This knife is about three feet long, with a long and straight blade, a wide and flat blade, a diagonally folded tip, a long body and a short handle, and a small and square blade.

Strong yet flexible, bold yet refined, arrogant yet simple, gorgeous yet quaint.

The shape of the knife in this sketch is clearly a famous Tang knife.

In Han Yi's impression, Tang Dao can be said to be the pinnacle of swords in previous generations. It is not only exquisite and beautiful in appearance, but also full of power!

Master Lu looked at the sketch drawn by Han Yi with charcoal and said slowly: "If it is recast according to the pattern of this sketch, the material of this sword seems not enough..."

"Little brother, do you provide the extra ingredients yourself, or do you use the ones I have here?"

"Use what's available."

Master Lu thought for a while and said, "Three days, two hundred taels of silver."

So expensive?

Han Yi was shocked by the price Master Lu said. He didn't expect that silver would be so impatient. This was just recasting and most of the materials did not need to be provided.

However, as long as it can achieve the effect he wants, it is worth the money.

But Han Yi suddenly thought of something. He pointed to the blue jade sword and the piece of blue jade on the hilt, and asked, "I wonder if this piece of blue jade is worth enough."

"That's enough, that's enough!" Master Lu said with a cheerful smile.

It seems that the value of this piece of blue jade should be more than two hundred taels of silver, but after the recast weapon, Han Yi does not intend to keep this fine piece of blue jade. It is too fancy and typically superficial. Since it is kept in his hand, There is no use in it, and converting it into strength can be considered worthwhile.

"Okay, in that case, let's sign the contract."

"By the way, can you make me a pair of high-quality metal gloves here?" Since we have already signed a contract at Baibao Pavilion, we might as well buy another pair of gloves.

"Of course it's no problem..." Master Lu immediately measured the size of Han Yi's hand.

He said calmly: "In three days, come and get the gloves and the reforged blue jade sword together..."

The entrance of Baibao Pavilion

"Junior brother Han, don't forget to go to Liu's Rice Store tomorrow to collect this month's regular silver."

Han Yi agreed, and Pan Sheng had other things to deal with, so he refused his dinner invitation.


Early next morning

After Han Yi finished twenty soup dumplings, he walked towards Changlefang Shiranly. He was still a little excited. After all, what he went to get was the first month's dumplings in the true sense. salary'.

When he was an outer disciple, he worked without pay.

Soon, Han Yi arrived in front of Liu's Mihang.

The front door of Liu's Rice Store is on the busiest street of Changlefang, and several people come to buy rice from time to time.

The back door of Liu's Rice Store is the west gate near Changlefang. It is close to Chidao in Anyan City and is extremely convenient for transporting goods.

Boom, boom boom, boom

In the backyard of Liu's Rice Shop, several workers were pounding (pronounced g) rice with a mallet.

Rice pounding is the process of peeling the rice out of the paddy, and the hulls are the rice bran, and the remaining rice grains are the white rice for eating.

The tools used to pound rice are a bit like a medicine jar, a stone mortar (jiu) and a mallet. The two people take turns raising the mallet and smashing the grains in the stone mortar in order to break off the husk of the grains.

Most of the shelled rice like this will be sent to major restaurants and families in the inner city by rice shops, while a small portion will be sold at the front desk.

The rice bran left after shelling is also bought by the National People's Congress and used as firewood for stoves or as feed for livestock.

Of course, there are also many poor people who cannot afford rice and will buy rice bran to fill their stomachs. After all, rice bran is very cheap.

Rice pounding is an extremely labor-intensive job. Workers like these workers at Liu's Rice Shop need to pound a mortar of rice at least two to three hundred times. After pounding a mortar of rice, people are already sweating.

The business of Liu's rice shop is quite big. Bags of rice are piled up in the backyard. I don't know how long these people will be pounding them.

At this time, at the back door of Liu's Rice Store, there were many tanned men wearing ordinary gray linen clothes, either carrying sacks or pushing carts, waiting anxiously at the back door.

"What are you doing?"

Han Yi was a little confused at first, but then he realized that it was midsummer, the season of fragrant rice, and July was the harvest season of rice.

He must have caught up with Liu's Rice Shop to harvest rice.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Han Yi's mouth, and he touched his nose.

"Unknowingly, it has been ten months since I became a refugee and came to this world..."

He can no longer remember his life in his previous life, but is gradually adapting to his current life...

Although Han Yi stood in the middle of the back door, somewhat blocking the road, a group of men saw the black costume on him and dared not speak. They walked around him and even spoke in a lower voice.

After Han Yi came to his senses, he got out of the way. He had nothing to do, so he would just wait for a while.

"The price of unhusked grain is two hundred coins per stone. Your bag is mixed with rice bran, which costs three hundred coins per stone..."

“This year’s rice harvest will be bumper, but I didn’t expect the price to be a bit cheaper...”

"Yes, Sun's Rice Store is quite kind. I heard that the rice store next door is mixed with rice bran, and one stone of rice only costs 200 Wen..."

Han Yi stood in the yard and could vaguely hear the complaints of the rice shopkeeper and the rice seller.

‘High grain prices make farmers hungry, low grain prices hurt farmers. ’

He sighed secretly, it was a truth that was applicable everywhere.

Soon, the people in the yard gradually dispersed, leaving only a few men who seemed to be arguing with the shopkeeper about the price of grain.

At this time, the sharp-eyed shopkeeper saw Han Yi standing aside through the crowd.

Although Han Yi was just a young man, he was handsome and elegant, and his demeanor was clearly different from that of other people in the yard.

The shopkeeper, who had been bossing these men around, suddenly put away the white eyes on his face. He walked quickly past the people around him and greeted them with a smile on his face.

“My surname is Liu, and I am the shopkeeper of this rice shop.”

“Are you Han Yi, Mr. Han? "

The men who were originally somewhat dissatisfied also shut up after seeing Han Yi.

Han Yi smiled slightly, nodded and said yes, and took out a contract from his arms.

After checking the contract, Manager Liu smiled even more. He took Han Yi to the counter, opened the cabinet, took out three large silver ingots and one small silver ingot, and presented them with both hands.

"Thirty-five taels of silver, Mr. Han, please check it."

"Thank you, Manager Liu." Han Yi bowed slightly, without even looking at it, and put the silver into his arms.

"If something happens, Manager Liu, you can go to Qiuzhu Lane, and my second brother on the left will send me a letter."

Before leaving, Han Yi reminded Manager Liu.

"I know, I know, Mr. Han, take care..." Manager Liu bowed.

Han Yi turned and left. When he left, he could vaguely hear the envy of several men behind him.

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