The men on the side said angrily to Xiaoyan.

But the prince on the stage shook his hand casually.

"Hehehe, it's okay, kid..."

Such a gentle expression fell in the eyes of others, and everyone shouted that the prince was broad-minded.

But Xiao Yan was angry.

When he severely injured himself during the day, he was not so merciful.

I saw the latter shaking the glass in his hand.

He smiled again and said, "Xiao Yan, do you have to figure out what you are talking about? When did I take your second cow?"

The warning in the words is full of meaning.

But at this moment, Xiao Yan did not hesitate at all.

Pointing at the eldest prince in front of him, he was aggressive.

"You want to be shameless!"


The voice fell, and everyone on the scene was already in an uproar.

The dignitaries of Yanzhou on the side were shocked.

Who would have thought that in the rest of his life he could see a child pointing to the eldest prince’s nose and reprimanding him.

"Xiao Yan! Don't mess around!"

The latter was questioned in this way, and his gentle smile instantly stiffened.

"Come on... Take it!"


The soldiers in the distance took up the weapons in their hands and came towards Xiaoyan.

At this time.

After a sip of wine, Ye Chen, who was sitting at the table drinking, slowly stood up.

Seeing this, the eldest prince frowned slightly.

"Senior Ye, I respect you as a guest. Please be clear that this is my Yanzhou business and has nothing to do with you."

The latter looked dull and said angrily.

After hearing the sound, Ye Chen's mouth still wore a cold chuckle.

"Hehehe, superb-sounding, what if I have to care?"

The prince is not to be outdone.

"If so, it would be an enemy of Yanzhou!"

The originally friendly scene suddenly became tense.

Without doing anything, two killing intents have spread.

"Senior Ye! You are not from my Yanzhou, so don't interfere with my Yanzhou affairs."

"You have already got the inheritance of Suzaku-sama, so let's go back wherever you come from!"

"We Yanzhou, you are not welcome!"

The noisy scene was extremely noisy because of everyone's words.

In the dispute, those soldiers have already begun to take action.

But just when they were about to approach Xiao Yan.

Suddenly, a strong wind spread and blows everyone else directly.

At the same time, the soldiers who stepped forward were burning with strange golden red flames.

Once the flame burned away.

Will never stop.

Haven't waited for everyone to scream.

Has been completely burned by these flames.

More than that, the ground turned into a misty **** land, and the flames could not be extinguished...

"This... immortal, this flame... is the fire of Suzaku?"

"Ye Chen! Ye Chen really got the inheritance of Lord Suzaku?"

Everyone looked at Ye Chen in surprise.

And Ye Chen, who stood up, was already preparing to go toward the prince.

"Either, let them go... or..."


The words of death blurted out, like waves of magic sound echoing in the banquet.

Facing the imposing Ye Chen, the eyes of everyone at the scene have changed.


The eldest prince was already out of breath by this momentum,

But for the sake of face, how could it be possible for him to compromise.

"Give it to me!"


After an order was given, thousands of soldiers held long swords in their hands and began to flash back across the horizon.

Then rushed towards Ye Chen.


The cold sound fell, Ye Chen waved his hand. Flames rose to the sky.

The soldiers who rushed were swallowed in an instant.

More than that, the flame of Suzaku was immortal, and it soon spread to the guests.

When the flame is weird, as long as you get a little bit on it, no matter what cultivation level you are, you will be instantly swallowed by the flame.

"Ye Chen!"

"How dare you hurt everyone in Yanzhou!"

"Everyone? What's your home?"

"To tell you the truth! Today I came to step on people!"

"If you don't want to die, leave early, otherwise, you have to bury the prince!"

Ye Chen looked at everyone in front of him angrily.

Although one enemy is one thousand, but there is no color of fear.

"Reverse! Reverse!"

"Hurry up and invite General Yanmang!"


Only after the grand prince gave an order.

A big man has fallen heavily in front of everyone.

After the man arrived, the members of Yanzhou all seemed to have taken reassurance.

As the patron saint of the Yanzhou imperial family, Yan Mang will only appear in times of imperial crisis.

"General Yanmang! Take him! Take down this thief! He tried to invade my Yanzhou royal family!"

The prince didn't say anything, a huge hat was buckled on the latter's head.

Hearing this, the latter's eyes narrowed slightly.

Then he cast his gaze on the leaf dust that was full of flames.

"Suzaku Fire?"

"Are you Ye Chen?"

Ye Chen didn't speak, but looked up and down the big man in front of him.

The pinnacle in the seventh rank.

Fairly capable.

It seems that Yanzhou has more than one fire tooth.

This hidden master also has some means.

But if it's just that...


Two groups of flames opened in Ye Chen's hands instantly.

Its attitude has made it clear

"The one who hurts me takes away the poor."

"Still buckling hats here."

"Today, Yan Xiao won't kneel down to apologize to Xiao Yan, I must demolish your palace!"

After stepping out again.

An air wave has blown the guests beside him several meters away.

The latter heard the sound and turned his eyes to the big prince behind him.

"what happened?"

Yanmang was the patron saint of Yanzhou royal family.

His seniority is much higher than Yan Xiao.

The qualifications are too.

Perhaps in this world, apart from his father, only the Yan Python in front of him can question Yan Xiao.

"This... General Yan Python."

"Huo Qiongqi cub is important to my Yanzhou, you must know it in your heart?"

"I did it all for Yanzhou..."

"Huo Qiongqi? The ancient wild beast?"

When the latter heard the sound, his brows moved slightly.

After a moment of contemplation, his eyes turned to Ye Chen.

"The Yanzhou imperial family would like to donate millions of spirit stones and thousands of demon cores, for which the son was conferred the official title!

"The party who cedes the land, are you satisfied with this condition?"

"Which cedes the land?"

After the voice fell, there was already noisy sound.

With such generous conditions, no matter it is, everyone will be jealous.

"Xiao Yan! There are a lot of such conditions! Just accept it when you see it!"

"Yeah! Xiaoyan! You are from my Yanzhou, you know what you should face?"

"Don't make trouble with the prince again!"

The hustle and bustle on the side has sounded.

Hearing the sound, Xiao Yan looked up at Ye Chen.

After the two smiled knowingly.

Said righteously.



Xiao Yan's voice fell.

The face of the general Yan python also changed slightly.

Such high-ranking officials are so generous, so they don't even go down the steps.

This kid takes himself too seriously, right?

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