Fantasy: I Don’t Want To Practice!

Chapter 76 I'm Going To Challenge The Master! [Fifty Chapters Added! Please Subscribe First!]

"Boss! You misunderstood, we didn't mean that!" Brother Qiang ran over to explain. "What do you mean?" Hearing this, Brother Qiang looked sad. "To be honest, just now people from the four major gangs came to make trouble and asked us to tie you up. Brothers are all brave and chose not to obey them and fight them head-on. However, there are many masters in the four major gangs, and we were completely crushed. More than a dozen people were injured. They also ordered other gangs not to accept us unless you kneel down and atone for your sins." At this point, he sighed. "Boss, we do all this to support you wholeheartedly. Why can't you come to be the leader of this gang?" Ye Feng couldn't help but soften his heart. "Eighty-eight-zero" This guy must be talking nonsense. For example, the other party asked to tie him up and send him out, and he wanted to ask these people, I'm standing here, do you dare to come? However, the other party's sincerity is still very real. He brought these people in and they suffered because of him. Ye Feng naturally has the responsibility to stand up for them. Since I have protected them once, I don't mind protecting them for the second time!

"Okay! I will be the boss! Please tell the four major gangs that I, Ye Feng, will come to your door in person tomorrow."

"Ah! Boss, are you going to kneel down and apologize? That's so embarrassing!"

"Kneel down! I'm going to challenge them!!!"

The news that Ye Feng agreed to be the gang leader spread, and more than 300 people at the door cheered, hugged each other, and cried with joy.

In the end, Brother Qiang left happily with a group of people, leaving only an old hen.

Ye Xian'er ran over to pick it up, took out a box from the space ring, put it away carefully, and then held it in her arms.

This detail was caught by Ye Feng, and he smiled knowingly.

This girl, although a little naughty, is still kind-hearted.

Ye Xian'er packed the old hen, ran over and raised her little face, and said to Ye Feng as if offering a treasure.

"Brother, I'll stew it for you tonight!"

Ye Feng was stunned and embarrassed. It turned out that he had misunderstood.

"Well, good boy, I love you for nothing."

At night, Ye Feng took a bath, ran out of the bathroom, sat on the bed, and took out the Tianwu Tablet.

"Silly Stone, how is my figure?"

Fit: "......"

Is there something wrong with this boss's brain?

"Boss, can you pay attention to your image? I'm embarrassed by you."

"Why are you shy? We are all grown men."

Hearing this, the Tianwu Tablet was silent and a little embarrassed, and the brick surface was red.

This emotion was automatically ignored by Ye Feng.

"I ask you, can you find a way to enter the light column?"

Ye Feng thought, such a precious thing must have many guards, he must make a perfect plan before stealing.

"There should be. I'll go explore the way and tell you when I come back." After saying that, the Tianwu Monument flew away from the window. Ye Feng looked at the other party's stream of light in the distance, a little confused. Why did he feel that the other party was running away? By the way, I have known the Tianwu Monument for so long. Is it male or female? Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, interrupting his thoughts. "I'm here!" Who is it? It's probably Ye Xian'er who would come to him so late, but Ye Lingqing is also possible. Who knows if this girl will feel lonely and cold in the middle of the night after the crazy night? I have to say that coming to college is also very beneficial. For example, if you do some beastly things here, you don't have to worry about others knowing. After all, there are only a few women here besides him. 1050905330 Feilu 154493571] Ye Feng found a towel, wrapped himself casually, and then went to open the door.

When he opened the door, what caught his eye was a pillar, which looked like a pillar, flat from top to bottom, with a straw hat on his head...0

But it was not like that in Ye Feng's eyes, because he had data reading.

That curvy figure could not escape his eyes at all.

"Is there anything?"

The person who came was Bai Xiaohei!

Ye Feng had never expected it!

Bai Xiaohei saw Ye Feng's unrestrained dress and laughed.

"I have something to talk to you about, let's go inside and talk. "

Ye Feng refused on the spot.

"Don't! What do you want to do to me?"

"We are all grown men, why are you shy?"

After saying that, Bai Xiaohei pushed the door and walked in carelessly.

Ye Feng was stunned on the spot.

This sentence sounds so familiar, it seems someone said it just now.

The two sat down, Bai Xiaohei was very impolite, he poured himself a cup of tea, and before he poured it for Ye Feng, she picked it up and drank the tea leisurely. Crossing her legs, the white and slender thighs under the shorts were fully exposed. Ye Feng's eyesight is now very good, and her eyes follow the wide warehouse tube to look inside, and her old face suddenly blushes.

"Fuck, white."

Bai Xiaohei looked up and asked in confusion.

"What did you say?"

"No! I said the moon is really white. "

"You mean my thigh is 5.7?"

Bai Xiaohei looked at him with a smirk and patted his thigh gently, as if he had guessed his thoughts.

Ye Feng was stunned at the time. This girl was really unrestrained!

In the middle of the night, she came to his room and said such things. Her purpose was not pure!

At this moment, Ye Feng hesitated. He was a family man after all. He had done that to Ye Lingqing and had a sister who depended on him!

What's more, he was not a casual person! Such an environmental influence destined him not to mess around with the other party casually, but the other party's intention was so obvious, what should he do?

He was very entangled, extremely entangled, and extremely entangled.

What should I do... Which posture is better?

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