Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1132: Catch fish and kill trees

There is really no need to be entangled on this issue now, because if they leave here directly, then they will leave directly.

"Let's go, let's go and see how that place is."

Li Yuhang nodded gently and followed behind Ye Chen, and while walking his eyes, he traced Ye Chen, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What exactly is Ye Chen like?"

As Li Yuhang walked, he suddenly ran into Ye Chen's arms.

"what's happenin!"

Li Yuhang was shocked immediately, a back jump pulled away.

"I'm just measuring this distance, how do you react so much."

Hearing Ye Chen's shout, Li Yuhang coughed slightly and nodded gently.

"I just lost my mind and didn't notice it. Okay, don't say so much. Let's see how it is going now."

"The size is fine, but I don't know the width."

The place Li Yuhang brought him was a big rock. The strange thing was that the rock was very big and the top was very flat, as if it were made by man.

"Don't worry, this place can be covered a bit, otherwise I wouldn't recommend it."

Listening to Li Yuhang's words, Ye Chen nodded gently and looked at the women behind him.

Among them, Ye Chen's gaze stayed slightly on Ba Qiao's body, but then he moved his gaze away again.

"Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Ye Chen walked over slowly and asked Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan heard Ye Chen's words and smiled at him.

"Don't worry, Brother Ye Chen, I must be fine."

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Ye Chen nodded gently.

"Nothing is fine, but can you really, Yiyaner, don't you need to rest your body?"

Xiao Yan shook his head slowly.

"Since Brother Ye Chen is here, there won't be so many things, so I don't have to worry about so many things."

"Brother Ye Chen, is this our resting place?"

After talking with Ye Chen, Xiao Yan also saw the boulder and asked aloud.

Ye Chen nodded gently, now this place is where everyone lives tonight.

Ye Chen greeted the people behind him, and walked up directly, Xiao Yan also slowly followed Ye Chen.

"Big Brother Ye, I didn't expect there to be such a thing here. This stone is like an artificial one."

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Ye Chen nodded gently.

"I thought the same way before. I didn't expect him to have such flatness. I thought he was just an ordinary stone."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan smiled slightly.

"Then Brother Ye Chen, did you still take a look and made gestures, afraid that we won't be able to live enough."

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Ye Chen also froze for a moment, and looked at her quietly.

"How do you know this."

Xiao Yan listened to Ye Chen's words and smiled at him.

"Brother Ye Chen, how long have we been together, don't I understand you?"

Ye Chen coughed lightly and nodded slowly.

"Okay, I know, let's go, don't stay here anymore, there is nothing fun to keep cold."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, everyone went to the small tents in the middle of the boulder.

"You can arrange it yourself. Li Yuhang and I live in the same place."

Everyone heard Ye Chen's words, and there was no complaint, because the area of ​​this place is very small, so they can only live like this now.

Fortunately, there are not too many boys here, otherwise Ye Chen would have to add another tent there.

Although it's not a rare thing, it's troublesome to get a position.

After a while, a few people found his partner, Ye Chen looked at Baqiao's place emphatically, and looked at where the person who lived with her was.

"It looks like the matter here is over. Don't worry about it anymore."

After reconfirming the place of residence, several people sorted it out and came out to sort out their food.

"How about, do you have anything else to help."

Ye Chen strolled around this place and found that everyone's food was actually dry food.

"How can you do this!"

Ye Chen looked at these people and roared.

"We still have a lot to eat now, so we don't need to save it at all. When we are done, we will come with me and I will take you there."

Everyone listened to Ye Chen's words, although they were very puzzled, they still slowly followed. Ye Chen walked along and caught the fish before taking out the ring.

After taking it out, this fish has quite a few tents.

"Okay, okay! Brother Ye Chen, that's enough!"

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words, nodded gently, and took back all the fish that were about to fall out.

"Well, do you still want to come."

After hearing what Ye Chen said, everyone slowly shook their heads.

"Okay, we are all enough. Let's live and cook now."

Most of the people here know how to cook, so it's not a problem to make a fish soup or something.

"What's the matter? What are you doing looking at me like this."

Li Yuhang looked at Ye Chen here in surprise, and just now he saw that this fish was actually the fish that the guy had brought in.

"Unexpectedly, you could get that dryad fish. Your methods are really powerful. Ye Chen was taken aback when he heard Li Yuhang's words, but then he reacted again.

"You shouldn't mean that I'm not good at this."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Li Yuhang was also taken aback.

"How do you say this, what do you mean by no means! I am complimenting you."

"I've only eaten one before. The taste is really nothing to say. Tell me how you made the fish, and I will get it too."

Ye Chen looked at Li Yuhang with a strange expression and sighed softly.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this suddenly? Is there anything weird?"

Ye Chen didn't conceal it and nodded gently.

"This is really strange, I just caught the fish in that place."


Li Yuhang was even more shocked, knowing that this fish is very difficult to catch, but Ye Chen not only caught it, but also caught so many fish.

"This fish can't be caught by just catching it."

"Actually, it was not caught casually."


Li Yuhang looked at Ye Chen even more puzzled this time.

"The tree spirit is dead. There is no water in the creek, so I caught the fish."


This time Li Yuhang was even more surprised.

"Ye Chen, it's not that I said you, you don't have to do this in order to eat fish."

Ye Chen smiled bitterly at Li Yuhang.

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