"I once assisted the Xuanjia Guards to kill a demon. The captain of the Xuanjia Guards was a peak martial artist with powerful energy throughout his body and great meridians. At that time, he used his strength to blast away the Yin Qi from the demon's body, and then Kill it!"

Bai Sanren's face at this time was full of yearning for the Tongmai stage martial artist.

"Yin Qi body protection is the product of highly condensed Yin Qi, and strength is also produced by extreme compression of Qi and blood. Therefore, the layer of Yin Qi body protection on Yin objects and demons is similar to the inner strength body protection of martial arts masters in the Tongmai stage. , are a kind of strength to resist external attacks.

"However, Yin Qi body protection may be easier to produce. Even Yin objects with strength in the bone refining stage may have Yin energy body protection on their bodies, while Inner energy body protection can only appear on martial artists in the late stage of Tongmai.

"But in any case, strength and yin force can cancel each other out. Therefore, as long as you become a martial artist in the Tongmai stage, you don't need talismans or consumption of blood. If you have strong enough strength to consume the outer layer of yin energy, you can also break the yin energy. Body care.

"This is what the master of Xuanjia Guard said to me. At that time, he was quite optimistic about me and encouraged me to break through again..."

Bai Sanren's tone was full of bitterness.

"Hey, let's not talk about the past... let's go to the grocery store to buy some groceries."

"Boy Han, just buy some huozhezi, why do you buy some kerosene?"

In Baibao Pavilion, Bai Sanren asked in confusion.

"Because, big men are big idiots!"

Qianxue said happily.

"I feel like flames can consume Yin energy..."

Han Yi thought about the time when he used a homemade 'Molotov cocktail' to attack the 'Human-Faced Spider'. Although it did not cause any damage, the layer of Yin Qi seemed to have melted away a bit.

"This idea of ​​yours has indeed been tested before, but it didn't work!"

Bai Sanren shook his head: "Fire can indeed consume Yin Qi. Let's not talk about demons for now, but Yin objects without Yin Qi to protect their bodies are mostly weak and only need the strength of the warrior to solve them, so there is no need for them.

"And the Yin object protected by Yin energy is not wood. Although it has no consciousness, the Yin object will instinctively dodge when it sees a fire, and it does not consume much Yin energy at all.

"On the contrary, the warriors will be constrained by the fire, making it difficult to attack!"

"Senior, there is no need to say more, I have my own uses."

Han Yi thought to himself, I am not setting fires regularly. As long as the 'Molotov cocktail' hits, the rags and pottery pot fragments will burn like gangrene on the body!

However, this kind of thing is too big, too inconvenient, and too easy to dodge. It is easy to deal with a mindless creature, but it is not good to deal with a warrior.

Otherwise, Han Yi would have been accused of being an arsonist from another world.

The three of them were busy for a while and bought a lot of things in Baibao Pavilion.

Of course, it was Han Yi who paid this time and got two valuable talismans for free. He would feel bad if someone else had to pay for some sundries.

After walking out of Baibao Pavilion, Bai Sanren looked at the sky and frowned.

Spending half a day in the foreign affairs room, plus the time spent purchasing supplies in the Baibao Pavilion.

"Boy Han, it's getting late today. Let's set off again tomorrow."

Han Yi also looked at the sky. Now the sun has moved westward, noon has passed, and it is already afternoon time.

"Generally speaking, noon is the time when the yang energy in the world is the strongest. Although it is just after noon, it will be already late when we arrive at Dazhuang Village!

"Well, let's start again early tomorrow morning. Where will you stay?"

Before Han Yi could speak, Bai Sanren made a decision.

"Okay... I'm temporarily living in Fulin Building in Yuqingfang."

Bai Sanren's age is indeed not in vain, he seems to be a bit more stable than me!

It seems that I still have to learn from these old-timers...

"That's just right, we are about to set off from the west gate!" Bai Sanren's eyes lit up, "Tomorrow morning, will you be waiting for us two at Fulin Tower?"

Han Yi nodded in agreement.

He was about to say goodbye, but suddenly he thought of something that he had been curious about just now.

"Senior, I want to ask one thing. Is there any talisman from the Foreign Affairs Room that can be used on warriors?"

Bai Sanren's movement to pull Qianxue away suddenly stalled.

He looked strange and said slowly: "Why did you suddenly think of this problem?"

"I advise you, kid, if you want to increase your strength, just practice hard, but don't think about it!"

"No, no, I've always been kind to others. I even pray before eating meat. I'm just curious..."

Han Yi laughed and fooled him.

But to be honest, he did have this idea. If he could have the so-called 'Diamond Talisman' in immortality novels, he could slap it on his body before the battle, and then rush into the crowd with the black iron sword, wouldn't that be serious? Isn’t it a humanoid mecha? It’s beautiful!

"As far as I know, there is a special institution in the Strange Affairs Room called the Secret Art Pavilion, and the talisman was developed by the mystics in the Secret Art Pavilion specifically to target demons. I have lived a long time, and I still have it. I have never seen a talisman that can be used on a warrior.

"Besides, boy Han, you have to know that aside from the fact that activating the talisman consumes a lot of energy and blood.

"The talisman is just an item specially developed by the Yishifang for low-level warriors to deal with evil spirits and evil objects, and for Tongmai stage martial artists, it is just a little trick...

"Not to mention that above Tongmai, there is also the legendary Grandmaster realm. It is said that such godlike figures even have invisible sword energy, and can hurt people by picking leaves and flying flowers...

"When you have that kind of strength, why bother about these evil tricks!

"The road of warriors is the main road, and the other forks are all minor roads!"

Bai Sanren's words made Han Yi's blood boil.

In the Daxuan Dynasty, refining skin, bones, and blood are just the basic stages for martial artists, collectively known as the 'Body Tempering Stage'!

According to the visualization diagram, using qi and blood to break through the blocked meridians and condense a trace of strength is a 'Martial Master'!

But Tongmai Martial Master is only the first step on the road of a warrior. Only when you become a martial master can you be considered a real warrior.

After Tongmai, the strength opens the eight extraordinary meridians and twelve meridians, and finally covers the whole body with strength... then you become a Grandmaster!

The Grandmaster has an even more extraordinary power. Rebirth after a broken arm and transmitting sound into the ears are just the most basic means of the Grandmaster!

Bai Sanren's understanding of the Grandmaster realm is just hearsay, but it is not difficult to hear the yearning in Bai Sanren's tone...

After all, for most people, opening the meridians is also a natural chasm that is difficult to overcome in their lifetime!

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