Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 576: No clues, take the wind to guess

The armillary sphere was stolen. This matter is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface, and there must be some hidden secrets behind it.

Baili Dongjun is too lazy to think too much. Since this matter has already happened, there is nothing to say, only to find a way to overturn the treasure as soon as possible.

As for other problems, there is no need to worry, everything is a small problem, and there will always be a solution.

Especially in the current situation, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so I have to think carefully about everything, otherwise, I will definitely be the one who suffers in the end.

Yan Chengfeng was very calm. He didn't want to care about the current situation at all. Judging from this problem, there might be a solution!

"You two still want to commit crimes and make up for it. I think you two are guarding yourselves and trying to escape with the armillary sphere!"

The law enforcement elders stared at Yan Chengfeng and Baili Dongjun firmly, and said indifferently: "You two, stop arguing, I have already set the death penalty for you."

"Even if you have a thousand mouths, don't imagine that you can confuse right and wrong. The only thing you can do now is to kneel down and lead your neck to be slaughtered to atone for your sins."

"If you dare to go against the will of this seat, then what awaits you must be death."

The law enforcement elder obviously did not intend to let Baili Dongjun and Yan Chengfeng go. These two ignorant ants could just be used to take the blame.

It doesn't matter whether Yan Chengfeng and Baili Dongjun are stealing or not. What he has to do is to get rid of these two people.

As for other issues, if you go to explore slowly in the future, you will always find clues.

"Since the two of them have the idea of ​​committing crimes, let them do it!"

At this time, a thick voice sounded, saying: "I will only give you two and a half months. If you can't find the armillary sphere within half a month, then don't blame me for handing over the two of you. dealt with."

"Elder Law Enforcement, do you have any comments?"

The person who spoke did not show up, but everyone knew that she was the patriarch of the Tianyi Clan, and in the entire Tianyi Clan, everyone had to listen to her.

She said one thing, and no one would ever resist.


The law enforcement elder's eyes were sharp, and he snorted coldly: "You two wait for this seat. If you can't find out the armillary sphere within half a month, then you don't blame me for being cruel."

For these two ignorant ants, he will never show mercy, and kill those who stand in the way?

No one can stop him, Yan Chengfeng and Baili Dongjun must die.

If anyone offends him, the end will be miserable.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm, he was very calm, and he didn't take the threat of the law enforcement elders to heart at all. It was really ridiculous that such an ignorant bug wanted to threaten him.

However, the current situation is indeed quite dangerous. If you are not careful, it is very likely that you will become a dead soul in someone else's hands and withered bones under your feet.

Therefore, at any time, you must not be careless, even if you are sleeping, you must be cautious.

Baili Dongjun is very calm, and she has nothing to worry about. The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil.

Since some things have already happened, their worries will not have any meaning, but will only add to the sadness.

After this incident ended, the creatures of the Tian Clan also retreated one after another. Anyway, no matter what happens next, they have nothing to do with them.

They also don't bother to take care of this kind of shit. It's an eventful time now, so it's better to take care of yourself. Most of the time, it's better to have less than one more thing, and absolutely can't be careless.

After everyone left one after another, Yan Chengfeng sighed helplessly and said, "I knew I wouldn't be here, and I still have trouble going home with you, what a headache!"

"How good it is for me to stay in the world, to be a soil emperor, if anyone dares to provoke me, I will kill anyone."

"When I come to the Immortal World, I hit a wall everywhere, and I'm not happy everywhere. I'm really tired!"

He didn't want to stay in this place at all, he just wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

However, this time on the pirate ship, I am afraid there is no way to leave in a short time.

When you encounter such a problem, you still have to be careful, and you must not be too careless.


Baili Dongjun raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly. She was also quite speechless. Yan Chengfeng followed her, and then this happened.

She is more depressed than anyone else, but since everything has already happened, there is nothing to say, no matter what the final outcome will be, as long as it comes.

Soldiers come to block water and earth to cover, and there will always be a day when the clouds and the sun can be seen.

"Don't be depressed, there's nothing I can do when something like this happens!"

Baili Dongjun spread his hands helplessly and said, "Let's go back to rest first! Don't run around in these two days."

When something like this happens, you really have to be careful, and you must not make any extras.

Who exactly took the armillary sphere away, no one knows, but, in any case, it must be dealt with as soon as possible,

They only have half a month, that old man is definitely not a kind person.

Within half a month, if they haven't found the armillary sphere, the law enforcement elder will definitely take action and kill her and Yan Chengfeng.

This kind of ending is not what she wants to see. The most important thing now is to deal with everything as soon as possible and find the clues that the Armillary Sphere was stolen.

As long as the clues that the armillary sphere was stolen can be found, the next thing will be easier to deal with.

"Let's go back to rest first."

Yan Chengfeng didn't bother to waste time. It was already the middle of the night. If he didn't go to rest, he would have to stay up all night.

Young people, still can't stay up late!

Staying up all night hurts the body.

Baili Dongjun didn't say much, and took Yan Chengfeng back to the place where she lived before.

"Baili Dongjun, I think this matter is likely to be done by the law enforcement elders."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank, and he said, "Perhaps he was the one who guarded the robbery, and then the thief shouted to catch the thief. Although the old man's qi and blood are very strong, his life expectancy is approaching."

"If he wants to survive, the armillary sphere must be his first goal. With a treasure that can travel between the past and the present, he can do a lot of things."

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