Fantasy: Immortality starts with absorbing demons

Chapter 96: Tiger's Accomplice

“Ahem, ahem…”

“This should be considered a beast-level monster. It looks like it has been attacked by Yin Qi…”

Bai Sanren pointed at the black air that was slowly dissipating on the ground and said.

The forest ground was stained with the black mist of the evil-breaking talisman and the blood-activating tongue of the warrior. Two strange-looking little ghosts were dissipating with the wind.

It can be vaguely seen that the two little ghosts are like children of seven or eight years old. They are all green, with skin covering bones, but with a huge belly.

Although there is not much difference in appearance, the biggest difference is that one has a face. There is only one ear, and the other face has only a nose.

"This is a ghost. Be careful. This hungry tiger has probably killed many people..."

When a person is killed by a tiger, his spirit is often used by the tiger as a guide. Therefore, all the clothes, towels and shoes of those who died by the tiger fell to the ground. It was not the tiger's power that made them fall off, but the ghost did it.

In the previous life, there were also legends about so-called ghosts and tiger spirits, but Han Yi always regarded these things as nonsense. Unexpectedly, here, the tiger infected by the Yin Qi was really so weird...

"Ah! "

Bai Sanren coughed continuously, bent his body, and coughed up a mouthful of black blood.

"Grandpa Bai, you are not going to die, are you..."

Qianxue quickly took out the pill and water for him to drink, tears in her eyes, her face full of anxiety.

"Don't worry, it's just the Yin Qi entering my body, my old bones can still hold on..."

Bai Sanren comforted Qianxue, and after taking the pill, his complexion improved a lot.

However, on Bai Sanren's back, a bowl-sized black palm print was printed on his back through his clothes, and five small The fingerprints of the child are clearly visible, and even as time goes by, the bruises here become darker and darker, and can even be called black bruises!

Yin Qi enters the body, and Yin Qi and the blood of the warrior are in conflict. Once a warrior below the Tongmai stage is infected with Yin Qi, if it is not removed in time, he will suffer a serious illness at the least, or even die at the worst.

Of course, for Han Yi, the disadvantages of Yin Qi entering the body do not exist. He wishes that there is more Yin Qi, the better...

Click, click.

This majestic hungry tiger slowly shook its huge tiger head and swaggered. The tiger was moving in a swaying manner, but the circle was shrinking little by little, and it was slowly approaching. The three of them also held their breath and stepped back.


The tiger's paw pads silently extended a dozen centimeters of sharp claws. Even the claws that were broken by Han Yi's black iron sword were restored in a moment.

"Han boy, if you can't win, you should take Qianxue and retreat first..."

Bai Sanren frowned, his expression solemn, he was ready to cover the rear.

"Master Bai, just protect Qianxue. Don't worry, I'm here. ......."

Han Yi shook his head and looked at his own stats. He was fully armed and his stats were as high as '81~96'. It should be no problem to deal with a big cat with a comprehensive strength of '71~85'...

Unfortunately, his black gold boxing gloves were still being repaired by Master Lu in the Treasure Pavilion, otherwise his comprehensive strength would be even stronger!


"Be careful......."

Bai Sanren looked at Han Yi deeply, and it seemed that a trace of memory emerged from the depths of his mind.


I don't know who it was, but suddenly, a branch was stepped on and broken.

The hungry tiger stopped immediately, and the four limbs suddenly exerted force. The black horizontal stripes on his body turned into three groups of black mist, which wrapped around his legs, flew into the air, and disappeared in the air in an instant.

Dong, Dong, Dong

Han Yi's heart beat violently, and a large amount of blood and qi surged like a big river, and was quickly transported to all parts of his body.

The attack of this hungry tiger is unpredictable, and the ghosts it commands seem to have the ability to ignore distance and travel through space. No one knows where it will appear, which is extremely strange.

What should I do?

No matter what, Qianxue must be saved!

Bai Sanren secretly made up his mind. This was the first time he had encountered such a strange and difficult enemy in his life.

At this time, Han Yi held the black iron sword tightly with both hands. He did not look around like Bai Sanren and Qianxue, but closed his eyes.

"Could this be..."

Bai Sanren glanced and saw Han Yi's actions. At first, he was a little puzzled, and then, as if he thought of something, he showed a look of astonishment.


The next moment, the hungry tiger fell from the sky and slapped Bai Sanren's head hard. Even a tiger without wisdom knew that it was better to pick the soft persimmon!

Although he had a plan, Bai Sanren's body was suffering from the pain of Yin Qi entering his body, and it was indeed difficult to avoid it.

"Grandpa Bai..."

"Yueyue Sword Technique..."

Qianxue cried out, mustered up her courage, and drew her sword out of its sheath with a clang. A flash of lightning was like lightning. She didn't want to retreat in front of Han Yi again...

However, although her sword moves were sharp, the small and delicate lady's short sword was like an ant trying to shake a tree compared to ten sharp claws that were sharper than steel knives.

Even if it hasn't touched it yet, Bai Sanren knew with his many years of experience that Qianxue would definitely not be able to block this grab!

"Get out of the way!"

Bai Sanren's eyes were bloodshot and he shouted loudly. He stretched out his hands and wanted to pull Qianxue away.

"It's too late. Could it be..."


The sound of the skin and flesh being torn apart was heard.

Chirp, chirp.

The anxious ghost sounds of the ghosts were heard.

A large amount of blood from the hungry tiger splashed on the ground, and a lot of blood even stained Han Yi's white robe red along the black iron sword!

Han Yi had his eyes closed, but he seemed to have foreseen the future. He waved the black iron sword, which was obviously not fast, but it was the first to arrive. Before the tiger claws hit Qianxue, it fell straight to where the hungry tiger fell.

The soft, white-haired belly of the hungry tiger faced the extremely sharp sword tip, which was no different from an egg hitting a stone. It was disemboweled in just a moment!

This is the "mind's eye" characteristic of the basic sword technique!

With a sharp weapon in hand, Han Yi suddenly felt infinite confidence!

But the ghost enslaved by the hungry tiger was really useful. It could close the distance between the two positions at will, shuttle back and forth at will, and rescued the hungry tiger before the black iron sword pierced through the hungry tiger's body.


The hungry tiger fell not far in front of Han Yi, and roared in pain. A large amount of blood instantly dyed the forest red.

Good opportunity, take advantage of its unpreparedness and attack from behind!

Han Yi opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.


He burst out with power, suddenly dancing his body, and rushed straight to the injured tiger, holding the black iron sword high, wanting to chop off the hungry tiger's head!

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