These traces are all the aftermath of the fight between Han Yi and Chen Lingmo that night.

Even later, Han Yi directed many Jiuquyuan disciples to conduct detailed inspections and erase a large number of traces.

But there are still some hidden corners that are too late to deal with, so we can only cover up the past in other ways.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Han Yi was pressed for time that night, and being able to erase most of the traces in a hurry was already his limit.

"Then let's analyze what conclusions can be drawn from the clues of the potholes in this wall?" After half a day, Zhao Laogou randomly found a corner based on what he had just discovered, crossed his hands, and squatted down.

He analyzed: "Based on the transcripts previously provided by Mr. Fang and the testimonies of several witnesses, we can know that the attacker who severely injured Chen Lingmo was completely hidden under a large black robe, without revealing any external features.

Even the traces left behind by the fight, such as the depression on the wall just now, were carefully covered up by him..."

Zhao Laogou put his huge head on the back of his hand, quickly organized his words, and continued: "In other words, from these clues, at least two conclusions can be inferred..."

He tilted his head and looked at Fang Shouming.

"Brother Zhao, please speak." Fang Shouming also cooperated very understandingly, and his tone was much gentler.

Zhao Laogou did not sell out, and said directly: "First, the strength of the attacker must be far beyond Chen Lingmo, with great achievements, or close to the strength of a master, in order to quickly and seriously injure Chen Lingmo in a short period of time.

And he has time to create an illusion of himself and hide the traces he left behind.

Second, there is another point. According to eyewitnesses, the attacker hid his head and tail for fear of revealing some characteristics. In this case, we will analyze it together with the first point.

Obviously, the attacker must be a well-known person, and everyone is familiar with his appearance, so he focuses on hiding his whereabouts. "

"Brother Zhao is really talented!" Fang Shouming couldn't help but sigh after hearing what he said. Only then did he feel that his money was not wasted.

As soon as these two conclusions came out, he immediately pointed out the usual direction.

But immediately, he had another question: "Brother Zhao, I somewhat disagree with your first conclusion. If the attacker is really stronger than Chen Lingmo, then why not kill him directly instead of just killing him? Beat him seriously?"

"Actually, this is what I want to tell you next." Zhao Laogou was confident and seemed to have expected that Fang Shouming would ask this question.

"Since the target of the attacker is Chen Lingmo, it can only mean that this person must have a lot of hatred and resentment against Chen Lingmo in normal times. That's why he acted boldly when he got the opportunity.

But there is hatred, but he does not dare to beat him to death. That is a better explanation. The attacker and Chen Lingmo must have a common interest.

If Chen Lingmo died, I'm afraid this layer of benefits would disappear, so the attackers could only severely injure him to vent their anger. "

"What Brother Zhao means..." Fang Shouming seemed to have thought of something, his eyes lit up, but he was not sure.

"Yes, it's exactly what Master Fang thought." Zhao Laogou smiled slightly, full of confidence, "The attacker must be someone who is in the same circle as Chen Lingmo and usually has many interests.

Therefore, the next top priority is that Mr. Fang only needs to start from the people around Chen Lingmo and investigate one by one. He will definitely gain something and find the murderer. "

"But..." Fang Shouming frowned, "The scope you mentioned is really too large, and it is difficult for many people to investigate, which is very time-consuming. In this way, even if the attacker can be found, I am afraid that The day lilies are cold."

Who is Chen Lingmo?

He is the son of the three masters of the Sanshan Sect, Eagle Claw King Chen Ying. In his circle, even Fang Shouming himself was somewhat unqualified and could only barely make it into it.

Not to mention, there are many people in Chen Lingmo's social circle whose status far exceeds that of Fang Shouming. If this is investigated, there will be no clue at all.

"Actually, we won't waste too much time. Wherever there is an airtight wall in the world, everyone's every move will leave traces. There can be no seamless and perfect crime."

Zhao Laogou smiled confidently and proposed another method: "Do you still remember the witness testimony? Although the attacker was extremely cautious in his actions, he basically left no key traces.

But there is an important point. All witnesses claimed that the attacker was extremely tall, much taller than an ordinary person, like a small giant. People of this size are very rare, so this is a key point.

Therefore, when Mr. Fang was screening candidates, he only needed to start with the people around Chen Lingmo, and select people who were particularly tall, had better martial arts skills than Chen Lingmo, and who had ever had a bad relationship with him.

I believe it won’t take long for Mr. Fang to gain something! "

Fang Shouming suddenly realized, as if enlightened. With this thought in his mind, there were only a dozen suspicious people left in an instant. It really relieved him of a lot of work.

"Brother Zhao, if there is a result in this matter, I can make the decision in advance and increase the reward by 30% for you as agreed in advance!" He shook his folding fan and thanked with a smile.

"Young Master Fang is so generous!" Zhao Laogou clasped his fists in thanks and reminded, "But I'd better say ugly things first.

The conclusion I made just now is just a rough guess based on the written confession and the traces at the scene, and it is not necessarily correct.

For example, sometimes there are some evil martial artists who are addicted to blood and like to attack people indiscriminately without reason or care. If the attacker is this kind of person, then no one can find the real murderer, and don't say that I am an old dog who takes money but does not do anything. "

"Hey, Brother Zhao is joking." Fang Shouming disagreed, "There are not so many crazy people in this world. If there are such people, they would have been beaten to death long ago.

Even if the real murderer is not found for a while, your analysis just now is enough to give Chen Ying an explanation. "

"In that case, I wish Mr. Fang all the best. "Zhao Laogou saw this and said goodbye with a smile.

"No hurry, no hurry, why don't we have lunch together..." Fang Shouming also stood up and prepared to say a few polite words.

Suddenly, one of his trusted subordinates hurriedly ran in from outside and whispered a few words in his ear.

Fang Shouming's face suddenly became ugly.

He didn't bother to greet Zhao Laogou and hurriedly walked towards a place.



Jingming Town, Inspection House.

Hua La.

The sun is shining and the spring breeze is warm.

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