Fantasy: Immortality starts with absorbing demons

Chapter 543: Changes in the World (Part 2)

Bear it, bear it, bear it!

How long can you endure it?

The idea of ​​their Yuan Miao Sect is to be free and happy, to be happy and tolerant, so why should they change their name to the Yuan Gui Sect?

Besides, we are tolerant for a while, but how many deaths and bloodshed will there be due to the change of forces during this period?

Didn't the sect consider the lives of those people?

The more Yang Huawu thought about it, the angrier he became.

But what can he do? He is the leader, and in the eyes of ordinary people, he seems to be a big shot.

But in the entire Yuanmiao Sect, he is just a small figure who can be replaced at any time.

The general situation has been decided, and he cannot change or influence the will of the sect!

As if sensing his inner emotions, a white light suddenly shot out from the statue's eyes, directly surrounding Yang Huawu.

"Idiot...I originally wanted you to hone your skills at the foot of the mountain, but unexpectedly, you fell deeper and deeper...Go to the Qingjing Garden to stay for a few days. Your first position will be reserved for the time being. Let your junior brother be in charge of..."

The sound from the statue gradually became smaller, as if the remaining spirit of power inside was rapidly withdrawing.

"From now on, our Yuanmiao Sect... the mountain gate is sealed..."

"The mountain gate is blocked..."


The vast and majestic sound sounded all over the Qingjiang Mountains at the same time.

After everyone heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.



Qiyun Mountain, patrolling the mansion.

The green leaves are turning yellow, the days are shorter and the nights are longer, and the seasons are gradually changing to autumn.

But at this time, instead of getting cooler, the weather has become hotter and drier, just like an autumn tiger, coming menacingly.

A small red-eyed wisp-winged insect was flying rapidly around the room, sucking blood and storing energy for the winter in the area where it would normally put its mouth.

The more this moment comes, the crazier this blood-sucking animal becomes.


The little insect had just spotted its target and was about to flutter its wings when it suddenly slowed down and became sluggish.

At this time, a big hand fell from the sky and slapped it hard. All of a sudden, juices overflowed and the little insect fell from the air deflated.

Han Yi habitually shook his hand to shake away the non-existent blood.

If someone can get close, they will find that the temperature around him is a few degrees lower than other places, and it is much cooler.

This is the completion of the fifth level of Hanyin Jin, which is close to the sixth level.

By reaching the sixth level of Hanyin Jin, it can be regarded as the late stage of true skill. The strength naturally flows throughout the body, and the body-protecting power is extremely strong.

"It's also time for a breakthrough..."

Han Yi slowly closed his eyes and kept his thoughts in his mind.


The temperature around him began to drop rapidly, and a large amount of white cold air appeared.

Hazy, Han Yi opened his eyes again.

He inhaled hard, and countless white air, like the sky hanging upside down, gathered crazily towards his nose and absorbed it.

The sixth floor...


[Major]: Cold Yin Nine-bending Palm (sixth level of true power, cold yin strength, characteristics: extreme cold, poor yin); Butian Jue (fifth level, characteristics: strengthening the foundation, returning to the origin, endless life, blood Purification level one)

It was so smooth, no waves, no wind or waves.

Han Yi felt a little emotional.

But think about it, compared to the fifth level, the sixth level has no qualitative changes. It is nothing more than a slight increase in the degree of fine control of strength and the reserve capacity of strength.

And now, he has reached this stage. With his strong physical quality and all kinds of messy martial arts training, he can keep up with others' decades or hundreds of years of accumulation.

This also makes his control ability extremely abnormal.

All other levels have already reached the sixth level requirements.

Therefore, in the eyes of most people, the sixth level, which is extremely difficult, is naturally passed smoothly and smoothly.

"However, the sixth not enough...I still need to become stronger!"

Han Yi looked at it

The incident with Fang He had only happened not long ago, but it still left a huge shadow in his heart.

That unstoppable, irresistible grab...

There is no power to resist at all.

As a fish, I can only let others slaughter me, and I feel uncomfortable and vomiting blood...

Thinking of this, another layer of haze appeared in the depths of Han Yi's eyes.

If Master Zhong Yunxiu hadn't arrived in time...then his fate...can be imagined.

Either he was forcibly taken away, forced to find out the truth, and finally died...or he was forced to resist, exposed the secret of hidden strength, and was beaten to death on the spot.

No matter which ending, I feel scared when I think about it now.

At that time, Han Yi was really like walking on a tightrope on a cliff. If he made the slightest mistake, he would fall into an abyss.

If you want to get rid of this fate where life and death are not up to you, there is only one way.

Become stronger.

Become stronger than everyone.

The seventh level of Hanyin Jin is actually the most complete stage of Hanyin Nine Curves Palm.

The eighth and ninth levels after that are actually the cultivation of a breakthrough master.

Therefore, those who can practice to the seventh level of true skills are considered to be at the top of the group of Yunzhou martial arts masters.

The most difficult part from the sixth to the seventh level is actually the accumulation of strength.

The principle is simple, but it is not so easy to do.

If the number of strengths required to break through the first level of the Nine-Curved Palm is one, and the sixth level is ten.

Then the number of strengths required to break through the seventh level is at least 200.

It has increased more than ten times.

It is for this reason that when Han Yi faced Dong Qi, he could not break Dong Qi's body protection strength no matter how he attacked.

This is the strength crushing. No matter how well you understand strength, how high your skills are, and how strong your special effects are, you can use one strength to offset the opponent's two strengths.

However, the opponent's strength reserves are dozens of times yours, so skills are useless.

It is precisely because the strength required from the sixth to the seventh level is too much, so this level is also a key level that blocks many martial artists.

If you rush through, you will have the hope of impacting the Grandmaster level.

If you can't get through, you can only develop your power and prepare for retirement.

There are many people who are stuck at this level. Some people even call this level "Dragon Gate".

It means that if a carp jumps over the Dragon Gate, it will turn into a dragon and fly in the sky. If it can't pass, it will decline and its future will be bleak.

In short, the sixth level is not easy to break.

In order to practice to the seventh level, many martial artists at the sixth level of true kung fu have been secluded for many years, staying in a specific environment and isolating themselves from everything.

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