“There are indeed some problems with this Holy Grail War, and I came to solve this problem.”

“What problem?”

Alice Phil asked with some curiosity.

“Well, it’s about your family.”

“Our family?”

“I’ll just explain it here… In the last Holy Grail War…”

———————- dividing line———– Dilumu multi-edition ———–

King Cormac of Ireland. Mark. Art’s daughter, Grania, will be engaged tonight. The other party is Finn, son of Kuar. Markle. He is a great hero with supreme wisdom who controls the waters of healing. Only he is worthy to lead the unparalleled Knights of Fiona. His heroic name is even comparable to that of a king. It was a wonderful marriage.

The old hero Finn is beside his son Ossian the poet and his grandson the hero Oscar. and the brave warriors of the Fiona Order.

Each of them was a valiant knight, and they adored Finn and swore their supreme loyalty to him. Great heroes look up to the king and are loyal to him with their swords, guns, and lives. This is the honor of the knights, whose glorious vocation is praised by the bard.

Envisioning this path.

Implement this belief.

Even if he dies on that sacred battlefield one day, he will never waver.

—such a thought, until he met her on that night of the feast of fate.

“In exchange for my love for your sacred vows, dear ones, please stop this absurd marriage. Take me away… Go to the end of the sky, the other side of the world! ”

The girl who was talking to him with teary eyes lit the flame of his love with her eyes.

It was the purgatory fire that would burn out his body… The hero had already understood it at that time.

But he couldn’t resist.

The vows as heavy as trials, and the path of loyalty that has been pursued to this day… Which is the right path. No matter how many times you ask yourself, you can’t find the answer.

Therefore, what made him make a decision immediately must not be the so-called honor.

The hero took the princess’s hand and gave up a bright future together.

That’s it. A tragic love story that inherits Celtic mythology is staged.

The director woke up from a deep sleep, and he recalled the dream he had just had, which was so real that it was as if he had seen the whole story with his own eyes.

And the director also knows that the master, who signed the contract with Servant, can sometimes peek into the memories of the heroic spirit in the form of dreams.

For the director, he naturally knew the deeds of the heroic spirit he summoned, but he did not expect to be able to feel that scene so realistically… The dream just now is indeed a scene from “The Story of Dilumudo and Grania”.

But…… What he cares about now is not the dream he just had, but the environment he is in….

He was in an open space where silence was extreme. The cold air of winter nights is filled with dust.

There were only cold mechanical devices around, there was no figure, and I had never been here.

No, he can’t say that he hasn’t been here at all, he knows that this is there, this is his hiding place after the destruction of the Togi Hotel, but what he doesn’t understand is… Why was his waist and chest fastened to the humble bed by a belt?

His body was immobilized, but his limbs were not restrained in the slightest, yet he felt nothing, as if it were not his hands and feet, and he was completely unable to manipulate them with his own consciousness.

“-Looks like you’re awake.”

From out of view sounded his fiancée’s voice. It seems that the culprit who trapped him here has finally appeared.

“Sora?! What the hell is this… Me, why am I here? ”

“Lancer rescued you from desperation and brought you here. How, don’t remember? ”


The director of what Sora said naturally remembered, this is also a shame in his life, he was actually attacked in his magic workshop, and he didn’t even know the appearance of the attacker, because the attacker actually blew up the entire building, but he knew who this person was!! Fortunately, in the end, he did protect himself and Sora with the Moon Spirit Essence Liquid, but why did he lie here, but Sora did not have the slightest injury?

“Your magic power stormed away, you may not know, after the hotel collapsed, the magician killer did not leave, after your moon spirit essence was withdrawn, you were shot by him with a black gun, and it was this shot that made the magic in your body storm away.”

Sora’s voice was very calm, as if he was expounding on a small matter that he didn’t care about.

Sora placed his fingertips on Kenes’ wrist like a doctor, but he didn’t feel touched at all.

“The magic circuits of the whole body show signs of violent runaway, the internal organs are almost broken, and even the muscles and nerves are damaged to varying degrees. It’s a miracle that you didn’t die on the spot. ”


“In short, I only have time to regenerate your organs, and the nerves are powerless. Even if you gradually recover later, it will be difficult to get up and walk. And—”

Listening to her bland words, Kenais felt despair approaching him.

Self-injury caused by magic runaway. This is a desperate situation that accompanies every magician at all times.

Although the director always thought that he would not make such a low-level mistake, he knew what it meant.

“And—Kenes, your magic circuit is also over, and you can no longer use magic.”

“I… I…”

This was once known as “Prodigy” Rhodes. The man of Elumeroi shed tears.

He didn’t understand how he could encounter such a thing, and it was clear that the whole world was blessing him. (Want to know why?) Of course it’s simple, because you’re the master of the gunmen!!! He was a genius, originally destined for his infinite future and glory. Everything he had believed in was ruthlessly destroyed, and it collapsed before him with the sound of shattering. Faced with this inexorable truth and incomprehensible status quo, he could only cry timidly. The current director is like a toddler who has just experienced what horror is.

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