Fantasy: I Don’t Want To Practice!

Chapter 24: Good Parenting [New Book, Please Support!]

"This... How is this possible!!!"

Jiang Guang held his head and almost went crazy!

Not only him, but everyone in the audience was going crazy!

A Martial Apprentice Rank Two actually killed three Martial Masters with one punch!!!

Oh my god!

This world is too crazy!

Jiang Guang sat on the ground, doubting his life.

Hundreds of people behind him were silent and trembling, looking at Ye Feng as if he was looking at a demon.

They originally thought that Ye Feng was good enough to defeat so many Prodigy.

Unexpectedly, they still underestimated him. It turned out that the other party had the strength to kill Martial Master Rank Three in one second!

Even if it was a strong man of the martial sect, it was impossible to casually blow a Martial Master into slag without using martial arts, right?

In comparison, they suddenly realized that Ye Feng was very, very kind to their children.

He just injured them.


How dare they come to him to ask for an explanation? He has already given them a lot of face, okay?

Thinking of this, the parents felt their faces flushed with shame.

"Who else doesn't believe it?"

Ye Feng held his fist, raised his head, and looked at the parents excitedly, with a fanatical fighting spirit in his eyes.

He didn't hit enough with one punch, and he wanted to hit another one.


Swish! ! !

Hundreds of people in the audience took a step back.

"Uh, ahem, Brother Wang, didn't we agree just now that if this Ye Feng doesn't listen, you should go up and teach him a lesson first?"

"No, no, no, I didn't say that, it was Brother Xiao who said that. Brother Xiao, isn't your family's burnt wall seriously injured? Hurry up and ask for an explanation."

The head of the Xiao family was so scared that his face turned pale, and he shook his head like a rattle.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! This is definitely a misunderstanding! Hahaha... I didn't sleep well last night, and I said some nonsense. I always thought that nephew Ye Xian was very kind and cute, how could I bear to hit him?"

Kind and cute...

Those parents were sweating profusely.

"Brother Mingyun has always been sensible and has a good way of educating his children. The children he has educated are better than each other. They are role models for our generation. As a parent, I have long wanted to ask Brother Mingyun for advice on how to educate my children, but unfortunately I have never had the chance..."

At this time, Wang He's parent came out, laughing like an old chrysanthemum, with a flattering face.

Other parents also echoed, and the difference in attitude before and after was not ordinary.

While they were talking, Ye Feng had already walked in front of the crowd.

With a well-behaved and sweet smile on his face, he was completely different from before.

The parents had goose bumps all over their bodies, because they were scared.

Is this really the devil boy who killed Martial Master in seconds just now?

Ye Feng smiled politely.

"So all the uncles are so nice, I misunderstood, why don't you come in for tea?"

"No, no, no..."

This time, all the parents shook their heads in unison, and this time it was a bunch of rattles.

Go in for tea?

Just kidding!

I'll take two steps in and you'll punch me in the back. Where can I go to cry?

"Hahaha... You're too polite, nephew. I have something to do at home, so I'll leave first."

"Oh, the doctor I made an appointment with called me to get a circumcision. I won't accompany you for now. I'm sorry for offending you today. I'll come to your house to apologize to you another day."

"Goodbye! Goodbye!"



In a blink of an eye, most of the hundreds of parents left, and the remaining half were desperately looking for excuses to escape.

But all the good excuses were used by those who left.


What should I do!

I'm so panicked! He's coming over! Will he suddenly punch me? Should I stand or lie down? What color should the coffin be for a festive occasion?

Fortunately, Ye Feng didn't make things difficult for people and said something in a timely manner.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, then let's all go. Have a safe journey." As he spoke, he smiled and waved, indicating that everyone could leave. "Huh~~~" Those nervous parents breathed a sigh of relief and ran away, one faster than the other, wishing their parents would give them two more legs. But after running for a while, they pondered Ye Feng's words, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt something was wrong. Pay attention to safety? Damn! This is very problematic! Why should I pay attention to safety? Am I not safe? They ran to a place far enough away and gathered together to discuss, panicking. In the end, they all decided that every household would bring a big gift tomorrow and personally apologize to Ye Feng! The scene was empty, and Jiang Guang was left alone. He quickly got up from the ground and glared at Ye Feng fiercely. Ye Feng thought he was going to fight to the death, and was just ready to take the challenge. When he looked up, the other party ran away without even a shadow, faster than a stray dog. "Ye Feng! Don't be too proud! Do you think I don't know what you did? You wait!"

From a distance, Ye Feng heard this and his forehead was black.


You are a Martial Master after all. Where did you learn this kind of shitty routine of running away and swearing when you can't win a fight?

If you don't know, you might think you are a street thug.

Ye Feng smiled and shook his head, and started to walk back. Just after taking two steps, a pretty figure threw herself into his arms.

If he hadn't been physically strong now, he would have been knocked down by this collision.

"Brother~Big idiot!!!"

Ye Xian'er's tender voice came from his arms, and Ye Feng felt that his chest was a little wet.

Only then did he realize that Xian'er was crying.

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