Yang Yuan Gong (Transformation 99/100, ???) .......

With this last point.

A warm memory emerged and occupied his mind.

He seemed to have come to a secret room, with green lights, white walls, round cushions, and incense.

In front of him was a yellowish white wall, and in the middle hung an ink painting that looked like a child's graffiti.

On the colorful ink painting, the lines were messy and there was no order. In the middle of the painting, there was a red round object.

Although there were only a few strokes, it was strangely vivid, and people could tell at a glance that this painting was a sun, bright and dazzling.

And around the sun, there were also pieces of white clouds, rolling and unrolling, with a sense of etherealness.

Clouds rise and fall, rising in the east and setting in the west, clouds disappear at sunrise and appear at sunset...

The head is the head of the five yangs, and the qi and blood sink down to the dantian...

Han Yi seemed to understand the various scenes on the scroll, and a suppressed anger gradually emerged in his heart, as if something was constantly squeezing his qi and blood, making him burst out.

However, he didn't know how to operate these violent qi and blood. These qi and blood were spontaneously generated in his body after he watched this scroll, and seemed to be clearly different from other qi and blood in his body that could be manipulated by anyone.

The surging and explosive qi and blood ran wildly and flowed rapidly in his body, just like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins, gradually becoming uncontrollable...

Suddenly, a big sun suddenly appeared in his mind!

The scorching sun is like fire, commanding life. The sun is the sun in the sky, the head of all the stars!

As the sun emerged, the violent blood in his body slowly calmed down...

And the sun and the misty white clouds in the ink painting had changed drastically in Han Yi's eyes at this time. He seemed to have an epiphany and saw the laws of the operation of blood and qi from these scenes...

The original intention of the ink painting was not to paint the landscape, but to paint the flow of blood and qi!

This is the core of a martial art. The visualization diagram of entering the power represents the core inheritance of the martial art!

So, the pictures on the ink painting were transformed into special scrolls suitable for the circulation of blood and qi in Han Yi's mind...

Where should be fast, where should be slow, where should be slender, where should be rushed, the various flows, operations, circulations, and differentiations of blood and qi gradually accelerated, accelerated, and accelerated again under the perception of the fundamental diagram.

Even when he was not aware of it, the blood and qi flowing in his body began to operate on their own according to some mysterious route.

Han Yi's mind gradually calmed down. Everything was focused on one point. He concentrated on feeling and controlling the circulation of Qi and blood in his body.

The human body has 108 meridian gates, which connect the limbs and bones, condensing all parts of the body into a whole. And the meridian gates are separated by the Qi and blood ocean that the warrior relies on!

The Qi and blood in the body began to slowly gather in the Dantian along the inexplicable trajectory on the scroll. Countless Qi and blood forces twisted and tangled... just like a series of fine threads condensed into steel ropes...

The meridian gates around the Dantian are like reefs standing on the coast, indestructible...

Then, these steel rope-like Qi and blood surged again, turning into surging waves in the ocean!

The waves hit the reef countless times, the waves shattered, and the momentum was blocked...

But with repeated failures, in Han Yi's mind, the law of the circulation of qi and blood at this time has slowly overlapped with the messy lines on the visualization diagram he observed before. These laws of qi and blood circulation, as well as the visualization diagram, are like being branded into the deepest part of his mind with a branding iron.


At a certain moment, suddenly, the barrier between Dantian and meridians was like a mirror, broken and smashed by the majestic qi and blood like a big wave, and shattered into countless powders!

As a result, the meridians in Han Yi's body were opened up, and the blocked veins, like a dry river, madly and thirstily absorbed a huge amount of qi and blood.

Time seemed to slow down, and all the sounds were quiet...


A magical change occurred in his body, as if some shackles were broken, and there seemed to be a brand new power in his body, flowing like a stream.

I don't know how much time has passed, but this stream has gradually grown stronger...


There was a muffled sound, as if something had been broken through.

Han Yi only felt a shock all over his body, and an invisible and formless force came out of his body, and then exploded.

Then, his blood flowed, and the speed was more than twice as fast as before.

The high-speed flow of blood and qi made his whole body heat up quickly, his skin became hot, and the cold breath on his body disappeared without a trace like spring snow melting into mud.

A refreshing and comfortable feeling spread from the whole body.

Han Yi was also awakened by this shock, came back to his senses, and suddenly opened his eyes.

The yard was still in Tao Wu's dilapidated yard, and the location was still under the tree canopy, but the surrounding environment had already undergone tremendous changes...

The extremely thick Qi roots wrapped around his waist had disappeared, and the countless gray mist Qi roots that were eyeing him and treating him like a gluttonous feast no longer hung around him. .....

These aerial roots seemed to have been attacked by an invisible attack and encountered a natural enemy, like a little sheep forced into a corner by a hungry wolf, trembling far away from him.

And in his body, an inexplicable, both tangible and invisible force slowly circulated in his body.

This is a force that is completely different from the force of Qi and blood. It relies on the limbs and bones, travels between the blood and meridians, and tempers his internal organs, muscles, and body all the time...


This must be strength!

Only strength can possess this intangible, unpredictable quality!

As soon as the strength was achieved, the blocked meridians in Han Yi's body were quickly opened up by this masculine and powerful strength, and the surging energy of blood was transformed into strength.

Immediately, he roared happily and felt that the hardness of his skin, muscles, and main torso were greatly increased!

Especially the hands and legs that are regularly exercised have a much higher degree of defense than the rest.

【Name】: Han Yi (17/153)

[Realm]: Early stage of Tongmai (10/100); Sword Realm: Kill in ten steps; Sword Realm: Thick as a mountain

[Skills]: Qianyang Kung Fu (top grade at the Xuan level, characteristics: rejuvenation power, evil-destroying power, entry level 4/10, can be improved); Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu (top grade at the Yellow level, proficiency 6/20, characteristics: iron wall, Can be upgraded)

[Martial Arts]: Thunder Palm Technique (high-grade yellow grade, characteristics: gravel cracking, wild attack, small success (7/50), can be improved); Flying Swallow Leg (low-grade yellow grade, characteristics: strong wind, small success ( 11/50), can be improved); Double Kill with Swords (low-grade Xuan level, characteristics: concentration, dual-wielding, proficiency (8/30), can be improved); Transformation Technique (low-grade yellow level, Dacheng, characteristics: Bone Shrinking Yi) Allow)

[Yuanli value]: 2

With a lifetime of inner strength, the meridians will be opened!

Although Han Yi has not carefully checked his physical condition, he has not had time to check his current comprehensive values...

But he felt the familiar yet unfamiliar power in his body, as well as the new and more powerful feeling in his body...

"It's your turn..."

Han Yi's cold eyes looked like fire, staring at all the monsters in the yard, including the air roots, the wooden man, and the old peach tree!

This old peach tree was too weird, although in his field of vision, it was no different from an ordinary peach tree.

But who would have thought that it could actually use a strange method to pull people into a fantasy world, arouse people's deep desires, sink into the fantasy world, and let it slaughter...

The most important thing is that it seems to have a very high combat IQ. For example, in the eyes of everyone, it is just an ordinary tree, but it can be the most relaxed and slackest moment after Han Yi and the others defeated a powerful enemy. Use a mind-boggling, hard-to-prevent psychic attack!

Speaking of which, this is the most dangerous battle that Han Yi has fought in his life...

If it hadn't been for some mistake, he would have had the system in place to realize the "Yang Yuan Gong" and become a Tongmai martial artist...

This time, he was really only one step away from stepping into the underworld and drinking the ecstasy water soup!

Therefore, monsters are not scary. What is scary is that monsters have intelligence!

Due to emotions and reasons, this monster must be killed!


Han Yi's thigh muscles secretly exerted force and were ready to attack, but due to the infusion of strength, he could not control his strength well.

Under his feet, the bluestone floor tiles were sunk into a large pit as if they had been hit hard by a heavy hammer. Countless deep cracks were like spider webs, spreading densely in all directions.

"This is so strong!"

All of a sudden, Han Yi was a little shocked by the power of Jinli. Before, he would never have been able to achieve such destructive power in such an understatement!

"Sure enough... there is a natural chasm between a martial artist and an ordinary Qi-blood warrior."

"No wonder Huang Ze could have such a status even though he was the weakest martial artist in the Tongmai stage... It would be the same for me."

Han Yi estimated that his strength at this time had increased by at least two or three times. If he used his strength, he could beat his previous self more than a dozen times.

The difference in strength between Tongmai stage martial artists and ordinary martial artists can no longer be seen simply from numerical values.

For example, Han Yi before breaking through the Tongmai, holding a black iron sword and fully armed, would have a comprehensive value of '95~134'.

But now, after breaking through the meridians, the comprehensive value based on physical fitness alone is as high as '110~132', and if you use your strength, this value will increase significantly!

After the enlightenment, "Yang Yuan Gong" broke through from the Transformation Realm and became a high-grade Xuan-level skill "Qian Yuan Gong". It also produced two powers, the rejuvenating power and the evil-breaking power... .

It can be said that it is not a problem for Han Yi to punch Nanshan Nursing Home and kick Beihai Kindergarten!

But the matter of testing strength can be put aside for now and discussed later. At present, the most important thing is...

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