Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 549: Ups and downs, the world will be in chaos


The high priest of the Southern Immortal Dynasty is terrifying in combat power and has the means to penetrate the sky and the earth.

Absolutely no one can resist, his kind of unparalleled divine might, everyone is backing away, terrified in their hearts.

Encountering such a situation, everyone was very worried and did not dare to approach this place at all.

If they set foot rashly, their fate would be very miserable!


That tyrannical aura emanated, the stars in the heavens were shaking, the entire sun and moon collapsed, completely losing its color.

This time, the high priest is serious, and no one can stop him at all. Even if he has the means to penetrate the sky, he should not even think of becoming an enemy of him.

In his body, a monstrous fierceness is bursting out, the endless sky, sun and moon are about to collapse, everyone is retreating, and they don't dare to stay in the center of the storm, for fear of being affected.

Everyone felt the pressure of the tyrannical aura, and no one dared to approach, so they could only quickly retreat into the distance, and they all began to worry.

"I didn't expect that the means of this high priest would be so terrifying. It seems that his overall strength has improved. I have to say that his combat power is indeed quite terrifying."

"I don't know how Yan Chengfeng will fight next. If Yan Chengfeng can't fight, then his fate will be very miserable!"

"At that time, it will not only be his end that will be miserable, but we will also have no chance to turn over."

"This is just the beginning, no one knows if more dangerous things will happen in the future."

"Yeah! Offending the Gorefiends and the Southern Immortal Dynasty is no joke. I'm afraid, the situation in the future will only become more and more complicated..."

The creatures of Cang Nanxing whispered for a while. The things that happened recently are quite scary. In such a situation, there is nothing they can do.

The only thing you can do is do your best. Do your best to do these things well, no matter what kind of troubles there will be in the end, you have to be cautious and never be careless.

They don't want to be buried with them, even if the world is not worth it, they must work hard to live.

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, and he also had a headache. This high priest of the Southern Immortal Dynasty seemed to be a little difficult to deal with.

However, he has already come this far, so he has nothing to say. In any case, he will do his best to kill this person.

Never let go of any creature from the Southern Immortal Dynasty, otherwise, the situation behind will only become more and more dangerous.


Yan Chengfeng didn't flinch either, he rushed out quickly, the burst of combat power was very terrifying, every gesture of action, there was a monstrous ferocity, and the killing blows rushed out, and the heavens, sun and moon collapsed.


The expedition that took place in the sky was too violent, he rushed out fiercely, the chapter of creation moved, and the law of time was immortal, shrouding this territory in an instant.

He is like an invincible **** and demon, and can be called an invincible overlord in the world. No one can stop him.

Even across hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers, one could clearly feel the endless divine might, which made everyone very frightened, and they never thought that such a situation would be the case.

Especially in the current situation, if you are not careful, you may be destroyed.


As time passed by, the crisis that erupted from the sky became more and more terrifying. The force was so terrifying and tyrannical that everyone was shrinking and did not dare to approach this place at all.

If we talk about it rashly, then the final end will be very miserable.

With the passage of time, the high priest of the Southern Immortal Dynasty could not stop Yan Chengfeng after all.

Yan Chengfeng's attacks were unparalleled in the world, possessing power that penetrated the sky and the earth, and a mere high priest of the Southern Immortal Dynasty was not enough to compete with him.

His combat power is really terrifying, invincible in the world.


There was a sound of beating drums in the sky, and the thick lightning flashed everywhere, and the breath that burst out was a bit terrifying.

This is the real invincible hegemon. In every gesture, everyone has the momentum of swallowing the mountains and rivers. Who can really compete with him.


The high priest of the Southern Immortal Dynasty lay on the ground, coughing up blood for a while, his face was as pale as paper, his hair was disheveled, and he looked very embarrassed.

The aura in his body was a bit chaotic, and facing an invincible like Yan Chengfeng, the leader of the younger generation, he was still somewhat unstoppable.

Yan Chengfeng came to the front of the high priest in an instant, looking down at the high priest, as if looking at a humble reptile.

"Little beast, do you really want to be the enemy of the Southern Immortal Dynasty?"

The high priest's gaze was piercing, and he was roaring angrily, offending the Southern Immortal Dynasty, which was not very beneficial to Yan Chengfeng's future development.

If Yan Chengfeng couldn't figure this out, then he would definitely die.

However, the high priest underestimated Yan Chengfeng.

There was never any reason for Yan Chengfeng to kill. Nor would there be any background that could frighten him.

If these ignorant ants want to compete with him, there is only one way. If they go to practice incognito for a few more years, there may be some opportunities.

As for now, those who stand in the way are killed without mercy.

"To be honest, I never took the Southern Immortal Dynasty seriously, let alone you."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "Since you have no other means now, then I will give you a ride."

He didn't want to delay any longer, he just wanted to kill the so-called high priest directly.

"Little beast, you must die, no one can save you."

The high priest was roaring non-stop, his heart was full of anger, and he just wanted to smash these ignorant reptiles to pieces and smash their bones into ashes.


Yan Chengfeng was too lazy to continue making noise, and directly shot and killed the high priest.

After seeing Yan Chengfeng beheading the high priest, everyone was relieved.

Finally, the trouble in front of them was solved, and they could have a chance to live in peace for a few days.

Yan Chengfeng is not among these weaklings. Since he has dealt with the trouble, the next thing he has to do is to continue to practice.

Those creatures from Cangnan Star quickly came over to clean up the place, and they were satisfied after there was no smell of blood.

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