Gurgle gurgle!

When Han Yi was thinking hard, he suddenly heard a rumbling sound in his stomach. He glanced sideways and happened to meet Qianxue's eyes with a slightly red face.

"Are you hungry?" Han Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, with a strange smile in his tone.


Qianxue looked away and responded in a low voice.

She did consume a lot of blood and qi today. Warriors have a large appetite, and it is normal for her to be in this state since she didn't eat in the morning.

Han Yi was silent for a moment, took out a package from his arms and threw it to Qianxue.

"Eat something first."

Qianxue didn't understand why, but she still opened the package obediently. There was a bun inside.

Han Yi ordered a portion of red blood tiger meat at 'Fulinlou', but he didn't have time to eat it, so he took it with him.

"Red blood tiger meat bun?"

Bai Sanren recognized it at a glance, and he showed a trace of nostalgia.

"Xiao Qianxue, eat quickly, this is a good thing!"

"When I was in the sect, there was a lot of intrigue for a few ounces of red blood tiger meat."

"Senior, in the past, the benefits of the inner disciples of the Red Flame Sect were also this red blood tiger meat?"

Han Yi was surprised.

"At that time, this was not a benefit, but an opportunity that every disciple needed to fight for...

"At that time, the Red Flame Sect was not as powerful as it is now. The red blood tiger meat in the desert south was controlled by a force called the 'Blood Knife Sect', and some leftovers would be distributed to affiliated forces every month.

"At that time, in Anyan City, the force called the 'Blood Knife Sect' was a well-known second-rate force. There was even a Blood Knife ancestor who was a master in the sect. His 'Blood Killing Knife Technique' was so famous even in the whole Pingzhou.

"The current Chiyan Sect and Qianye Sect were just the wings of the Blood Blade Sect at that time, and the so-called County Magistrate Wang Family and the Military Office Manager Huang Family had never been heard of. Except for the occasional orders issued by the court, the entire Anyan City was ruled by the Blood Blade Sect at other times!

"But 'the moon waxes and wanes, and things will turn around when they reach their extremes'. The Blood Blade Sect usually bullies and abuses its power in Anyan City. It is used to comfort and oppression, but as long as the Blood Blade Patriarch is alive, they can only swallow their anger.

"But who knew that one day, the Blood Knife Sect headquarters, where the Blood Knife Ancestor, the various hall masters, the elders, and the elite disciples were located, all disappeared, leaving only a bottomless pit on the Black Rock Mountain!"

"Black Rock Mountain? The Blood Knife Sect headquarters is not in Anyan City?"

"The Blood Knife Sect was comparable to the princes of this area at that time, so naturally they built a fortress outside the city that was cast with fine iron and was as solid as a rock.

"A few days later, someone went to the deep pit to investigate and found that except for the black gas rising from the edge of the pit, there was no trace of human life. The entire Blood Knife Sect headquarters was like being wiped out with an ink pen, and there was no trace at all!"

At this point, Bai Sanren's face showed a trace of fear. He could imagine the impact of this incident on him at that time.

"Some people say that it is because the Blood Knife Ancestor offended the ghosts and gods, and some people say that the Blood Knife Sect has done many evil things and has brought retribution, but more people think that there is a great terror in the wild!

"This is why the headquarters of various forces are still in the city!

"Once the news of the disappearance of the Blood Knife Sect headquarters and the Blood Knife Patriarch spread, the forces in Anyan City that had been oppressed by the Blood Knife Sect united and cleared out the remnants of the Blood Knife Sect in one fell swoop.

"At that time, I also led my disciples to eliminate a Blood Knife Sect stronghold...

"After that, since the Blood Knife Sect had been destroyed, this loose alliance immediately fell apart, and various forces, big and small, fought each other for territory.

"Street fights were common, and assassinations, poisoning, and arson also occurred frequently. That period should have been the darkest and bloodiest period in Anyan City...

"Changningfang was the most prosperous area in Anyan City before, but because of this incident, it has become a slum that is now ruled by no one. "

"In the end, it was the imperial court that intervened and sent the Huang family and the Wang family to join forces with the strongest Chiyan Sect and Qianye Sect. The four forces joined forces and the situation stabilized. Then there was a pattern of four forces jointly managing Anyan City..."

"Only since then, the red-blooded tiger meat has been used as a benefit for inner disciples and distributed monthly..."

"Bai Sanren put his hands behind his back and looked up at the starry sky, looking like he was reminiscing about the past.

"Senior, where did all this red-blooded tiger meat come from? "Han Yi couldn't help asking. He was still curious about the source of the beast meat.

There are hundreds of inner disciples in the Chiyan Sect, and each person consumes two pounds of meat per month, so nearly a thousand pounds of red blood tiger meat is needed every month.

The monthly share of the sect master, hall master, elders, and deacons must be higher. If you calculate it all, at least thousands of pounds of red blood tiger meat are needed every month, which means tens of thousands of pounds of beast meat are consumed every year.

Such a large number, if it is obtained only by hunting, at least dozens of Huangnan red blood tigers must be slaughtered every year, but as far as Han Yi knows, there are only seven or eight red blood tigers in a tribe. Does it mean that the Chiyan Sect needs to slaughter two or three tribes every year?

But if it is just by purchasing, how can such an astonishing number maintain a stable channel?

But no matter what, there must be a source. It is impossible to create something out of nothing!

After hearing this, Bai Sanren looked around and pulled Han Yi over.

Han Yi did not resist. After completing the task of cleaning up the wild dogs, he became closer to Qianxue and Bai Sanren.

Bai Sanren lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "Han boy, don't tell others.......

"Although I don't know the specific source of the red blood tiger meat, when I was besieging a hall master of the Blood Knife Sect, I vaguely heard that hall master said before he died...."

His voice was even lower: "Red blood tiger meat is not obtained by hunting, but grows from the ground!"

"!!! "

Han Yi was dumbfounded for a moment, and was a little stunned.

Growing in the field, like grains, it needs to be harvested every year...

Although Bai Sanren only knew these things, he didn't know more details, such as how to fertilize and how to water.

But this information was like a bolt from the blue, shocking Han Yi.

A piece of land can actually grow the meat of beasts for warriors to practice?

Han Yi thought deeply about this question, and he couldn't help feeling a little creepy and dazed.

Even when Anyan City was approaching, he didn't notice it.

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