Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1120: Keep up with the big forces

The giant beast glanced at the phoenix in front of him with fear, then turned and left.

Ye Chen stared at this scene for a moment, wondering what it was doing.

"What's the matter, why did it suddenly go away."

Looking at this scene, Phoenix didn't even chase again, and slowly flew towards Ye Chen, and then turned into a black arrow.

Ye Chen slowly grasped the arrow and quietly felt the power inside.

This thing is formed like this, Ye Chen is also very strange, he doesn't know how this guy formed, but the power contained in this arrow is stronger than most of the Fengming arrows issued by Ye Chen.

"This one……"

Ye Chen still wanted to say something, but suddenly he saw the three giant beasts, and the figure slowly approached here.

Ye Chen also knew that those guys didn't give up on this place, they might have been moved by seeing so many people here.

In order to avoid these guys, Ye Chen slowly entered the forest and followed the large army.

Ye Chen sighed softly, now he really didn't know what to do with Feng Mingjian.

Suddenly there was a powerful attack method, but next time Ye Chen didn't know if he could use it to move it.

"Forget it, don't think about this for now, let's keep up with them first."

What Ye Chen didn't notice just now was that the direction that the five-ringed behemoth left was the waterfall they were going to.

The three giant beasts came here and found that apart from the star power remaining in the sky, nothing else was left.

Then he sighed softly and left here again.

However, they felt a little bit dissatisfied with the five-ring beast in their hearts.

Ye Chen's speed was not slow, and it didn't take long to keep up with the rest of the people.

Ye Chen looked at Xiao Yan in front of him and shouted.


The three women who were still talking about something suddenly looked at this place.

"Brother Ye Chen!"

"Ye Chen! You are fine!"

Listening to Xiao Yan and Nangong Songyue's words, Ye Chen smiled at them.

"What can I do! I'm afraid you are thinking too much."

Nangong Songyue seemed to be hit by Ye Chen, smiled slightly, and did not speak any more. Although Baqiao did not speak, her eyes were worried.

Ye Chen looked at the white-clothed girl in front of him and smiled slightly.

Although there are still many mysteries on her body, she is her own now, and Ye Chen is not the savior. As long as things are beneficial to him, he will definitely not let go easily.

Ye Chen nodded gently towards Baqiao, this is even a greeting to come here.

Ba Qiao also nodded gently to Ye Chen, and slowly laughed.

Ye Chen looked at Ba Qiao's smile, suddenly froze there, then coughed slightly, concealing his embarrassment.

"Brother Ye Chen!"

Xiao Yan looked jealous and looked at Ye Chen in front of him.

Ye Chen smiled bitterly at Xiao Yan, and simply admitted his mistake.

"Okay, Yan'er, don't be angry, you see, I'm back, isn't it the best gift."

The reason why Ye Chen was like this was because Baqiao took off his armor after he came out of the town.

Just keep a casual dress that is easy to move around.

Ye Chen naturally put away that set of armor.

"How is it, did you find anything?"

Ye Chen didn't fight with a few people, haha, just now they wanted to discuss something, it must be an important thing, he suddenly came here, interrupted them, and now it's fine to continue.

Listening to Ye Chen's question, the three women only remembered at this time, and they just thought about what they were talking with.

"Since Ye Chen you want to know, let's talk about it again."

Ye Chen nodded gently and agreed with Nangong Songyue's words.

Looking at Ye Chen's appearance, Nangong Songyue took a deep breath, and slowly waited for me to look at Ye Chen in front of him.

"Just now when we came here, we suddenly lost our way. I think it was this tree spirit who made a ghost."

Ye Chen was puzzled instantly, how could this suddenly lose his sense of direction.

You must know that Xiao Yan has the best sense of direction here, and they are still walking in a straight line, how could they get lost.

Brother Ye Chen wanted to tell his judgment, so Xiao Yan interrupted him directly.

"Brother Ye Chen, see if you can see the way out now."

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words and nodded gently, without saying what he was thinking, slowly looking around.

The more Ye Chen looked, the more he felt something was wrong, why this looked the same.

Thinking of this Ye Chen widened his eyes in surprise.

"This! Why is the scenery the same in every direction!"

Xiao Yan nodded softly as he listened to Ye Chen's words.

"This is the crux of the problem. I don't know why, it suddenly changed. After we came in, we couldn't find a way out."

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Ye Chen nodded gently.

"Do you think of any solution now?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, the three women shook their heads, what good way can this be done now.

"Let's go, let's find the owner of this forest."

Ye Chen looked at the expressions of the three of them and thought for a moment, said slowly, and then took the lead and walked away.

Several people wondered why Ye Chen seemed to know the direction, but now there was no other way. Everyone followed Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, how come you seem to know the way here, you can go right."

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words behind him, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

The sharp-eyed Nangong Songyue had already seen the branch in Ye Chen's hand.

"Ye Chen, didn't it let us use this branch to find the way at that time? But why is this happening again? Can it find the tree spirit?"

Ye Chen nodded gently.

"Although it says this is something that took us out of here, if we go backwards, that's the route from the exit to it!"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Nangong Songyue and Xiao Yan were stunned.

Xiao Yan didn't know what it was, and Nangong Songyue was because she hadn't really thought that this thing could still be used in this way before.

Ye Chen sighed gently, without explaining anything to a few people, nodded gently, and continued to walk forward.

Baqiao and the others followed him.

"Actually, I will think about whether you want to let you go there, I am afraid that what will be waiting for us is a big battle.

Listening to Ye Chen's words, everyone fell silent, thinking about something.

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