Fantasy: Immortality starts with absorbing demons

Chapter 3: Small Success of Collapsing Mountain Fist

At dusk, the wind howled on the Black Rock Mountains, the setting sun was like blood, and the sparse clouds were dyed red.

Han Yi and Li Tie arrived at the camp before the sun set.

Li Tie was the bearded man just now. He claimed to be from a blacksmith family, so he was named Li Tie. Who knew that he woke up to find that the city was broken and his family was gone and he became a refugee.

Before Han Yi and Li Tie could rest, the deacon disciples were waiting at the entrance of the camp. "Manager Liu is at the registration office. You are asked to see him as soon as you come back."

Han Yi and Li Tie looked at each other, and they did not dare to neglect it, and nodded in response.

At the registration office, Manager Liu was standing in front of the table, stroking his beard, and I don't know what he was thinking.

The numbers '3~5' floated above Manager Liu's head.

"Manager Liu." Han Yi and Li Tie bowed.

Manager Liu turned around and saw their two empty backpacks. He looked unhappy and asked impatiently, "Where is Ma Liu's body?"

"We have buried the body at the foot of the mountain and did not bring it back to the camp."

"Well done." Manager Liu smiled, "It was just an accident. There is no need to make a big fuss about it."

"But how could this be an accident? It was obviously a demon..." Li Tie could not help but speak.

Manager Liu shouted, "What demon? It's just some Yin Qi insects that are afraid of fire!"

It turned out that the strange insect was called Yin Qi insect, which was restrained by fire, and I seemed to be able to directly absorb the Yin Qi insect to generate Yuanli value and increase my lifespan, but...

Han Yi still felt a little scared when he thought of the strange appearance of Yin Qi insect that looked like a worm but not a worm and twisted like a snake. I almost died under the attack of Yin Qi insect!

It's still too dangerous. Let's stabilize the development and try it again!

After a pause, Manager Liu said, "Today's mining task is considered completed. You will have a day off tomorrow. This matter is over."

Han Yi pulled Li Tie, who was about to speak, and nodded in response.

"Damn it! They let us go mining even though they knew there were demons!" Li Tie said angrily.

On the way back to the house, Li Tie kept complaining, and Han Yi remained silent.

Mining disciples' resting place

The person who was alive just now died tragically in front of him the next second. Even though Han Yi had seen many life and death separations when he became a refugee, he couldn't help but sigh.

In this world, although no one has heard of any place rising up to secede, and the Daxuan Dynasty is also peaceful on the surface, bandits are everywhere, demons appear in the world, civilians are displaced, and dignitaries are singing and dancing!

Combining the history of his previous life, it is not difficult for Han Yi to see that this is exactly a scene that only appeared at the end of the dynasty.

There must be great chaos under troubled times, and there must be great disputes under great chaos. Therefore, only warriors can protect themselves, and only by becoming stronger can they survive!

Thinking of this, Han Yi secretly said, system, collapse mountain fist, add points!

In the morning, noon, evening, no matter it was windy and rainy, sunny and cold, the boy punched the wooden stake like rain, even if he was sweating, he had no distractions, 100 times, 200 times, 2000 times...

At the beginning of hitting the wooden stake, the boy's arms were overwhelmed, the flesh was torn, and the blood kept flowing.

Gradually, the flesh of the arms just became red and swollen, and then, the arms hit the wooden stake hard without any pain, and even in the end, the boy punched and the blue bricks broke!

When Han Yi was in a trance, a stream of strange and familiar memories emerged in his mind, and he subconsciously circulated the blood in his arms with the memory of himself.

Suddenly, Han Yi's arms were like congestion, and they swelled up a circle. The flesh on his arms reflected a bronze luster under the illumination of the oil lamp. One punch seemed to be able to break stones and tiles.

At the same time, Han Yi's upper body skin also became much stronger, and it felt as tough as cowhide.

Is this a breakthrough?

Han Yi glanced at the panel.

[Name]: Han Yi (16/61)

[Realm]: Middle stage of skin refining (50/100)

[Martial Arts]: Collapsing Mountain Fist (Ordinary level, characteristic: crushing stones, minor success 0/20, can be improved)

[Elemental Force]: 6

Value 5~7

4 points of elemental force will improve the Collapsing Mountain Fist to minor success, and also allow himself to break through to the middle stage of skin refining, and adding points will not cause physical deficiency or loss of blood and qi!

The overall strength has also been greatly improved! After all, an ordinary adult man only has a value of '1~2', and Han Yi can now easily deal with seven or eight ordinary people with his bare hands!

If it weren't for the dead of night, Han Yi really wanted to vent his anger.

Since he became a refugee and lived a miserable life, and then became a mining disciple to fill his stomach, this precarious life made Han Yi never feel safe in this world, and now the breakthrough in his realm finally gave him a glimmer of hope for life!

As for the stone-breaking characteristics of the Collapse Fist, Han Yi guessed that this meant that the effect of the Collapse Fist was also corresponding to the crushing of blue bricks in his memory. Unfortunately, it was late now, and he could only wait until tomorrow to rest and go to the training ground to test it.

Suppressing his excitement, Han Yi forced himself to close his eyes and rest.

No words all night

Han Yi got up early, and after breakfast, he rushed to the training ground in a hurry.

Dong, Dong, Dong

The wooden stakes banged under the blows.

In the past, if Han Yi practiced for such a long time, his arms would have been sore and unbearable, but now, with the circulation of qi and blood, Han Yi felt warm all over, comfortable all over, and full of strength in his arms!


Han Yi struck while the iron was hot and practiced the Collapse Fist again, once, twice...

Han Yi felt that his fist-swinging movements kept overlapping with the scenes in his memory when he added points.

I seem to have a new understanding of the way to stimulate the blood and qi of the Collapsing Mountain Fist.......

[Realm]: Middle stage of skin refining (51/100)

[Martial Arts]: Collapsing Mountain Fist (Ordinary level, characteristics: crushing stones, minor success 2/20, can be improved)

Han Yi bulged his arms and exerted force suddenly. In an instant, he brought up gusts of fist wind, and there was a faint sound of breaking through the air.

At the moment of exerting force, Han Yi's value suddenly jumped to 7!


With a crisp sound, the inch-wide stake on the wooden stake was broken at the root.

Fortunately, the mining disciples had gone to mine at this time, and the training ground was empty, otherwise this scene would definitely cause a sensation.

"Not bad, not bad, this power can crush stones, but if it hits a person, it's probably going to be skinned and flesh torn," Han Yi was very satisfied with this.

Let's try the strength again, Han Yi came to the stone pier.

Inhale, exert force.


Han Yi lifted the stone pillar weighing more than 400 kilograms with one hand!

My strength is much greater than before. I am afraid that I have the strength of half a marathon. I am afraid that the world-class weightlifting champion in the past is no more than this!

The warriors in the early stage of skin refining are only slightly better in physique and strength than ordinary people, but the warriors in the middle stage of skin refining have begun to break away from the definition of ordinary people.

Take Han Yi's current realm as an example. Even with bare hands, it is a piece of cake to deal with three or five strong men!

Han Yi was practicing hard.

Suddenly, a noise came from the front of the camp.

I saw that Manager Liu, who was usually indifferent to them, was bent over, taking small steps in front, smiling and saying something to the strong man beside him.

Afterwards, a bullock cart came to the training ground with a gurgling sound, and a thin man jumped down and placed stone locks on the training ground.

What is this for?

Han Yi was puzzled.

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