Fantasy: I Don’t Want To Practice!

Chapter 41: The Inherited Tradition Of Beating Idiots [New Book, Please Support!]

He got up from the ground in grief and anger, his head buzzing, and he was almost hit by a brick and had a concussion.

There was a big bump on his forehead, like a rhino, or an angry rhino in estrus!

Jiang Shan was furious and planned to use his ultimate move, but found that he was in great pain and couldn't use any strength.

The most annoying thing was that the brick was still crying out in pain!

"Ah, it hurts so much! It hurts so much! Is this old dog's head made of iron?"

Heart-wrenching howls came one after another.

Ye Feng: "..."

Jiang Shan: "..."

Jiang Shan was so angry that he almost went berserk.

Damn it! It was you who almost beat me to death!

Besides, as a Law Treasure, I want to ask you where your sense of pain is?

Jiang Shan shouted angrily, and a burst of blood burst out all over his body. He wanted to use his ultimate move to kill the man and the brick.

But he was surprised to find that he couldn't run the Spirit Qi in his body. He was sealed!

"What's going on? Where's my Spirit Qi?"

Is it Ye Feng's trick? Or is it the brick?

"Shameless old dog! It's fine if you hit me, but you dare to hit my family! Take another brick from me!"

After saying that, Ye Feng threw another brick at him.

Jiang Shan was furious!

This is too much!

"Boy! What moves did you use! You are so shameless!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"My move is called-ancestral beating idiots!!!"

Ancestral beating idiots!

What a cool look!

Jiang Shan was scared at the time and turned around to run away, but the brick was like a tracking missile, chasing him relentlessly and even turning!

While chasing, he screamed: No, it hurts, I don't want to hit his dog head! ! !

Jiang Shan was so angry that he almost vomited blood.


Jiang Shan bit his finger, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and turned into a blood sacrifice shield in front of him, saying viciously.

"Let's see which is more powerful, your brick or my shield!"

"Hehe... I think my fist is more powerful!"

Suddenly, Ye Feng's teasing laughter came to his ears, and Jiang Shan turned back suddenly with a look of despair.

Ye Feng had already run behind him and punched him without knowing when.

"Secret - a serious punch from the ancestors to beat idiots!!!"

Bang! ! !


The sky and the earth shook, smoke and dust rolled, and the entire Jiang family was in a mess.

Two figures fell on the gate of the Jiang family.

Ye Mingyun took a breath of cold air when he saw the rows of Jiang family courtyards collapsed into ruins.

"What a tragic battle."

Ye Canghai's turbid old eyes became bright at this moment. He looked around and his sight was fixed on Jiang He's other courtyard in the distance.

"I can't feel the breath of Jiang Shan and Jiang Hai."

"Are they dead?"

Ye Mingyun was shocked. The battle has lasted for twenty minutes. What kind of person can slaughter the Jiang family in twenty minutes?

The two entered the Jiang family to check, and found that there was not even a trace of Martial Master in the house.

Ye Mingyun was more and more frightened.

Finally, in a remote courtyard, three bodies were found - Jiang Shan, Jiang Hai, and Jiang He.

The grandfather and grandson were neatly arranged and lying on the ground, one dead and one miserable.

On the floor in front of them, there was a line of crooked words: Someone harmed the Ye family, a sinner for all ages!

Damn it!

These eight big words were written like dog bites, and there was a typo!

Ye Mingyun and Ye Canghai were both furious.

"Father! This person is a little unusual."

"People who can write so ugly are indeed unusual."

Ye Feng, who was hiding in the corner and was complacent, fell to the ground when he heard this.

"But this person's intention is very obvious. Is he helping our Ye family?"

Ye Mingyun pondered.

"Although my Ye family and Jiang family have a grudge, it is not to the point of exterminating the other party's entire family. If I am not wrong, he is very likely to know about the assassination."

"There must be something strange here. Keep searching. There should be clues."

Ye Canghai is very experienced and did not rush to draw a conclusion.

The two of them started the search separately.

At this time, Ye Feng took the opportunity to slip out.

The rest of the things were left to his father and grandfather to clean up. I believe that they will understand his intentions when they see the gifts he prepared.

Sure enough, Ye Feng had just left.

Ye Mingyun found an amazing thing in another courtyard.

He hurriedly found Ye Canghai and asked him to come and check it out.

The two returned to the courtyard and found two strange and strange corpses in the courtyard.

The reason why it is called strange is that the two corpses were facing each other, holding their fingers tightly, kneeling on the ground, kissing each other, and each of them had a brilliant chrysanthemum on their heads.

Around them, someone sprinkled a heart with chrysanthemums, creating a scene full of gay love.

Ye Mingyun's cheeks twitched.

What the hell is this?

"It's the left and right protectors of the Netherworld Sect."

Ye Canghai suddenly spoke.

Ye Mingyun was shocked.

"How could someone from the Netherworld Sect appear here? And was they killed?"

Ye Canghai sighed slightly.

"I'm afraid I have to ask the Jiang family. This small Jiang family has four martial masters, and these two people had a grudge against me in the early years. Feng'er was assassinated some time ago. These things should be related."

Ye Mingyun's pupils dilated slightly, and he seemed to understand something in an instant.

At this time, a figure flew out of the Jiang family, sneaking around, jumping on the eaves, very funny.

"It's him! Father, should we chase him?"

Ye Canghai's eyes fell on the man's back, as if he had realized something.

"No need, this man saved our Ye family today, he is our benefactor! Besides, with just two of us, I'm afraid we can't stop him." Ye Mingyun nodded, and the two of them watched Ye Feng go away...

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