Fantasy: I Don’t Want To Practice!

Chapter 49 I Am From The White Leopard Bureau! [New Book, Please Support!]

"Brother Ye, this is the South Sea Orb. It has the effect of concentrating the mind and assisting cultivation. It is my little gift. I hope it can help Ye Feng cultivate and wish him to quickly improve his realm."

"South Sea Orb!"

When this thing was taken out, even the vice-president's eyes were straight.

This thing is incredible. It is a priceless treasure in the market. It is as precious as a Rank Five pill.

Let alone Donghai City, there are no more than a hundred in the entire empire. Every time one appears, it will be sold at a sky-high price, and even cause strong people to fight for it.

Now the old man in white actually gave it away for free. He is really trying hard!

Ye Mingyun was a little flattered. This old man in white robes looked old enough to be his father, but he called him brother instead! And gave him such a precious treasure.

"Oh! How can I be so embarrassed?"

While talking, Ye Mingyun put the South Sea Orb into the space ring with an embarrassed smile on his face.

The old man in white robe: "..."

The vice president: "..."

Ye Feng, who happened to come over to join in the fun, saw this scene and was also frowning.

The old man's eyes twitched as he watched Ye Mingyun put the South Sea Orb into his pocket. He felt so painful, but he couldn't take it back after giving it away.

At this time, he noticed Ye Feng's arrival.

He quickly stood up and walked towards Ye Feng with a smile as bright as a chrysanthemum on his face.

"Ye Feng, you're here!"

He said this as if the two of them were very familiar with each other.

Ye Feng stood up suddenly, with a vigilant look on his face. What did this old chrysanthemum want to do to him?

"Ahem, Ye Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you recovering well?"

The vice president also stood up and walked over, greeting Ye Feng cordially.

"Feng'er, hurry up and meet the vice president and tutor Bai."

Ye Mingyun received the gift and smiled like a donkey, happy.

The three of them were more cordial and enthusiastic than each other, as if they were going to come together to burst Ye Feng's chrysanthemum.

Ye Feng was frightened at the time, his scalp was numb, and his anus was tight.

There is a conspiracy!

Based on his rich experience of reading novels for many years, he guessed that these three people had bad intentions!

First of all, the deputy dean had been plotting something bad before and wanted him to practice. He performed so well in front of the Tianwu Monument that day, and he was probably targeted by this old white chrysanthemum. As for his father, let alone, he accepted the gifts, and he must have been bribed by the other party. Look at that lewd smile, tut tut tut...

The world is so sinister!

Fortunately, he had been on guard, otherwise he would have been succeeded by these three people.

Ye Feng frowned and showed a firm attitude.

"I won't agree!"




The three looked stunned and looked at each other. They didn't expect Ye Feng to refuse so straightforwardly.

They haven't even stated their intentions yet!

Do you have to be so disrespectful? Can't you let them finish their words?

Ye Mingyun looked embarrassed. This was the second time he had encountered this.

Last time, he was not tactful and was hospitalized after being punched by Ye Feng. Now he was scared when he thought about it, so he hurried up to explain.

"Feng'er, listen to me first. This instructor Bai is from Qingwu University. He wants to recruit you to Qingwu University for further study. Qingwu University is a first-class university in the country. It has rich training resources and elite talents from all over the country. Would you like to consider it?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Ye, do you still remember me? We have met before. I am Bai Baoju!"

The chrysanthemum-like smile on the face of the old man in white became even brighter.

Hearing this name, Ye Feng was immediately terrified.

Bai Baoju!

Who dares to go with you, Qingwu University? Qingwu University is amazing!

If Bai Bai gets his ass fucked later, who can I cry to?

No! I won't go even if I'm beaten to death!

"Don't say it, I won't agree!"

Ye Feng's attitude was still firm, and he turned around and left after he finished speaking.

The old man Bai was suddenly very anxious! He rubbed his hands nervously and looked at the vice president for help.

In times of crisis, the vice president is more experienced.

"Since Ye Feng doesn't want to go, let's not force him. After all, Qingwu University is a place for women. Although more than 90% of the students are female, and there are beautiful women everywhere, what can a man do there? Has he ever lived a romantic life? You two are still not thoughtful! You should follow me to Lingdan University! There are 100% male students there, masculine and bloody, this is the place for men!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Feng's steps paused and the whole person froze.


Good tricks!

The old man was stunned and looked at the vice president with admiration. He is really a veteran!

The result...

Ye Feng stood with his hands behind his back, raised his head, looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and sighed.

"Vice president, you underestimate me, Ye,"


The three of them were stunned again.

Ye Feng smiled sadly and sighed in a low voice.

"I, Ye, have devoted myself to Taoism and have no distractions. I have long put aside the affairs of the world! Do you think that since there are so many beautiful girls in Qingwu University, I will be like others and rush to them?"

Hearing this, the three looked at each other and couldn't help but cast a respectful look at Ye Feng.

I didn't expect it!

Ye Feng is so young, but he has such a high level of awareness, which is precious!

This boy will become a great man in the future!

As soon as this idea was implemented, Ye Feng suddenly turned around and looked at them, with a lewd but lewd smile on his face.

"At least let me think about it for a few minutes."

Bai Bao Bureau: "..."

Vice Dean: "..."

Ye Mingyun: "..."

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