Chapter 186 The Action of the Eighth Grade Sect! (Subscribe)

Chapter 186: The Action of the Eighth-Rank Sect!

Luo Qianer’s real Cultivation Base Realm, only the Realm of the Ninth Stage.

But at this moment, under the blessing of Sect’s power of luck, her power has soared to the Realm of the Gold Core Second Stage!

Her Cultivation Base Realm has been directly equal to Xin Yiyang. !

In this state, the fighting power that she burst out is incomparably terrifying!

The rough giant sword fell, like thunder, like the sky collapsing, with infinite power!

Xin Yiyang looked at Luo Xian’er’s terrifying power, his expression changed greatly, and his heart was very shocked: “How is this possible?!…Why is this supreme Sect’s power of luck so terrifying?! 13

Xin Yiyang can’t imagine why the power of the supreme Sect’s luck is so terrifying.

It was able to make Luo Feier’s Cultivation Base Realm directly Ascension to the Gold Core Second Stage!

This kind of terrifying Ascension range cannot be achieved by the Tianyin faction with a profound blessing and a strong Taoism!

But at this time, he had no time to think so much, because Luo Xian’er’s attack had already fallen!

A sword is coming!

As soon as Luo Xian’er came up, it was a powerful sword move!

She of Gold Core Realm once again cast a sword to the west, her strength is undoubtedly very terrifying, under the terrifying sword attack, there is a feeling of destroying the world!

This kind of power made Xin Yiyang feel terrified, and a powerful shield-like treasure was on his face.

However, what terrified Xin Guyang was that, under Luo Xian’er’s attack, his powerful shield was blown away in an instant!

“Why?! Why is she so powerful?!

With a loud bang, Xin Yiyang was directly blown away by Luo Xian’er, which made him furious, and he couldn’t believe it in his heart. Luo Xian’er’s power was so powerful that he could easily shake him!

Although this is due to the power of Sect’s luck, it is already very terrifying!

The terrifying power made him incomparably stunned.

Luo Fian’er doesn’t care what he thinks now.

It directly exploded its own power to the extreme.

She planned to bombard Xin Yiyang directly.

For this person who dared to speak out against his master.

Luo Fian’er didn’t intend to show any mercy!

boom boom boom

Luo Xian’er’s attacks fell wave after wave, as if she would never get tired, and it would never consume her own strength!

Under such a terrifying attack, Xin Yiyang, the arrogant Tianyin sect’s peace messenger, had a direct feeling of being unable to resist!

This made Xin Yiyang roar again and again!

“A mere disciple of the Eight Sects dares to treat me like this! Unforgivable! After Xin Yiyang was suppressed, there was an aggrieved roar in his heart, and an angry roar roared: “Today I will make you smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!


Luo Xian’er listened to Xin Yiyang’s roar, and snorted coldly in her heart, the killing intent in her eyes burst awe-inspiringly, and the terrifying power surged like a tide between her hands.

Luo Xian’er’s spiritual sense moved, and suddenly launched a more powerful sword move!

“The sword seals thousands of miles!”

With Luo Xian’er’s soft moan, her most powerful sword move was immediately hooked by her. In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, and countless terrifying sword lights fell from the sky!

“Do not!

Feeling the terrifying Sword intent and Xin Yiyang’s roar, a look of horror flashed in his eyes. At this moment, he felt the danger of Death!


In his mind, such a thought suddenly appeared!

run away!

Run away now!

Otherwise he will die here!

He is no match for this girl now!

This eight-grade Sect is too evil!

A young girl disciple had such a terrifying force that he felt chills down his spine!

Xin Yiyang didn’t hesitate in the slightest. With a swipe, his figure quickly ran away from the Supreme Sect, and opened the distance at the fastest speed.

Embarrassedly, she dodged Luo Qian’er’s attack.

0……..·Ask for flowers……

Xin Yiyang’s figure quickly got out of Luo Xian’er’s attack. In order to escape Luo Xian’er’s attack, he directly took off the area of ​​the Supreme Sect.

The battle between Luo Xian’er and Xin Yiyang has long been noticed by countless people.

When those cultivators saw that Luo Xian’er had forced Xin Yiyang, the messenger of the seventh-rank Sect, to retreat crazily, all of them suddenly showed incredible shock on their faces!


so horrible!

The people of Supreme Sect are too scary!

A disciple of Qi Realm can actually force a Gold Core cultivator to flee in embarrassment! This is simply incredible!

What a fucking madness!


“Emissary of the Tianyin faction! This is the messenger of the Tianyin faction!”

Just when countless people were shocked, a large number of people suddenly rushed over, and people’s faces were full of excitement.

These excited people are the cultivators of the Eighth-Rank Sect who have been declared war by Lin Mo.

After the arrival of the Tianshan messenger, several Sect people immediately contacted. After making a decision, they immediately planned to join hands to assist. The Tianyin sent messenger to besiege the Supreme Sect!

Six eight-rank Sects simultaneously ask to besiege the Supreme Sect!

“Lord Messenger! We are the people of the Eighth-Rank Sect!”

A cultivator from the Profound Jade Sect walked up to the embarrassed Tianyin sect messenger Xin Guyang with a look of excitement, and excitedly said to him: “Lord messenger, we are here to help you! Supreme Sect is arrogant and arrogant. In the eyes of the Tianyin Sect messengers, we must teach them a profound lesson!”

The Promise Sect Bai Yuezong, the cultivators of these Sects, also quickly walked over to surround, and beside Xin Xin Yiyang, the messenger of the open air, looked at Xin Guyang with excitement.

The people who suddenly appeared around, Xin Yiyang’s face showed an incredible look, and he was stunned for a while.

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