Before the words fell, a whirlwind roared.

The wind is hot and dry, as if it is going to burn everything. This is not the wind that appears in the city—it simply comes from the desert and roars in the ears.

Feeling sand in his mouth, Webb quickly spat out. This is indeed sand. What was brought by the strange wind was really hot sand that could not have appeared.

“I didn’t expect you to hide a hand, Iskander, this is your hole card, right? Is it really good to expose us directly like this? ”

“Hahaha, isn’t that what these Assassins are for! Since the people behind them want to see, let them see the spirit of this king!! ”

As Iskandar laughed, his army appeared, mirage-like images on the blazing desert. One, two, four, the images gradually increased, and it looked like an army. The color also gradually became richer.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, physical warriors appeared around Iskandar one after another. Although they have different races and equipment, looking at their strong bodies and strict arrays, they all show the strength of the army.

“How, how so…”

Webb and Alice Phil exclaimed… This is a phenomenon that only people who know magic can understand.

“Actually—inherent enchantment?!”

“How could it be… I can actually visualize the scene in my heart… You’re obviously not a magician!? ”

“Of course not, how can I get it alone. I’m not a king of magic like Arthur. ”

Standing in the wide enchantment, Iskandar smiled proudly and denied it.

“This is the land that my army once crossed. The warriors who shared my hardships were firmly imprinted with this scenery in their hearts. ”

“The world can be reborn because it is imprinted on each of us.”

Under the proud voice of Iskandar, his army has completely appeared in front of everyone, and Parmanuel, Philotas, Hephaestion, Antigonus and other generals who followed him have also descended here as heroic spirits, even after death, they will also fight to the end for their king!!

His brave and combative “dragoon” warriors reappeared on the battlefield after hundreds of years of dust to fight for their king. And their enemy is the vulnerable Assassins in front of them, lost in the face of Iskander’s unparalleled army, shivering in front of them.

“Look, my unparalleled army!”

Full of pride and pride, the conqueror stood in front of the cavalry queue and shouted with his arms raised.

“Even if the flesh is destroyed, their spirits are still summoned, and they are the warriors of my faithfulness in legend. Travel through time to respond to my calling of eternal friends.

They are my greatest treasure! It’s my way of king! Iskan is the strongest treasure tool – ‘King’s Army’!! ”

EX-level anti-military treasure, continuous summoning of independent servant.

There are military gods, there are Maharaja kings, and there are the founders of successive dynasties. Gathered in front of you are unique heroic spirits that have only been heard of in legends.

All of them had great prestige – they were warriors who fought alongside the great Iskander. Whether it was his generals or others, as long as the people who fought with Iskandar were impressed by him, so, at this time! Now! They are willing to be driven by the great Iskandar and willing to destroy the enemy for him!!

A horse without a rider galloped towards Rider. It was a lean and huge steed. If it is a human being, its majesty will certainly not be inferior to other heroic spirits.

“Long time no see, partner.”

Iskandar smiled childlike and hugged the horse’s neck. Obviously, “she” is the famous horse who later became known as the legendary horse Besai Fallus. Following the conqueror king, even the horse became a heroic spirit.

Everyone could not make any other sound except exclamation. Even Gilgamesh, who also possessed EX-level super treasures, no longer laughed after seeing such a radiant army.

Bet on the dream of the king and gallop with the king on the battlefield.

With loyalty that did not end until death, the conqueror king turned this into a broken treasure.

Of all the people present, there is perhaps only one person who can match Iskandar in this respect.

That was Arthur, and his Knights of the Round Table, like the warriors of Iskander, transcended the limitations of time and space, turned into Arthur’s inherent enchantment, and once again fought with their king, King Arthur.

“Iskander, you are indeed a real king, I can’t wait to fight you.”

“Hahaha, Arthur, I’m also looking forward to the collision with your Knights of the Round Table, so let me solve these scumbags and have a hearty war later!!!”

“Then, I wish you a triumphant return! Come and toast you! ”

Iskandar casually took the wine jug thrown by Arthur, and Arthur took Nero’s in his hand and drank it with Iskander.

“Nero, Gilgamesh and Artoria!!! I ask you one last question!! King!! Is it lonely!!! ”

After drinking the wine from the jug, with a little drunkenness, Iskandar asked the three of them the last question of the banquet in a loud voice.

“The king… Nature is lonely”

Only Artoria answered Iskander, and Iskandar was very dissatisfied with her answer.

“Sure enough, Artoria, sure enough, you are more suitable to be a knight.” Iskandar now understood that Artoria’s choice was indeed correct, that she was not fit to be a king, that she was just a noble saint, just a valiant knight, that she was not a true king.

“The king—who lives more authentically than anyone else—must be admired by all!”

Iskandar, straddling Bethephales’ back, shouted. The spirits responded with the knocking of their shields and shouted in unison.

“He who gathers the faith of all the brave and sets out the expedition as a target is the king. So-”

“Wang is not alone. For his willingness is the desire of all subjects! ”

“Exactly! Precisely! Precisely! ”

The roaring shouts of the heroic spirits flew through the sky. No matter what kind of enemies or barriers, as long as they are in front of the conqueror king and his friends, it is not a threat. That high fighting spirit can cross the earth and cut off the ocean.

Therefore, the Assassins are just like clouds in front of them.

“Okay, let’s go Assassin.”

Iskander’s smiling eyes were full of hideousness and cruelty. Face those who ignore the king’s words and reject the wine given by the king. He didn’t want to show any more mercy.

“As you can see, the battlefield on which I manifest itself is the plain. I’m sorry, but if I want to win more, I still have the advantage. ”

At this moment, the Assassins have forgotten the Holy Grail, the mission of victory and the spell. They have lost themselves.

Someone escaped. There were also people who shouted in self-defeat, and some people stood in place – the skeleton masks who were in a mess were really just a bunch of rabble.


The conqueror ordered without hesitation. And then – “AAAALaLaLaLaLaie!!” ”

Responding to him was a loud roar. The invincible army that once swept across Asia has once again shaken the battlefield.

This can no longer be regarded as a fight, it is more appropriate to say that sweep 0 is more appropriate.

Even if you grind mustard grains with a millstone, the reaction is still a little bigger than it is now.

Wherever the “King’s Army” went, there was no trace of Assassin, leaving only a slight amount of blood and dusty dust in the air….

And those Assassins have disappeared from this battlefield.

“Arthur!!! Come to war!!!!!! ”

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