Fantasy: I Don’t Want To Practice!

Chapter 28 Who Put Me Back? [New Book, Please Support!]

[Orange products are not serious! ]

At this time, the outside was in chaos, and the servants tried their best to put out the fire with water, but it was useless.

This fire was caused by the burning of a mixture of drugs, and there was even a lot of fire from Ye Xianer's Pill Refining!

It was not something that could be extinguished by ordinary water. Instead, the fire grew bigger and bigger, and even explosions were heard from time to time.

"It's bad! The young master has been in for so long and hasn't come out yet. Could he have..."

"Shut up! How could the young master be in trouble? At most, he was burned to death!"

"Uh, yes, should we prepare some paper money in advance so that the young master can die in a more glorious way?"



At this time, an old figure flew from a distance.


"The ancestor is here! There is salvation!!!"

The people below cheered.

That person was Ye Canghai!

When he saw the fire, his brows frowned slightly, and he immediately flew above the fire, put his palms together, and a powerful momentum burst out from him.

At this moment, Ye Canghai, who had previously looked old and frail, was like a god descending to the world, mighty and powerful.


He pushed out his palms, and the world seemed to tremble slightly. An invisible barrier wrapped the entire flame and slowly shrank.

Suddenly, the flame magically extinguished itself.

"Fuck? What happened?"

Ye Canghai's eyes widened. He hadn't made a move yet!


The people below cheered!

"The ancestor is really amazing!"

"The ancestor is so mighty!"

Ye Canghai: "..."

He landed on the ground and looked at the Pill Refining room that had been burned to ruins. His eyes were solemn and his face was full of sorrow. He was hesitating whether to go in and check the situation.

Suddenly, a figure slowly walked out of the ruins, holding the pretty Ye Xian'er in his arms, coughing as he walked.

"Damn it! I just ran to the door, who pushed me back in!" Ye Feng cursed. He just saw that the fire was smaller, and ran out happily, but he bumped into a barrier and bounced back, almost falling to death. "Ahem, Feng'er Xian'er, I'm glad you're all right, go wash up quickly." Ye Canghai's old face turned red, he coughed twice, and ran away. At the same time, Ye Lingqing, who was practicing hard in the mountains, heard the explosion and rushed over. Along the way, she heard that Ye Feng rushed into the practice room to rescue Ye Xian'er, and she was full of worry and quickened her pace. When she arrived, she happened to witness this scene, and her face was weird. When Ye Feng walked out just now, Ye Lingqing was a little excited in her heart, and even had some admiration. But he was handsome for only three seconds, and his image was gone. ... At night, ... Hula la la ... Ye Feng soaked in the hot spring pool made by the Ye family. Listening to the gurgling sound of water behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief. "Comfortable! It would be even more wonderful if a big-breasted girl came to rub my bath at this time."

"The big-breasted girl is here!"

Suddenly, a coquettish voice came from behind Ye Feng, and a delicate cloth was rubbed on his back, gently rubbing his back. .

Ye Feng's eyes widened!


It really is! This feeling is going to heaven!

"Sir, is this force comfortable?"

"Comfortable, comfortable!"

Ye Feng closed his eyes and felt like he was going to heaven.

Wait... this voice is so familiar!

He suddenly had a bad premonition and turned his head back abruptly.

Sure enough, he saw Ye Xian'er standing on the edge of the pool, holding the mop in her hand, rubbing him hard.


Ye Feng was furious at that time!

This girl is simply a demon!

"Hehehe... Brother, is it comfortable!"

Ye Xian'er smiled at him flatteringly, looking at Ye Feng's embarrassed appearance, laughing forward and backward.

As a result, she slipped and fell into the pool.

Plop! ! !

A splash of water splashed up, and she was like a drowned chicken.

"Oh! It's all my brother's fault. How dare you plot against me!"

Ye Feng: "..."

It was obviously your own carelessness, okay?

Ye Feng stared at her with a bitter face.

"I tried so hard to save you today, and you treat your savior like this?"


Ye Xian'er showed an embarrassed smile on her face, then crawled towards Ye Feng's position and threw herself into his arms.

"Of course I know that my brother treats me the best! Brother, Xian'er will rub your back."

Thinking of this, she reached out to grab the mop, and Ye Feng's forehead was immediately black.

"Uh, forget it."

Ye Feng didn't dare to compliment the mop when he thought of it. If he remembered correctly, he saw the mop in the toilet when he was pooping in the morning.

"No! Xian'er wants to repay my brother for saving my life!"


Ye Feng looked down and suddenly found an amazing scene.

Ye Xian'er was wearing shorts and a shirt, and her perfect curves were exposed!


It was so exciting!

He seriously doubted whether this girl had prepared to take a bath together from the beginning.

Ye Feng's wild power was surging, and the volcano was about to erupt.

"Oh, brother, why are you trying to plot against me again!"

Suddenly, Ye Xian'er struggled and jumped out of Ye Feng's arms, looking at Ye Feng with caution and hostility, as if she had known his thoughts.

Ye Feng was confused, what kind of nerves did this little girl have?

"Why did I plot against you?"

"Hehe... Do you think I don't know? You also have a stick hidden under you! You want to use it to hit me! I just touched it! You can't succeed!"

After saying that, the little girl climbed out of the pool and ran away...

Ran away...

Ye Feng was left standing there alone, touching his stick, doubting his life.

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