Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 198: Take the clan tree and leave cruelly

The ambitions of the returning creatures are very big. What they care about is not only the Nine Provinces and the Nine Regions, but they want to dominate the heavens.

Make Guixu a peerless royal family.

After thinking for a while, Patian Patriarch said, "Since you are so sober, hand over the clan's genealogy immediately!"

"As long as you hand over the clan's genealogy, this seat can guarantee that it will never hurt the disciples of the Frost Immortal Sect."

"But if you are stubborn, then the ending of the Frost Immortal Sect will be a little bit bad."

A group of ignorant bugs, the ancestors of the sky do not want to negotiate conditions with them.

However, for the sake of the clan's genealogy, he could only tolerate it first.

Shi Xuan is also a mature person, of course she knows it very well.

Once the ancestors of the sky got the clan's genealogy, they would definitely kill them. At that time, the entire Frost Immortal Sect would also bleed into a river.

Frost Immortal Sect is already at stake.

Now, they can only find a person who has the means to the sky and let him guard the clan's genealogy.

"Since that's the case, let's take out the clan's genealogy first, you wait a moment!"

Clan Xuan had no choice but to hand over the clan's genealogy in the current situation.

If the genealogy is not handed over, the situation may be very bad.

"The seat will wait for you for a moment."

The voice of the ancestor Potian was indifferent, and he would soon be able to obtain the family tree of the clan.

Shi Xuan left this place and hurriedly returned to the clan hall.

In the clan hall, there are dozens of elders sitting cross-legged here.

"Ancestor disorder, the situation is critical now, are we really not going to hand over the clan's genealogy?"

Shi Xuan's pupils shrank slightly, and his heart was full of worry.

Frost Immortal Sect has already faced the catastrophe of life and death. If this matter cannot be handled well, the situation will probably be very bad.

Seeing such a scene, everyone was a little anxious.

Ancestor Discord looked indifferent and said solemnly: "Even if we hand over the clan's genealogy, the Frost Ice Sect will be destroyed."

"There are too many living beings in the ruins, and it is really difficult to compete with them."

"There is only one way now, and that is to hand over the clan's genealogy to the ancestor, and let the ancestor protect the clan's family tree."

"One day, the clan will still be able to reproduce its supreme glory."

In the clan hall.

All the elders unanimously agreed with this decision. Anyway, whether or not to hand over the clan's genealogy, the final outcome is the same, then they might as well take the clan's genealogy to the ancestors.

As long as the clan's genealogy is still there, one day, the clan will be able to reproduce its supreme glory.

Ancestor Chaos left the clan hall with everyone, and this conquest was unavoidable.

They must go all out to protect the clan's genealogy.

Everyone came to Yan Chengfeng's residence, and Yan Chengfeng walked out slowly.

"Ancestor, this is the family tree of the clan. We will now hand it over to you to protect it. Please be sure to protect it."

Ancestor Discord handed a black box to Yan Chengfeng, Yan Chengfeng took it over, he opened the di box and saw that there was a thick book lying inside.

It was clearly the genealogy of the clan.

Yan Chengfeng put away the clan's genealogy and immediately said, "Don't worry! I will definitely protect it."

Seeing that Yan Chengfeng had promised to protect the clan's genealogy, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the big stone in their hearts was finally completely put down.

The crowd did not stay here, they went out to fight to the death with the souls of the returning market.

No regrets even in death.

After everyone left, a smile finally appeared on Yan Chengfeng's face.

The purpose of his trip has finally been achieved.

"Some people's hearts are so dark."

Chu Linlang walked to Yan Chengfeng's side and said, "Using the feelings of the clan creatures and extracting the clan's genealogy, can you sleep at night? I'm not afraid that these people will come to you and ask for your life."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "You can't blame me for being too smart, you can only say that they are all too stupid."

"The two of you are the same, both stupid."


Chu Linlang's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she felt a little unhappy.

Yan Chengfeng said she was too stupid, and she couldn't accept it.

"Give me the clan's genealogy."

Chu Linlang was too lazy to compete with Yan Chengfeng, and directly asked for the clan's genealogy.

In any case, she must get the clan's genealogy, and she must not miss the opportunity of the ages.

Yan Chengfeng smiled lightly and said, "Don't be self-righteous, do you think I'll give it to you?"

"Now that I've got what I want, it's time for me to go too."

"Yan Chengfeng, you big bastard, don't go too far."

Chu Linlang blocked Yan Chengfeng's path, and said coldly, "You slept with Qingcheng and I, how will this account be calculated?"

"In the end, you didn't give us anything, did we let you sleep in vain."

She was a little annoyed, and wished that Yan Chengfeng's corpse would be smashed into ten thousand pieces, and his bones would be thrown into ashes.

She had never seen such a shameless person before, she was really going to vomit blood from anger.

Yan Chengfeng said calmly, "I gave you this thing, and you have to leave. If I miss you in the future, what should I do?"

"In order to sleep with you all your life, I won't let you leave easily."


Chu Linlang stared at Yan Chengfeng angrily, she had never hated a person so much.

Yan Chengfeng really offended her.

It’s fine to play for a while, he still wants to play for a lifetime, just dream!

"Today, if you give me the clan's genealogy, don't blame me for being rude."

Chu Linlang was too lazy to play emotional cards with Yan Chengfeng, this guy was not good enough. That being the case, she can only use strength.

If Yan Chengfeng was aware of current affairs, she would not be genuine.

If Yan Chengfeng is stubborn, then don't blame her for being ruthless and not thinking about old feelings.


Yan Chengfeng sneered and left the Frost Ice Immortal Sect directly.

He was very fast and disappeared in an instant.

"This bastard..."

Chu Linlang was a little annoyed, she really wanted to tear Yan Chengfeng into pieces.

She has grown so big and has never suffered such a big loss.

This time, he really lost his wife and lost his army.

She was played for nothing by a man, and in the end she didn't even get any benefit, how could she not be angry.

"Where is Yan Chengfeng?"

At this time, Gan Mei and others came over.

The creatures in the return to the ruins have been waiting impatiently, and this battle is definitely inevitable.

With an indifferent expression, Chu Linlang said, "After that beast got the clan's genealogy, he ran away."

"He is not the ancestor of any clan at all. He came to the Frost Ice Sect just to deceive the clan's genealogy."

"If this little beast is caught by me, I'll have to castrate him to let him know how miserable it is to tease me."

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