Fantasy: I Don’t Want To Practice!

Chapter 5 My Sister Is The School Beauty? [New Book, Please Support!]

After Ye Feng and Xian'er left, the audience was still reluctant to leave.

"I never realized that Master Ye was so talented!"

"Yes! He speaks so sharply! He is so pretentious!"

"Although his cultivation is not very good, no one in the academy can match his skill of talking nonsense!"


They suddenly found that they had changed their views on Ye Feng. They no longer despised him as before, but found him very interesting, and even worshipped him a little.

Just kidding!

In this world where people only know how to cultivate!

Ye Feng's pretentious routine caused quite a stir. You know, in the Internet forum novel world on Earth where he originally lived, everyone was a talent!

He casually took out some of the pretentious dry goods from his previous life! It was enough for them to learn for hundreds of years!

"The test is about to start, we have to hurry to the Tianwu Monument!"

"Tianwu Monument?"

Ye Xian'er's fair little hand held Ye Feng, and before he could finish asking, she dragged him away.

This academy is quite large, more than a hundred times larger than the high school Ye Feng attended in his previous life!

It took them an hour to get from the school gate to the test site! They finally caught up.

When they ran there, Ye Feng realized that his body was really not good enough.

He turned around and saw that Ye Xian'er had only a few more drops of sweat on his head. He was already out of breath.

"Brother, your physical strength is so poor, I'm so worried about you during the test."

Seeing Ye Feng's embarrassed look, Ye Xian'er's eyes were actually a little distressed.

"It's okay, after the test, the college will definitely beg me to let me graduate."

Bragging again!

Ye Xian'er's face was full of disbelief.

"What if the college doesn't beg you to let you graduate?"

"Then I'll beg them..."

Ye Xian'er: "..."

This is really shameless!

After two months of injury, this brother has learned to pretend!

This test site is a very wide square, three or four times larger than the football field Ye Feng had seen in his previous life. Thousands of people have already stood here, and more people are coming later.

Of course, not all of these people came to take the test. Half of them came to join in the fun and meet the people they admired.

For example, a certain Prodigy.

The arrival of Ye Feng and Ye Xian'er caused a small sensation. Both of them are well-known figures in the academy.

Ye Xian'er is recognized by the academy as the first genius in alchemy in the past hundred years.

Alchemy is not like martial arts. The former is ten times more difficult than the latter.

After practicing martial arts Rank Nine to perfection, you can try to break through and impact Martial Artist to become a real Martial Artist! After practicing Rank Nine, you can become a powerful Martial Master!

For alchemists, once the medicine apprentice is perfected, they can directly become a pharmacist, which can be considered as entry!

Ye Xian'er was only sixteen years old, but he had already reached the realm of medicine apprentice Rank Nine. He was just one step away from perfection and became a real pharmacist. It can be seen how terrifying his talent is!

In comparison, Ye Feng's fame is much more alternative. To put it simply, he is a waste! He is so useless that it is outrageous! He is so useless that he is famous throughout the city, so he will naturally become famous!

"Wow! Isn't that Ye Xian'er?"

"So cute! I didn't expect I could see her in person!"

"Hurry over and get a taste of the school belle's charm!"

With Ye Xian'er standing next to Ye Feng, Ye Feng was automatically ignored by people.

Besides being a genius in alchemy, Ye Feng's sister also has another title, that is, one of the four school belles of Tianwu High School!

Ye Feng just learned the news now and was stunned.

"Are you the school belle?"

"Of course! It's your honor to be able to stand with this school belle, brother, you should be happy!"

Ye Xian'er completely ignored the admiration shown by the people around her, but seemed to enjoy Ye Feng's gaze on her like this, with a proud look on her face.

As a result, Ye Feng suddenly lowered his head, touched his chin and whispered.

"Damn! If you can become a school belle, how ugly are the women in this school?"

Ye Xian'er: "..."

She stomped her feet in anger. Is it so difficult for this brother to admit that he is beautiful? ? ?

You know, those who pursue her can go around this square!

"Brother, if you want to die, just say it directly, I can arrange a good furnace position for you."

Ye Feng felt a murderous aura behind him. It turned out that Ye Xian'er was looking at him with dissatisfaction.

He immediately felt a chill in his heart, and began to sweat coldly on his back, and sighed.

The young people nowadays!

They always want to Pill Refining people, which is too impetuous. Can't they sit down and listen to him bragging calmly?

"That... that is Ye Xianzi!!!"

At this time, someone suddenly pointed at a graceful figure standing on a huge rock in the distance and exclaimed.

With this exclamation, everyone in the audience raised their heads and looked over there, their eyes full of fanaticism and admiration, as if they had seen an idol...

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