This kind of evolution is the key to changing the gap between martial arts practitioners and ordinary people.

Just like the various external skills that Han Yi had practiced before, they had an increasing effect on his height and figure.

Among ordinary people, there may be people with a height of two meters, but the number is only a small number, and once it is finalized, it is impossible to develop again.

The evolution that occurs naturally after practicing martial arts is different.

Even if Han Yi has fully developed his body before, once he has mastered a certain related martial arts to a certain level, he will break this shackles and grow to a new level.

"It's like the fifth-level Hanyin Nine-curved Palm..." Han Yi's eyes flashed, and Hanyin energy surged throughout his body.

The cold breath slowly emerged from his body, and his body began to slowly change.

The first thing to change was his skin.

The original skin has become rough and strong after practicing various external skills and being stimulated by blunt and sharp objects every day.

Suddenly, under the influence of cold yin energy, it began to become softer and smoother. The skin all over his body was no different from normal human skin, and even more shiny.

At first glance, Han Yi seemed to be no different from an ordinary young man with soft skin and tender flesh except that he was taller.

"Sure enough, in our Jiuqu Courtyard, all men and women have beautiful faces. It's not without reason..." Han Yi walked to the half-length mirror and let out a sigh.

This is the external effect of cold yin energy, and it is also the reason why the people in Jiuquyuan are all handsome men and beautiful women.

Immediately, he removed the cold yin energy and used the "Iron Clothes Kung Fu", "Three Yang Zhuang Kung" and other external skills at the same time. He once again returned to his original tall stature and strong muscles.

After all, the Hanyin Nine-Bend Palm is only the fifth level, which is not enough to suppress so much power at the same time.

Deliberately maintaining it will continuously consume energy.

Besides, in the state he was in just now, in addition to his better appearance, his strength, speed, defense, etc. were all weak, so there was no need to maintain it.

Boom, boom, boom.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the study door.

"Come in!" Han Yi looked over and said loudly.

The person who pushed in the door was none other than Yang Du.




In the transportation square in front of the Qiyun Mountain warehouse, a tall and strong horse could not bear the weight and neighed in pain.

"What's going on? Isn't the weight this time heavy?" a steward of Yingyangtang asked.

"Xiao Chang, something happened on the road this time. We have to travel a lot. Maybe the horse is a little tired. I apologize for that." A big man in black quickly stepped forward with a smile and secretly handed over two pieces of broken pieces. silver.

"Oh, Mr. Chen, given our friendship, you are still so polite?" Steward Xiao Chang sounded polite, and the movements of his hands were also very fast. He stretched out his two fingers like this, and then quickly Clip it, and the money will be thrown into your pocket.

"I didn't tell you that, Mr. Chen, you are in your current position. Do you need to come here in person to buy this little thing?" He asked again doubtfully.

"Hey, Xiao Chang, you don't know. The road has been a bit rough recently. I heard that monsters were raging on the east trade road. I wanted to take the waterway to the west, but I heard people said there were water ghosts. There was no way. I had no choice but to take the mountain road to the south, but I was confused and encountered a landslide again. "

Captain Chen sighed, and then said in an envious tone: "It's better for you. Here you can't get rain, wind, or sun, and you can eat and drink well every day. Unlike us, who hang our heads on our pants every day. Living on the belt….”

"Isn't this thanks to our Korean Inspector..." Xiao Chang also smiled proudly, and the two started bragging and chatting here.

In the middle of the square, six or seven carriages were lined up in a long line. The red and yellow flags on the carriages were constantly pulling and curling back and forth in the wind.

The four black characters "Dongshan Escort Bureau" embroidered on the flag are particularly conspicuous.

Beside the carriage, there were about twenty bodyguards, all wearing dark gray uniforms, black belts, and swords.

At this time, I was chatting and laughing with the movers around me, helping each other to load the goods and speed up the progress.

This is not the first time that people from the Dongshan Escort Bureau have come here. Over the past few years, they have already had good relations with these warehouse staff, and they have very good personal relationships with each other.

Therefore, the people at Yingyangtang are very relieved about it, and even let them participate in the loading process directly, which can save some effort.

Anyway, their leader is also chatting with the head escort from Dongshan Escort Bureau. They are all old friends. What could go wrong?

Luo Meiwei and Yingjiu sat opposite each other in the carriage, watching the escorts busy.

"I didn't expect that you could penetrate to such an extent... No wonder I have always trusted you and refused to replace you..." Yingjiu sighed with emotion.

Such a large amount of prohibited items were moved out openly and openly under the eyes of the supervisors at Yingyangtang, and they helped move out several boxes...

This latent penetration ability... is simply terrifying.

Like here in Qiyun Mountain, although it was not the first time for him to come in, it was indeed the first time that he visited so unscrupulously.

"It's the inspector here who is too incompetent, otherwise it would be like this?" Luo Meiwei still looked like a man in black, and said with disdain, "Just talking about sincerity in exchange for sincerity, I think it's all bullshit. Without benefits, who would follow him?"

"This is just right, and it saves you and me trouble. If it's like the previous inspector, we have to find a way to kill him, which is very troublesome." Ying Jiu answered honestly.

"You are right..." Luo Meiwei was about to say something, and suddenly the person in charge of the escort agency, Chen Biaotou, ran over and said a few words softly.

"Since the goods are loaded, let's set off quickly." Luo Meiwei listened to a few words and gave the order.

She is actually the final speaker who has always controlled the Dongshan Escort Agency.

Chen Biaotou is just a speaker on the surface. In fact, many times, he needs to listen to her arrangements.

The tall and strong horse dragged the heavy carriage with great effort, and the wheels slowly turned. Under this weight, the small stones were quickly crushed into stone powder and scattered with the wind.

The convoy soon arrived at the gate guard of Jingming Town, and the gatekeeper looked at the documents handed over by the escort leader.

Han Yi's seal and handwriting were all complete.

In addition, Dongshan Escort Agency was also their old friend, and they had given them a lot of benefits on weekdays. They didn't look at it much and let them go directly.

After leaving Jingming Town, they turned to the commercial road, and the team immediately raised the flag.

The four escorts in front led the way, and there were also four escorts behind to support the heavy carriage in the middle, and the rest of the people were closely guarding around.

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