Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1122: Death of the Treant

"Although our whereabouts are under its control, for us, its handle is actually with us."

Ye Chen shook his stick while talking.

Xiao Yan and Nangong Songyue also nodded gently.

Just now, they heard Ye Chen's explanation and naturally came over.

"Unexpectedly, that's the case. Brother Ye Chen, are you saying that as long as this stick is in our hands, the tree spirit dare not act rashly?"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Ye Chen shook his head slowly.

"Actually not, this is just a part of its branches and leaves, so if it wants to cut the link, no one can stop it, but once we control it."

"Before he cuts the link, I will definitely not make him feel better."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, everyone would smile.

They naturally knew what Ye Chen thought.

The ideas of several people directly coincided.

Everyone walked for a while, and finally came to this tree spirit.

"Well, you guys keep going down this small river until you reach the waterfall."

When everyone listened to Ye Chen's words, they all slowly looked over.

"Then Ye Chen, what do you do."

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Ye Chen smiled at her slightly.

"Don't worry, this is just a small problem, I can solve it in a while."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, everyone's eyes were worried.

"Okay, okay, you go quickly. It will take some time to walk from here to there. It is likely that it will be dark by then."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, everyone knew it was time to hurry, and didn't say anything.

Seeing everyone leaving behind, Ye Chen slowly turned around to look at the tree spirit in front of him.

"So why are you hiding from me."

Ye Chen didn't show any strange emotions, just watching the tree spirit quietly like this, the tree spirit also behaved very calmly, and had no intention of opposing Ye Chen at all.

"I, an outsider, I really didn't expect you to find this place so quickly."

Ye Chen snorted coldly as he listened to the tree spirit's words.

"There are so many things you don't know. Since you want to be our enemy, I can't keep you."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, the tree spirit still had no mood swings and looked at Ye Chen quietly.

"I won't let you pass by outsiders, so let's die your mind."

As soon as the tree spirits spoke, the trees rose directly from the ground, blocking Xiao Yan and the others, and the trees beside them turned into tree spirits, slowly pressing toward everyone.

"Ye Chen!"

Ye Chen watched this scene, frowned, and slowly looked at the tree spirit in front of him.

"This is your choice?"

The tree spirit did not answer, but looked at Ye Chen indifferently.

Ye Chen smiled slightly, he now knew the choice of the tree spirit.

The flame sword appeared in Ye Chen's hands instantly.

The situation this time is definitely a bit tricky, and now Ye Chen's star power is really hard to say, whether he can beat this guy.

"Brother Ye Chen!"

Listening to the shouts behind him, Ye Chen decided to capture the thief first and capture the king.

"Although you have given me a lot of information, you won't be able to keep you this time!"

Ye Chen exclaimed, and rushed over directly.

The flame sword in these woods is the kind that gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

Just cut a **** road from here.

"Well, what do you think you can hold me now?"

Ye Chen didn't take much effort at all, and he came to this tree spirit.

The tree spirit didn't say any more threatening words to Ye Chen either.

"Outsiders, kill me before you can leave here. This is an unchanging fate, so I will block you from here."

Ye Chen listened to what the tree spirit said and sighed softly. Although he didn't understand what the tree spirit was talking about, this thing seemed to be related to his own affairs.

Ye Chen listened patiently.

"There are not only portals below, but there are also higher things, and it will increase you by a huge amount."

The tree spirit was stunned for a moment, and said nothing.

"I have a key below me. Open the key to below."

"Since you have chosen this path, you must go to the end."

Ye Chen nodded softly when he heard what the tree spirit said, standing there not knowing what he was thinking.

"It looks like Ye Chen has a lot of business with you."

Those little tree spirits didn't mean to attack everyone at all, so Baqiao quickly came to Ye Chen's side and looked at the tree spirits in front of him with him.

"How about it, are you going to kill it?"

Listening to Baqiao's question, Ye Chen didn't speak, but the motion on his hand didn't decrease, and he just chopped it down.

The tree spirit didn't resist anything, and slowly turned into a cloud of ashes, and a breeze passed by, and the ashes slowly dissipated in the air with the breeze.

Ye Chen sighed softly, judging from the tree spirit's movements just now, it really didn't have any malicious intent on himself.

As the tree spirit disappeared, the roadblock that blocked the road also disappeared. As the roadblock disappeared, those small trees instantly lost their vitality and slowly turned into dead trees.

The surrounding areas that were originally lush and lush now became lifeless in an instant.

And the small river here is showing signs of drying up.

Ye Chen didn't look any more, and slowly picked up a silver key where the tree spirit was just now.

"Okay, let's go quickly."

Ye Chen said softly to Baqiao on the side, turned and left here directly.

Baqiao looked at the place where the tree spirit originally existed and sighed slightly, then turned and followed Ye Chen's pace.

She didn't know how long this tree spirit had existed, what it wanted to do, or what its mission was.

She only knows that this tree knows a lot, if you don't know anything, you can ask it.

"It seems that these things are all gone now!"

Baqiao sighed softly, followed behind Ye Chen, and Ye Chen walked slowly on the road without saying anything.

Everyone also understood what happened just now, and everyone sighed softly.

"Can't go on like this anymore! It's just one thing, can we do other things?! Give me a boost!"

As Ye Chen exclaimed, everyone was slowly looking at the young man in front of him. In fact, Ye Chen was not much different from their age, but everyone could see that Ye Chen must have experienced many things. It's beyond imagination.

"Let's go, we have more important things to do."

Ye Chen just said something softly, but everyone suddenly felt that their body was slowly gaining strength.

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