Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 103: The practice is complete, the battle is coming

The flame red carp looked calm and said calmly: "No one will know about this, and no one will be able to shake my position."

"You can deal with the matter of the Ming clan with peace of mind, and you must establish a good relationship with the people of the Ming clan."

Yan Xiaotao clasped her fists and said, "Don't worry, miss, I will definitely handle the matter you explained to me, and there will never be any mistakes."

Yanhong carp waved his hand, signaling Yan Xiaotao to step back.

Yan Xiaotao didn't stay in the hall and quickly exited the hall.

"Everything is going according to my layout, there should be no mistakes!"

Yan Hongli's eyes were deep, and after a sigh, she got up and entered the secret room to retreat and practice, ignoring the trivial matters of the outside world.

The white horse has passed through the gap, and China has a thousand years.

Yan Chengfeng stayed at the peak of Kunlun Ruins, accompany Gan Mei to practice.

Qian Mei's advanced speed is very fast, and he has already cultivated the immortal and demon scriptures to the point of perfection.

Now, although she is still a prince, her background is difficult to compare with even some sages.


The peak of Kunlun Ruins, Tianchi.

There is a hazy haze of smoke, and a fiery halo surrounds it. In the vast Tianchi, there are two figures soaked in the mist, playful and playful.

Gan Mei let out a wheeze, making Yan Chengfeng's bones numb.

After Qian Mei's Immortal Demon Sutra has been cultivated to the point of perfection, she has become extraordinary and refined, even if she just stops there, it can make people feel paranoid.

This woman is too seductive, and it is difficult for those arrogant saints and descendants of the emperor to compare with her.

There are two completely different temperaments on her body. The seductiveness helps a trace of purity, and there is a hidden seductiveness in the purity, which makes men want to stop.

"What is the Perfect Dao Heart?"

Qian Mei leaned against Yan Chengfeng's arms and asked curiously.

She only knew that Yan Chengfeng wanted to create a perfect Dao heart, but she didn't know what a perfect Dao heart was.

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep, and he said leisurely: "Through the ages, those who can reach the peak must have an indestructible heart."

"However, even if the Dao Heart is indestructible and stands at the top, it doesn't make any sense."

"If one day you find out that the end you have worked hard all your life to reach is just the starting point for others, what would you think?"

Gan Mei said calmly, "What else can you think about, you can count on living a complete life in all the worlds and worlds."

"You have to know that everyone is a different individual, why do you need to be like everyone else."

"So, my master, do you want to eat your stove? People have been itching for a long time."

Gan Mei has always been tempting Yan Chengfeng, she is very confident that as long as Yan Chengfeng has tasted her, she will never forget it.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "Don't even think about the double cultivation thing."


Gan Mei was a little unhappy, and snorted coldly: "You are the most annoying guy, I don't like you at all."

"I have mastered the Sutra of Immortals and Demons, and the Cynomorium body has become a big one. Why have you changed your mind again?"

"I hate people who don't count."


Yan Chengfeng sighed helplessly: "Don't worry! You are still a virgin, and you still have a lot of use."

"If you lose your virginity, the trace of innocence on your body will cease to exist."

Gan Mei recklessly rode on Yan Chengfeng's waist and said solemnly, "I don't care anyway. You agreed before that when my exercises are fully integrated and my physique is fully developed, you will accompany me to double cultivation."

"Chengfeng, you shouldn't be afraid! Don't worry, it's normal for the little chick to fly high for the first time and not last long."


"I'm too lazy to deal with you."

Yan Chengfeng left Tianchi, put on his robes and prepared to go down the mountain.

Staying with Gan Mei, something will happen sooner or later.

This woman has gone crazy and always wants to mess with him.

Yan Chengfeng is more than enough but not enough!

"See how long you can hide."

Gan Mei also followed out of Tianchi, she put on plain clothes, without any dress up, no fancy colors.

However, her allure could not be hidden at all.

"I'm not wearing a black robe anymore!"

Gan Mei took Yan Chengfeng's arm and said, "You don't believe what you say, and I don't want to listen to you."


Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and lightly rubbed his eyebrows, and then said, "You can do whatever you want, I really convinced you."

Gan Mei was very happy and said with a smile: "I know you are the best, let's hurry down the mountain!"

She pulled Yan Chengfeng and hurried down the mountain.

down the mountain.

Guan Aoxue and the others had been meditating, and they couldn't help but be stunned when they saw Yan Chengfeng's figure.

Yan Chengfeng has changed a lot. At this moment, he is like a master who is detached from the world. He is not within the six realms of the world.

And Yan Chengfeng's side, followed by the women, they are not unfamiliar.

Dry charm.

They had seen this man a long time ago.

Qian Mei's fairy and demon scriptures are well integrated, and after Cynomorium's body is completed, she can restrain her breath as she likes.

However, even though her aura was restrained and her physique was hidden, her immortal-like temperament made many people unbelievable.

They had seen Gan Mei before.

But it was because he had seen Gan Mei that he was shocked by Gan Mei's changes.

Gan Mei is very seductive, especially those eyes, which are as deep as the ocean, and every drop of water is seductive and can seduce the soul.

"Yan Chengfeng's cauldron is a dry charm."

Tang Haoyue's eyebrows frowned slightly. She had thought about many people, but the only thing she had not thought about was that this cauldron was actually a dry charm.

Gan Mei has changed so much that she is a little unfamiliar.

The appearance, temperament, and figure have undergone earth-shaking changes. If you are not familiar with people, it is difficult to recognize her.

"How has your practice been recently?"

Yan Chengfeng stepped forward and said indifferently: "The competition between the four universities should be the first day of the eighth lunar month."

"It's time for us to set off for Tianxu City. Let's sign up in advance! This competition should be more lively than before."

"The competition of the four universities is about to begin."

Everyone was a little worried, and they still hadn't reacted. They didn't expect that the time had passed quietly without taking away a cloud.

"Master, shall we set off now?"

Qi Shuiyao stepped forward to ask, she saw Gan Mei holding Yan Chengfeng's arm, and the scene of the two of you being sympathetic to me was really heartbreaking, and she was a little unhappy.

Yan Chengfeng nodded and said, "Let's set off immediately, this time I won't go with you."

"You guys go to Tianxu City first, let's meet in Tianxu City!"

He still has some urgent matters to deal with, so he will not go with Qi Shuiyao and others.

Hearing that Yan Chengfeng would not go together, everyone was stunned.

However, they didn't say anything.

Yan Chengfeng's decision, without daring to go against it, can only nod in agreement.

This time, the competition between the four universities was very lively, and there were movements from all parties.

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