Chapter One Hundred and Fiftieth Chapter All Saints Sect Disciples

The second round of the Raw Masters competition was held indoors this time.

Because of the elimination in the first round.

There were not many people in the second round.

The people who are left at the moment all have a few brushes.

Except for Chen Fan, a rookie who is half-baked in any way, the others are obviously at the level of raw ore experts.

In particular, the four masters of the original ore are obviously experts among experts.

At this moment, all the four people have come together.

Dong Jun looked at Chen Fan’s blank figure and got angry all night.

“Hmph, it’s a shame that that kind of person can make it to the second round!

“Don’t say it, luck is also a part of strength.

“Anyway, he didn’t go to the second round anyway, so what’s he afraid of?”

“Everyone, work hard, don’t make another oolong.”

Soon, the bustling crowd began to appear in the second round of the competition field.

The confrontation between the raw ore experts is so tempting, and many people set off at dawn.

Just to get a good seat to watch this matchup of raw ore masters.

This time, however, the audience was a little different.

In addition to the original ordinary audience, there was a special audience seat in one corner of the venue.

“Who are those seats for?”

It should be “not for me, right?”

Soon, everyone’s doubts were resolved.

I saw a man and a woman, two handsome men and women who came out of the painting, were slowly sitting in the special auditorium, obviously their identities were unusual!

“I have an impression of that man! Qiongdu, the powerful young generation of the demon clan!

“What? The Dapeng Garuda family?”


“I heard that the Dapeng Garuda race is inherently tyrannical, but I don’t know if it’s true.

“I didn’t expect that even the Dapeng Garuda came here!”

However, the shock is far from over.

Soon, another group of people with luxurious clothes walked in.

Heavenly Demon Gate!

Yaoguang Sacred Land!

Western Buddhism!

Heaven Court!

In the small original mine, several powerful forces suddenly poured into it!

Every one here is the overlord of one party, and at this moment, all of them are coming!


The audience didn’t know for a while whether they were here to watch the Son of God or the Master of Raw Mine.

A raw ore master competition can actually attract so much attention from Tianjiao!

“I don’t have dazzling eyes? That’s the Holy Son of Yaoguang, anger?”

“Fuck, Buddhist monks are here too!”

“Heaven Court Holy Son is so pompous!”

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, the special seats gradually became lively.

“Brother Liu Hao, I haven’t seen you for many years, your Heaven Court pomp really hasn’t diminished at all.”

At this moment, Liu Hao came in in a sedan chair carried by four beautiful nuns!

This scene alone caught the eye.

And Liu Hao is obviously used to the eyes of everyone, and his face is indifferent.

“That’s what Heaven Court does, what’s wrong?”

“Fazheng, you Buddhists are also interested in this shocking ore?

“Amitābha, the disciple just followed the teacher’s instructions to come here to open his eyes and gain insight.”

No one dared to look down on a polite monk.

Don’t look at this monk’s unremarkable, in fact, he can be said to be the most satisfied new disciple of Buddhism in the past thousand years.

You must know that almost all the new disciples before them were kept secret.

This time, Fazheng is the orthodox heir recognized by Buddhism for the first time in a thousand years.

You can see how talented this monk is.

In particular, the Dapeng Garuda clan, who had some connections with Buddhism, saw Fazheng even more excited at the moment.

Qiong Geng’s pair of eagle eyes looked at Fa Zheng and shone like he saw his prey.

Unfortunately, Fazheng did not respond to his enthusiasm.

On the other hand, the representative of Tianyaomen this time is Chen Fan’s acquaintance, Corpse Dove!

This monster cultivator who wanted to attack Yi Tianzi at first.

At this moment, the appearance of the corpse dove has not changed much from the original Void Road Sign.

It’s just a pair of eyes that occasionally makes people feel extremely evil.

When he came to the audience, he didn’t say a word, but his eyes looked at Qionggeng’s Little Sister Qiongyun from time to time.

There is another person who does not speak from beginning to end is the Holy Son of Sacred Land of Yaochi.

Li Mo.

This holy son looked very low-key, and he didn’t say a word from beginning to end.

But no one dared to underestimate him, Yaochi Sacred Land is a famous and powerful Sacred Land in the Western Regions.

Among them, there are countless masters in the sect, who can be qualified as holy sons among so many young talents.

One can imagine how strong Li Mo is…

With the arrival of the audience and players, the referee also officially announced that the second round of the raw ore master competition officially started!

The second round is slightly different from the first round.

At least the number of raw ore is much less than the first round.

In order to choose the strongest raw ore master.

It will definitely increase the difficulty.

The second round is not like the first round, everyone can drive something.

The greatly reduced amount of raw ore also means that not everyone can ship.

In the second round, in addition to eyesight, speed is also very important.

If you slow down, you might be gone.

This rule is obviously aimed at Chen Fan’s long-term selection.

However, everyone has already understood how to use the editing simulation, this time it has no effect.

Begin with the call of the referee.

This time, the raw ore experts obviously showed their own housekeeping skills one after another.

No matter what, the Holy Gate is watching, and if you lose again, you will be embarrassed.

The people of the four major families obviously no longer underestimate the enemy as in the first round.

I saw that Dong Jun, the owner of the house, had both eyes of merit and luck, and the strange light was soaring. He opened the pupil technique to examine each piece carefully.

It seemed that he was indeed disgusted by Chen Fan’s luck.

And the South family, the west family and the north family obviously slowed down and checked carefully one by one.

For a time, the competition on the field was a flash of strange light.

The people watching bystanders shouted wonderfully.

Even the arrogant Holy Sons watched with interest the duel between the raw ore experts.

||| (Wang Hao) The master’s pupil technique can actually see the original ore, which is indeed a bit of a doorway. ”

“I have never been in contact with these original ore families before, and I never thought that there would be such a magical secret technique in the world.”

“Huh? That’s not Chen Fan?”

“Chen Fan?”

“Yeah, I met Xuantian Sect before, but I didn’t expect to see him here, and he is still participating in the competition!

“So I heard yesterday that someone was lucky enough to make it to the second round. Could it be Chen Fan!”

Even if Shengzi saw that the secret techniques of the original ore family were all amazing, Liu Wu, who had a relationship with Chen Fan, was even more shocked.

Chen Fan gave him a deep impression, and he was able to directly resist Tuoba Wunan.

He believed that he was the Son of Xuantian Sect.

So how long has it been since?

Chen Fan has changed his identity to play here?

Even Liu Hao couldn’t turn his head.

Brother Chen’s identity has changed too quickly.

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