“Abominable! Damn it! Damn it!! Why am I, why can’t I win! Obviously they all worked so hard, and they finally became partners of the same family with Mr. Arthur! I don’t want to end up here! ”

Although the battle between Bell and Milotos continues, but the surrounding onlookers have seen the end, Bell’s power is completely unable to cause fatal damage to Milotos, although the short sword in Bell’s hand can indeed magically cause damage to that Milotos, but it is only that, Bell’s most fatal weakness now, there is no powerful killing means, simply put, there is no killer weapon!

For adventurers, if you want to level up, you need great deeds, and if you want great deeds, you have to challenge monsters that are stronger than yourself, and monsters that are stronger than yourself represent high risks.

So there are many, many LV.1s that have been in Eulari for years or even decades. And those who level up have more or less their own abilities, and adventurers need to use the dual assistance of strength and wisdom to upgrade the possibility.

However, Bell is clearly missing a little now, her tactics are very effective, effective enough that an LV1 adventurer like her can fight Milotus to the death for so long, it is a pity that she lacks a little strength…

“If only there were magic! If only there was magic!! ”

Now Bell’s heart is full of emotions called disappointment, and her 01 heart is now full of fantasies about magic, and she thinks, if only there were magic! Then everything will be different!

“Bell wants magic?”

“Who are you?”

“Dead girl! I don’t even remember my voice!! ”

“…… Grandfather!!! Aren’t you dead!! ”

“Ahem, let’s not talk about that! Bell, I ask you, do you want magic? ”

“Think! Grandfather! You must have a way! I want magic! Want to get stronger! ”

“Then, let me give you a magic book, you will be enchanted after reading it here!” Don’t worry, this is your consciousness world, I can’t stop time, but it’s still okay to slow down the speed of your consciousness, you practice magic here and get familiar with it before going out! ”

As this voice disappeared, an unassuming book appeared in front of Bell. Looking at the book, Bell had his own trembling hand and nervously opened the cover of the untitled book.

Autobiography・Magic Mirror Magic Mirror, the most beautiful magical girl in the world is me! ~Fanwai Goal is the Master of Magic chapter~

What to do, only the first line wafted the smell of mines. Looking at the title of this book full of slots, Miss Bell’s whole person is about to explode, but think about the character of the old man in her family, it seems… It seems to be normal!

Modern magic that even goblins understand! One of them

Actually, goblins are magical, right? It’s like in a heroic novel!

Look at my fireball!! — Goblin Wizard.

Although Bell wanted to give up continuing to read a book that seemed very unreliable, but when he thought that he was still fighting with Milotus and forced himself to endure his emotions, Bell continued to read.

Although the beginning is very that, the content seems to be normal.

As the title of the chapter indicates, this appears to be a book about magic.

Oooh! That old man was rarely serious for a while!

Magic can be broadly divided into two categories: innate and acquired. Needless to say, innate classes refer to magic related to the qualifications of the object or the foundation of the race. Since ancient times, Magicusers, with their potential talents combined with practice and rituals, can expect to acquire magic early, although their attributes have a fixed tendency, but most of them have relatively powerful and large-scale effects.

The text was codified in the lingua franca, and Bell, although he had not been to school, could barely read it under her grandfather’s previous teaching.

But what is this tiny text that fills every line…?

Classical Chinese…… No, this is the equation?


The acquired category is the possibility of germinating through the medium of “God’s favor”, and it is also self-actualization. It has no rules, some are infinite differences. It is greatly affected by [XP].

It is neither a sacred script nor a language of any subhuman.

There is no common shape, complex and strange groups of marks.

I was pulled into the stylistic … In the sea of words.


Magic is interest. This is particularly important for acquired (latter) elements. Taking an interest in something, identifying with something, hatred, longing, lamentation, adoration, vows, longing. The Son is always in himself. Under the “favor of God,” one’s heart is clear.

A [painting] appeared.

Face. There are eyes. Has a nose. There is a mouth. Face.

A face woven in all-black handwriting with closed eyelids.


Ask if you ask. There is a solution. Desires will be seen. The mirror of ugliness that brooks hypocrisy is here.

Wrong. It’s [My Face]. My three-dimensional face is empty above my forehead.

Wrong. It is [Kamen]. My other face. What I don’t know, another true heart (me).


So, let’s get started.

The eyelids opened. I can be heard.

Crimson eyes, strung together with words, saw through me. Spit out words with thin lips formed by short texts.


What is magic for me?

I don’t know.

However, it seems to be a very powerful thing.

A special move to defeat monsters. The secret technique that heroes flexibly use to bring the dead back to life.

Strong, intense, cruel and ruthless, overwhelming.

Eager to use it once to see, pure longing.


What is magic for me?


Great power.

A killer tool that allows me to kill Milotos now!

Even the weak self defeats the huge weapon together.

A great weapon for the weak self to rise up against the enemy.

It is not a reliable shield to protect others, nor is it a noble mana to heal pain.

It is the power of heroes to break down barriers and open up paths.


What kind of thing is magic to me?


It’s fire.

Magic is fire. The first thing that comes to mind is fire.

Strong, fierce, hot. And Mr. Arthur also said that what he is best at is fire magic!

Burning the steppe, rolling up the smoke, scorching the earth, swallowing everything like a tidal wave, the water vapor swaying, and the weak me is not at all, the red flame.

Warmer than anything and will never go out … An unquenchable fire.

I think, being a flame, can destroy everything, can protect everything, I want to be incomparably powerful!

What do you want from magic?

Become stronger, to that person’s side.

Speed up and get to that person’s side.

Like the light that flashed between the clouds.

Like the thunder that shuttles through the sky.

More than anyone, than anyone, than anyone.

Faster than anyone.

Go to that person’s side.

As his follower, follow Mr. Arthur!

That’s it?

If it can be achieved. If it can be achieved. If it can be achieved.

I want to be a hero.

I want to be a hero who I have dreamed of since then and still dreams like a fool.

Like them who appeared in fairy tales, they want to become heroes who are appreciated and recognized by everyone. Even pathetic delusions, ugly vanity, miserable unworthy wishes.

I still want to be a hero who can be appreciated by that person.

I want to be a hero like Mr. Arthur!

I want to be Mr. Arthur’s hero!

How naïve.

…… I’m sorry.

But that’s me (you).

I smiled at the end of the book.

Then I lost consciousness.


“Arthur! Is it really not acting” You know, now Bell is about to lose! ”

“Artoria, maybe you are right, but, at this moment, I hope that I myself choose to believe in the possibility of Bell.”

“There is no hero who has not experienced the test of life and death, and in the face of life and death, miracles are more likely to happen.”

“It’s like Bell now!”

“Flame Thunder !!!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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