“Guinevere, long time no see, came to give you a gift.”

Arthur was now in his inherent enchantment, but not the plain where he summoned his knights, but by a clear lake, in front of him was a green-haired woman.

Arthur’s hand was a bouquet of blue roses, which he gave to the woman in front of him with a smile.

“Arthur, you haven’t been here for a long time, why, what do you want me to do for you this time?”

The woman took Arthur’s flower with a smile, and then looked at Arthur with a playful look.

“Hey, Guinevere said as if I came to you every time something happened, can’t I just come to see you?”

“Yes, yes, you didn’t come to me that time, okay, let’s say, what’s the matter, as your fiancée I will definitely help you.”

The woman named Guinevere did not care about Arthur’s words, she walked directly on the lake, and after a while came to Arthur, she wrapped her hands around Arthur’s neck, and kissed him.

“Okay, okay, there is indeed something, because I am going to hold a wine banquet, so I want some wine from the goddess of your lake.”

Arthur also reluctantly said his purpose under the gaze of Guinevere, but he did not react much to Guinevere’s hug, but subconsciously hugged her.

Suddenly, Arthur felt a hint of coolness… A dagger suddenly appeared in an indescribable part of Arthur’s lower body. bit, and the owner holding this dagger is none other than Guinevere in Arthur’s arms….

“My dear fiancé, can you explain what happened to the feminine fragrance on your body and the kiss marks on your face??!!

Guinevere with a fascination. The human smile asked Arthur in a sweet and soft voice, and hearing Guinevere’s voice, Arthur’s forehead involuntarily dripped a few drops of cold sweat.

“That, my dear, can you put the dagger down first.”

“Sorry dear, can’t! You just say it ~~~ Don’t worry, my hands will not shake under normal circumstances~~”

“Uh—— what, calm !!!!”

————- Divider———— Lady Shining Exclusive Edition ———-

“Is this the best clothing store in this bazaar? It is indeed very much in line with the taste of Ben King. ”

Looking at the resplendent clothing store in front of her, Gilgamesh nodded with satisfaction, her only criterion for buying things is the most expensive, as long as it is expensive enough and luxurious, then she likes it.

Gilgamesh did not hesitate in the slightest, and with a few powerful steps, he walked to this clothing store.

“Welcome, do you need any help?”

“Bring King Ben the most expensive and gorgeous dress in your shop!”

“Ah, yes!”

Gilgamesh’s tone is still so arrogant, the kind of courage that sees the world as ants shocked the shopping guide in an instant, fortunately, Gilgamesh did not mobilize her momentum, so the waiter quickly came to her senses, she immediately took out the treasure of their store, and also brought the store manager over.

The store manager was also surprised to see Gilgamesh, he had been running this shop in this place for a while, and the rich women he had seen during this period had also used thousands, but he had never seen such a majestic woman, although her clothes were not descript, but wearing this woman’s body all looked luxurious and noble, and the store manager could be sure that this woman was the most peculiar and noble woman he had ever seen.

“Guest, this is the outfit you want.”

This time it was not the little shopping guide who received Gilgamesh, but the store manager personally received, which was the decision made directly by the store manager after seeing Gilgamesh, and he also decided to treat this woman well even if he did not buy this dress, because he felt her extraordinary.

Gilgamesh didn’t care about the store manager, she just looked at the luxurious dress in front of her.

This dress is dress-style, after all, conservative kind, it is gold overall, as if it is made of gold, and it is also printed with a little red pattern, so that this dress will not look too vulgar, and these patterns also play a good role in embellishment, so that this already gorgeous and abnormal dress adds a touch of majesty.

In general, the dress was very much in line with Gilgamesh’s taste, as if it were designed for her.

“How much is this dress, King Ben bought it!!”

It was the first time Gilgamesh had been so interested in a dress, she didn’t know why, but she did like it, to the point of snatching it outright.

“800 million yen!”

The store manager quoted the price of the dress in a high tone, he hoped to see a surprised expression on the face of the woman in front of him, but he was disappointed, this woman was still proud and majestic, although her face was satisfied with this dress, but she was not frightened by the huge money figure.

“You support gold payments!”

Although the sentence is in the form of an interrogative sentence, it naturally becomes an affirmative sentence in Gilgamesh’s mouth, and there is no room for rebuttal.

“This… Naturally. ”

“Okay, then I bought this dress. Give follow-up. ”

Gilgamesh was also cheerful, she opened her king’s treasure a little bit out of sight of everyone, and took out a suitcase, which was full of boxes of gold, worth absolutely 800 million yen, and there must be more, but Gilgamesh did not care, these extra were just a reward, and this small box of gold was just a drop of water in the ocean for Gilgamesh’s treasure.

Then Gilgamesh didn’t care about the stunned clerks, just picked up the clothes and wanted to go outside, and just out of the shop Gilgamesh activated the spiritualization again, and now she was heading towards a destination, and there were people she was most interested in.

“Hahaha, Arthur, King Ben must conquer you, you are destined to be the princess of King Ben!!!”

Once again, ——————– divides the line —— Arthur’s version of ————

“Well, Arthur, how can you say that you have unclear relationships with several women besides me?!!

Guinevere’s dagger is one step closer to Arthur’s indescribable place, you must know that Arthur’s Avalon is still there, and Arthur Yanye does not know where to run, causing Avalon to be too far away from Arthur to recruit back, simply put, Arthur he is now very dangerous.

But even if Avalon is not on him, Arthur is not prepared to sit still, after all, direct life, no, it should be said that something more important than life cannot be threatened.

So, Arthur decided to resist!!!!

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