Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1006: New information

"Is it really that scary?"

Thinking of this, Nangong Hongyun looked at the gangsters in the hall again.

"You can rest assured, I won't be like you."

Listening to Nangong Hongyun's words, the gangster nodded softly.

"Patriarch Nangong, originally your dead man still pressed Ye Chen to fight, they cooperated very tacitly, and Ye Chen who was directly pressed couldn't lift his head."

Nangong Hongfei also understood what the gangster had said. Ye Chen really had a level higher than thirty or so, so if he said that, he hadn't been killed by him that day, it must be lucky!

Nangong Hongfei became more frightened as he listened to the little **** in front of him.

And they were able to crush Ye Chen before, but they didn't know what was going on, they were killed directly.

"Patriarch Nangong, I don't know if I should say something."

Nangong Hongyun rubbed his temples in distress when listening to the gangster in front of him, and slowly looked over.

"Just say it."

After all, in the eyes of Nangong Hongyun, there is nothing more troublesome to him than this.

"That is, the silver light of the Nangong family was of no use to Ye Chen, and it was crushed by him."



Nangong Hongfei and Nangong Hongyun exclaimed together, and stood up quickly, looking at the little **** in front of them in surprise.

"Are you sure what you are saying is true! If you tell a lie, I will let your life be unsafe!"

Listening to Nangong Hongyun's words, the young man looked at him in horror, his head shaking like a wavy drum.

"Patriarch Nangong! How dare I lie to you! You can ask yourself! People next to you basically saw this scene at that time!"

Nangong Hongyun immediately felt a deep sense of powerlessness as he listened to the little gangster's words.

When the gangster said this, he already knew that all of his must have died there.

But he really didn't expect Ye Chen to be so powerful, he could break their silver light shooting.

"Impossible! Impossible! Impossible!"

Nangong Hongfei roared loudly, as if he could not accept all this.

"How could Ye Chen break the silver light of our Nangong family! What did he use to defeat it!"

Listening to Nangong Hongfei's words, the gangster below became timid, but still answered Nangong Hongfei's question.

"Ye Chen also used a bow and arrow, but what he launched was a big bird braving blue fire, which directly smashed the silver light."

Nangong Hongyun sighed softly, and waved his hand to the gangster below.

"Go down! Go to the butler for the finance!"

"Thank you Nangong Patriarch!"

Listening to Nangong Hongyun's words, the corners of the gangster's mouth rose slightly, as if there was something funny.

"How about it, son, I'm right!"

Nangong Hongfei stayed there directly after listening to Nangong Hongyun's words, not knowing what he was thinking.

If this Ye Chen can't be recruited, it's better to get rid of it as soon as possible, otherwise, if we give us a backstab, it will not be worth the loss.

Thinking of this, Nangong Hongyun sent a task to his son.

"In this way, you go to Zhao's house and step on it first. I'm going to the Zhao's house to attend the banquet tonight. As long as you see Ye Chen, go to the banquet for a long time and tell me that I need some countermeasures."

Listening to his father's words, Nangong Hongfei nodded as if half awake.

"Okay, then I will go now."

Nangong Hongfei responded and walked out of the house, heading towards the Zhao family.

At this time, Ye Chen had also finished buying things and was about to return to Zhao's house. When Zhao Manyang was hung up with a pile of things slowly, Zhao Manyang started cursing at the time.

"Brother Zhao! You can't do this! Look at what you buy so many things, and let me, the eldest master of the Zhao family, come to help carry things."

"Be yourself!"

Ye Chen and Xiao Yan coughed slightly after hearing Zhao Manyang's complaint behind them.

"Got it! I'll do it for you!"

Ye Chen walked to Zhao Manyang's side and took some things from him.

Ye Chen, who had just received this thing, was instantly startled by this unexpected weight.

"Yan'er, what do you put inside!"

Xiao Yan listened to Ye Chen's words, and slowly looked over, only to see what Ye Chen was struggling with, and then lifted the small bag.

"Brother Ye Chen, you said this! I bought some snacks, it shouldn't be too heavy!"

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words, looked at the small cloth bag he was holding in surprise, and sighed softly.

There are too many of these things, if only you have a storage ring.

"Wait! Storage ring!"

Ye Chen suddenly looked at the ring in his hand and sighed softly.

"Good guy! I almost forgot that I had this! Zhao Manyang! Come here! I'll put it in for you!"

Zhao Manyang answered Ye Chen's words, and then ran over quickly.

Ye Chen took these big and small bags directly.

"In this case, it's much easier!"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Zhao Manyang nodded gently.

"It's true that if you remembered it earlier, Brother Ye, it's not impossible."

Ye Chen coughed slightly after hearing Zhao Manyang's words, concealing his embarrassment.

"I'm training you! How could I have forgotten this, don't you think I will put it in for you now."

Zhao Manyang listened to Ye Chen's words and smiled at him and said nothing.

"Okay, okay, let's go quickly, it's almost the evening, and the banquet should be almost ready!"

Zhao Manyang nodded softly, and the three of them also quickened the pace of going back.

"It's finally here!"

Ye Chen looked at the door of the Zhao family in front of him and let out a long sigh.

"Zhao Manyang, are you going to talk to your father about this later?"

Zhao Manyang nodded gently.

"This is definitely something to say. Okay, Brother Ye, go back first. I'll take care of the rest. Someone will inform you when the banquet starts. Just follow these people directly."

"how about you?"

Ye Chen listened to Zhao Manyang's words, and suddenly remembered that he wanted to ask him what he was going to do.

"Me? Ye Ge, I'm the eldest son of the family, so naturally I have to dress up to attend! Of course I lost my preparation."

Listening to Zhao Manyang's words, Ye Chen nodded gently.

"Okay! We're just going to prepare, let's go!"

Xiao Yan nodded softly as he listened to Ye Chen's words.

Followed Ye Chen to the house.

Zhao Manyang looked at the back of the two and sighed softly, but didn't know when he would find a girl to accompany him.

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