Chapter 198: Magical Powers: The Left and Right Ways!

Thinking of the effect of the side door, Chen Fan immediately began to practice.

Can automatically increase the proficiency of moves?

What kind of bullshit is this?

It’s no exaggeration to say it’s a miracle.

Anyway, Chen Fan can’t imagine what this Cultivation Technique that can automatically cultivate is like….

With Chen Fan’s continuous cultivation, a series of mysterious magic tricks began to run.

In his mind, all kinds of strange visions began to appear!

What Chen Fan didn’t notice was that with his cultivation, Zuo Dao actually started to run.

The two complementary Cultivation Techniques are gradually fused together!

This makes Chen Fan smoother with more practice!

Originally, he felt that the side door was a bit obscure.

I am hesitating whether to open a simulation to go to the side door of cultivation.

The result is that the more cultivation, the smoother it becomes!

One after another mysterious light traveled in his body in a peculiar trajectory.

After I don’t know how many universes have been run.

With more and more tracks in Chen Fan’s body, it gets brighter and brighter.

Finally, there was a slight snort.

He completely mastered this peculiar Cultivation Technique.

[Ding, you have comprehended supernatural powers;


Chen Fan never imagined that this Cultivation Technique could be practiced so quickly.

Many other Cultivation Techniques in the world of cultivators require a long period of cultivation before they can gradually become magical.

Most of them learn new Cultivation Techniques or moves only after they have comprehended supernatural powers.

The other way around here is different.

Its cultivation time is extremely short.

It only took half a day to calculate the time, and he has already realized the magical power!

Chen Fan is particularly curious about the magical power of this peculiar Cultivation Technique.

(By the way, everyone in the world says that only through hard work and hard training can one be able to prove the Dao. I personally think that laziness is also a type of Dao. The alternative enlightenment greatly reduces the difficulty of breaking through for the cultivator. The full-movement Cultivation Technique can run cultivation by itself. ”


Chen Fan felt the effect of the new supernatural power, but he couldn’t come back to his senses for a long time.

There is something on the left side of the door here.

Especially the effect of reducing the difficulty of breakthrough is especially important to him!

Every time the cultivation reaches the bottleneck, the most annoying thing for Chen Fan is the breakthrough.

I think he has to eat a fruit of enlightenment to break through from the Gold Core realm to the spiritual realm…

Chen Fan couldn’t even imagine how much the Realm behind him would get stuck.

If there is no help from the other side, maybe he can be stuck in the spiritual realm for hundreds of years…

This is not an exaggeration.

The more the practitioner reaches the late stage, the more difficult it is to make breakthroughs.

Some people are even stuck in the bottleneck and can’t make it any further for a lifetime.

For example, this is the case with the great elders of the major holy gates.

Basically, I have reached the peak of the realm, but I am stuck in the bottleneck for a lifetime.

There is both talent and opportunity.

Now Chen Fan can actually obtain a magical power that reduces the difficulty of breakthrough!

This kind of supernatural power is as rare as a growth grade heavenly item!

Maybe this supernatural power is the key to the breakthrough emperor!

In recent years, even if someone cultivated to the Ascension Realm, it would be difficult to advance an inch, and after all, they would exhaust their lifespan in front of Emperor Banbu.

And on this side door, maybe you can find a clue to become the emperor!

The more I feel the sidelines, the more I feel that the author is powerful, and I don’t know what kind of existence this cultivator called the idler is.

Since he can research this kind of magical power, maybe he is an extremely powerful existence?

Finding himself thinking a little far, Chen Fan shook his head.

People who fell thousands of years ago, no matter how curious they are, they are just dust and dust.

Chen Fan stood up after he completely grasped the other ways.

Surprisingly, I found that there is actually cultivation, and even in the depths of Divine Sense, there are moves that are practicing and evolving!


It’s a wonderful feeling.

It’s like fully automatic cultivation. …

The most important thing is that the speed is not slow, which is similar to his active cultivation!

Chen Fan nodded with satisfaction, glad that he could meet this magical Cultivation Technique.

The rest seems to be no big deal.

Thinking of this harvest is also quite good.

Get a Broken Sword and a Growth Grade Cultivation Technique.

Especially Broken Sword, the increase in his strength is especially huge.

How to say that the predecessor was also an imperial soldier, and the remaining strength was much stronger than that of ordinary swords.

He even said that if he could find other imperial soldiers, he might be able to extend the length of this sword.

Chen Fan couldn’t help laughing when he thought that his own sword might be composed of various imperial soldiers.

Of course, he also knew that it was difficult, and now he can only imagine it.

Because the aura of Broken Sword was a bit special, he directly used the power of the Jade Dream Disc to disguise Broken Sword.

From the point of view of others, it is just an ordinary short sword, and the most curious is why he chose such a short sword.

Never would have thought that this thing was actually two pieces of imperial soldiers fused together!

In addition to the special abilities of those imperial soldiers, the sharpness of the broken sword itself is average.

Anyway, it’s enough for Chen Fan. In the era of the emperor, no one should be able to destroy the emperor’s soldiers.

Putting away the dagger, Chen Fan fused the Heavenly Holy Code again.

Hmm.. still fail.

He’s used to it too.

Anyway, it is basically impossible for the best Cultivation Technique to fail hundreds of times.

Chen Fan looked left and right at the Treasure Room, and it seemed that there was nothing missing.


Seeing the golden bird sleeping in the nest, Chen Fan hooked the corner of his mouth.

Almost forgot the Cultivation Technique of Yaozu.

During this time, he tried to pry Qiongyun’s mouth open every day, teasing her to tell the Monster Clan Collection.

Thinking that the Golden-winged Great Peng bird can gain a firm foothold in the powerful demon clan, in addition to physical fitness, Cultivation Technique must also have its own advantages.

In order to force Qiongyun to tell the secret of the Dapeng Garuda, Chen Fan used various means.

However, Qiongyun was unusually firm in this regard.

No matter how tempting and coercive he is, he refuses to say it, even this little girl is very smart (Wang Zhao Ming can see that he will not really do anything to her.

In the end, it was Chen Fan who didn’t move.

Thinking about it, I’m about to leave, and I won’t have such a good opportunity in the future.

Looking at Qiong Yun’s sleeping bird’s head, Chen Fan suddenly had a plan.

How did he forget to dream?

This is the power of imperial soldiers!

Not suitable for the current situation?

Dreaming can read other people’s dreams and create space.

Couldn’t he read dreams and even seamlessly connect to reality?

Make Qiongyun think she is still in a dream?

The more Chen Fan thought about it, the more likely it was.

As long as he imitates Qiongyun’s parents or Big Brother’s appearance by dreaming, isn’t it easy to get information?

Thinking of this, Chen Fan couldn’t sit still.

He quietly used Zhan Nian to cut off Qiongyun’s five senses first.

Then open the dream and circle Qiongyun in.

Looking at the slowly emerging bubbles, he smiled evilly…

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