t get anything else.

“Enough, just shut up. Now that there is such a catastrophe, isn’t it because you caused it? If you can stop and don’t go to Qingyuanzong to make trouble, how can there be things now? It was caused by you, but it is ridiculous to say such things now.”

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